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the butt and laughing…stock of everyone; and still bearing up the
whole world upon his weary shoulders。 He had set it all out in a
fair parable; so now as he rode he repeated some of the verses;
chanting them and marking time with his forefinger; while Nigel
and Aylward on either side of him with their heads inclined inward
listened with the same attention; but with very different feelings
… Nigel shocked at such an attack upon authority; and Aylward
chuckling as he heard the sentiments of his class so shrewdly
expressed。 At last the stranger halted his horse outside the
〃Five Angels〃 at Gatton。
〃It is a good inn; and I know the ale of old;〃 said he。 〃When I
had finished that ‘Dream of Piers the Plowman from which I have
recited to you; the last verses were thus:
〃‘Now have I brought my little booke to an ende
God's blessing be on him who a drinke will me sende' …
I pray you come in with me and share it。〃
〃Nay;〃 said Nigel; 〃we must on our way; for we have far to go。
But give me your name; my friend; for indeed we have passed a
merry hour listening to your words。〃
〃Have a care!〃 the stranger answered; shaking his head。 〃You and
your class will not spend a merry hour when these words are turned
into deeds and Peter the Plowman grows weary of swinking in the
fields and takes up his bow and his staff in order to set this
land in order。〃
〃By Saint Paul! I expect that we shall bring Peter to reason and
also those who have put such evil thoughts into his head;〃 said
Nigel。 〃So once more I ask your name; that I may know it if ever
I chance to hear that you have been hanged?〃
The stranger laughed good…humoredly。 〃You can call me Thomas
Lackland;〃 said he。 〃I should be Thomas Lack…brain if I were
indeed to give my true name; since a good many robbers; some in
black gowns and some in steel; would be glad to help me upwards in
the way you speak of。 So good…day to you; Squire; and to you
also; archer; and may you find your way back with whole bones from
the wars!〃
That night the comrades slept in Godstone Priory; and early next
morning they were well upon their road down the Pilgrim's Way。 At
Titsey it was said that a band of villeins were out in Westerham
Wood and had murdered three men the day before; so that Nigel had
high hopes of an encounter; but the brigands showed no sign;
though the travelers went out of their way to ride their horses
along the edges of the forest。 Farther on they found traces of
their work; for the path ran along the hillside at the base of a
chalk quarry; and there in the cutting a man was lying dead。 From
his twisted limbs and shattered frame it was easy to see that he
had been thrown over from above; while his pockets turned outward
showed the reason for his murder。 The comrades rode past without
too close a survey; for dead men were no very uncommon objects on
the King's highway; and if sheriff or bailiff should chance upon
you near the body you might find yourself caught in the meshes of
the law。
Near Sevenoaks their road turned out of the old Canterbury way and
pointed south toward the coast; leaving the chalk lands and coming
down into the clay of the Weald。 It was a wretched; rutted
mule…track running through thick forests with occasional clearings
in which lay the small Kentish villages; where rude shock…headed
peasants with smocks and galligaskins stared with bold; greedy
eyes at the travelers。 Once on the right they caught a distant
view of the Towers of Penshurst; and once they heard the deep
tolling of the bells of Bayham Abbey; but for the rest of their
day's journey savage peasants and squalid cottages were all that
met their eyes; with endless droves of pigs who fed upon the
litter of acorns。 The throng of travelers who crowded the old
road were all gone; and only here and there did they meet or
overtake some occasional merchant or messenger bound for Battle
Abbey; Pevensey Castle or the towns of the south。
That night they slept in a sordid inn; overrun with rats and with
fleas; one mile south of the hamlet of Mayfield。 Aylward
scratched vigorously and cursed with fervor。 Nigel lay without
movement or sound。 To the man who had learned the old rule of
chivalry there were no small ills in life。 It was beneath the
dignity of his soul to stoop to observe them。 Cold and heat;
hunger and thirst; such things did not exist for the gentleman。
The armor of his soul was so complete that it was proof not only
against the great ills of life but even against the small ones; so
the flea…bitten Nigel lay grimly still while Aylward writhed upon
his couch。
They were now but a short distance from their destination; but
they had hardly started on their journey through the forest next
morning; when an adventure befell them which filled Nigel with the
wildest hopes。
Along the narrow winding path between the great oak trees there
rode a dark sallow man in a scarlet tabard who blew so loudly upon
a silver trumpet that they heard the clanging call long before
they set eyes on him。 Slowly he advanced; pulling up every fifty
paces to make the forest ring with another warlike blast。 The
comrades rode forward to meet him。
〃I pray you;〃 said Nigel; 〃to tell me who you are and why you blow
upon this trumpet。〃
The fellow shook his head; so Nigel repeated the question in
French; the common language of chivalry; spoken at that age by
every gentleman in Western Europe。
The man put his lips to the trumpet and blew another long note
before he answered。 〃I am Gaston de Castrier;〃 said he; 〃the
humble Squire of the most worthy and valiant knight Raoul de
Tubiers; de Pestels; de Grimsard; de Mersac; de Leoy; de Bastanac;
who also writes himself Lord of Pons。 It is his order that I ride
always a mile in front of him to prepare all to receive him; and
he desires me to blow upon a trumpet not out of vainglory; but out
of greatness of spirit; so that none may be ignorant of his coming
should they desire to encounter him。〃
Nigel sprang from his horse with a cry of joy; and began to
unbutton his doublet。 〃Quick; Aylward; quick!〃 he said。 〃He
comes; a knight errant comes! Was there ever such a chance of
worshipfully winning worship? Untruss the harness whilst I loose
my clothes! Good sir; I beg you to warn your noble and valiant
master that a poor Squire of England would implore him to take
notice of him and to do some small deed upon him as he passes。〃
But already the Lord of Pons had come in sight。 He was a huge man
upon an enormous horse; so that together they seemed to fill up
the whole long dark archway under the oaks。 He was clad in full
armor of a brazen hue with only his face exposed; and of this face
there was little visible save a pair of arrogant eyes and a great
black beard; which flowed through the open vizor and down over his
breastplate。 To the crest of his helmet was tied a small brown
glove; nodding and swinging above him。 He bore a long lance with
a red square banner at the end; charged with a black boar's head;
and the same symbol was engraved upon his shield。 Slowly he rode
through the forest; ponderous; menacing; with dull thudding of his
charger's hoofs and constant clank of metal; while always in front
of him came the distant peal of the silver trumpet calling all men
to admit his majesty and to clear his path ere they be cleared
from it。
Never in his dreams had so perfect a vision come to cheer Nigel's
heart; and as he struggled with his clothes; glancing up
continually at this wondrous traveler; he pattered forth prayers
of thanksgiving to the good Saint Paul who had shown such loving…
kindness to his unworthy servant and thrown him in the path of so
excellent and debonair a gentleman。
But alas! how often at the last instant the cup is dashed from the
lips! This joyful chance was destined to change suddenly to
unexpected and grotesque disaster … disaster so strange and so
complete that through all his life Nigel flushed crimson when he
thought of it。 He was busily stripping his hunting…costume; and
with feverish haste he had doffed boots; hat; hose; doublet and
cloak; so that nothing remained save a pink jupon and pair of
silken drawers。 At the same time Aylward was hastily unbuckling
the load with the intention of handing his master his armor piece
by piece; when the Squire gave one last challenging peal from his
silver trumpet into the very ear of the spare horse。
In an instant it had taken to its heels; the precious armor upon
its back; and thundered away down the road which they had
traversed。 Aylward jumped upon his mare; drove his prick spurs
into her sides and galloped after the runaway as hard as he could
ride。 Thus it came about that in an instant Nigel was shorn of
all his little dignity; had lost his two horses; his attendant and
his outfit; and found himself a lonely and unarmed man standing in
his shirt and drawers upon the pathway down which the burly figure
of the Lord of Pons was slowly advancing。
The knight errant; whose mind had been filled by the thought of
the maiden whom he had left behind at St。 Jean … the same whose
glove dangled from his helmet … had observed nothin