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bombardman beside me; and I have thought that perhaps I was the
last of the old and he the first of the new; that there would come
a time when he and his engines would sweep you and me and the rest
of us from the field。〃
〃But not yet; I trust; honored sir?〃
〃No; not yet; Nigel。 You are still in time to win your spurs even
as your fathers did。 How is your strength?〃
〃I am ready for any task; my good and honored lord。〃
〃It is well; for work awaits us … good work; pressing work; work
of peril and of honor。 Your eyes shine and your face flushes;
Nigel。 I live my own youth over again as I look at you。 Know
then that though there is truce with the French here; there is not
truce in Brittany where the houses of Blois and of Montfort still
struggle for the dukedom。 Half Brittany fights for one; and half
for the other。 The French have taken up the cause of Blois; and
we of Montfort; and it is such a war that many a great leader;
such as Sir Walter Manny; has first earned his name there。 Of
late the war has gone against us; and the bloody hands of the
Rohans; of Gaptooth Beaumanoir; of Oliver the Flesher and others
have been heavy upon our people。 The last tidings have been of
disaster; and the King's soul is dark with wrath for that his
friend and comrade Gilles de St。 Pol has been done to death in the
Castle of La Brohiniere。 He will send succors to the country; and
we go at their head。 How like you that; Nigel?〃
〃My honored lord; what could I ask for better?〃
〃Then have your harness ready; for we start within the week。 Our
path by land is blocked by the French; and we go by sea。 This
night the King gives a banquet ere he returns to England; and your
place is behind my chair。 Be in my chamber that you may help me
to dress; and so we will to the hall together。〃
With satin and with samite; with velvet and with fur; the noble
Chandos was dressed for the King's feast; and Nigel too had donned
his best silk jupon; faced with the five scarlet roses; that he
might wait upon him。 In the great hall of Calais Castle the
tables were set; a high table for the lords; a second one for the
less distinguished knights; and a third at which the squires might
feast when their masters were seated。
Never had Nigel in his simple life at Tilford pictured a scene of
such pomp and wondrous luxury。 The grim gray walls were covered
from ceiling to floor with priceless tapestry of Arras; where
hart; hounds and huntsmen circled the great hall with one long
living image of the chase。 Over the principal table drooped a
line of banners; and beneath them rows of emblazoned shields upon
the wall carried the arms of the high noblemen who sat beneath。
The red light of cressets and of torches burned upon the badges of
the great captains of England。 The lions and lilies shone over
the high dorseret chair in the center; and the same august device
marked with the cadency label indicated the seat of the Prince;
while glowing to right and to left were the long lines of noble
insignia; honored in peace and terrible in war。 There shone the
gold and sable of Manny; the engrailed cross of Suffolk; the red
chevron of Stafford; the scarlet and gold of Audley; the blue lion
rampant of the Percies; the silver swallows of Arundel; the red
roebuck of the Montacutes; the star of the de Veres; the silver
scallops of Russell; the purple lion of de Lacy; and the black
crosses of Clinton。
A friendly Squire at Nigel's elbow whispered the names of the
famous warriors beneath。 〃You are young Loring of Tilford; the
Squire of Chandos; are you not?〃 said he。 〃My name is Delves; and
I come from Doddington in Cheshire。 I am the Squire of Sir James
Audley; yonder round…backed man with the dark face and close…
cropped beard; who hath the Saracen head as a crest above him。〃
〃I have heard of him as a man of great valor;〃 said Nigel; gazing
at him with interest。
〃Indeed; you may well say so; Master Loring。 He is the bravest
knight in England; and in Christendom also; as I believe。 No man
hath done such deeds of valor。〃
Nigel looked at his new acquaintance with hope in his eyes。 〃You
speak as it becomes you to speak when you uphold your own master;〃
said he。 〃For the same reason; Master Delves; and in no spirit of
ill…will to you; it behooves me to tell you that he is not to be
compared in name or fame with the noble knight on whom I wait。
Should you hold otherwise; then surely we can debate the matter in
whatever way or time may please you best。〃
Delves smiled good…humoredly。 〃Nay; be not so hot;〃 said he。
〃Had you upheld any other knight; save perhaps Sir Walter Manny; I
had taken you at your word; and your master or mine would have had
place for a new Squire。 But indeed it is only truth that no
knight is second to Chandos; nor would I draw my sword to lower
his pride of place。 Ha; Sir James' cup is low! I must see to
it!〃 He darted off; a flagon of Gascony in his hand。 〃The King
hath had good news to…night;〃 he continued when he returned。 〃I
have not seen him in so merry a mind since the night when we took
the Frenchmen and he laid his pearl chaplet upon the head of de
Ribeaumont。 See how he laughs; and the Prince also。 That laugh
bodes some one little good; or I am the more mistaken。 Have a
care! Sir John's plate is empty。〃
It was Nigel's turn to dart away; but ever in the intervals he
returned to the corner whence he could look down the hall and
listen to the words of the older Squire。 Delves was a short;
thick…set man past middle age; weather…beaten and scarred; with a
rough manner and bearing which showed that he was more at his ease
in a tent than a hall。 But ten years of service had taught him
much; and Nigel listened eagerly to his talk。
〃Indeed the King hath some good tidings;〃 he continued。 〃See now;
he has whispered it to Chandos and to Manny。 Manny spreads it on
to Sir Reginald Cobham; and he to Robert Knolles; each smiling
like the Devil over a friar。〃
〃Which is Sir Robert Knolles?〃 asked Nigel with interest。 〃I have
heard much of him and his deeds。〃
〃He is the tall hard…faced man in yellow silk; he with the
hairless cheeks and the split lip。 He is little older than
yourself; and his father was a cobbler in Chester; yet he has
already won the golden spurs。 See how he dabs his great hand in
the dish and hands forth the gobbets。 He is more used to a
camp…kettle than a silver plate。 The big man with the black beard
is Sir Bartholomew Berghersh; whose brother is the Abbot of
Beaulieu。 Haste; haste! for the boar's head is come and the
plate's to be cleaned。〃
The table manners of our ancestors at this period would have
furnished to the modern eye the strangest mixture of luxury and of
barbarism。 Forks were still unknown; and the courtesy fingers;
the index and the middle of the left hand; took their place。 To
use any others was accounted the worst of manners。 A crowd of
dogs lay among the rushes growling at each other and quarreling
over the gnawed bones which were thrown to them by the feasters。
A slice of coarse bread served usually as a plate; but the King's
own high table was provided with silver platters; which were wiped
by the Squire or page after each course。 On the other hand the
table…linen was costly; and the courses; served with a pomp and
dignity now unknown; comprised such a variety of dishes and such
complex marvels of cookery as no modern banquet could show。
Besides all our domestic animals and every kind of game; such
strange delicacies as hedgehogs; bustards; porpoises; squirrels;
bitterns and cranes lent variety to the feast。
Each new course; heralded by a flourish of silver trumpets; was
borne in by liveried servants walking two and two; with rubicund
marshals strutting in front and behind; bearing white wands in
their hands; not only as badges of their office; but also as
weapons with which to repel any impertinent inroad upon the dishes
in the journey from the kitchen to the hall。 Boar's heads;
enarmed and endored with gilt tusks and flaming mouths; were
followed by wondrous pasties molded to the shape of ships; castles
and other devices with sugar seamen or soldiers who lost their own
bodies in their fruitless defense against the hungry attack。
Finally came the great nef; a silver vessel upon wheels laden with
fruit and sweetmeats which rolled with its luscious cargo down the
line of guests。 Flagons of Gascony; of Rhine wine; of Canary and
of Rochelle were held in readiness by the attendants; but the age;
though luxurious; was not drunken; and the sober habits of the
Norman had happily prevailed over the license of those Saxon
banquets where no guest might walk from the table without a slur
upon his host。 Honor and hardihood go ill with a shaking hand or
a blurred eye。
Whilst wine; fruit and spices were handed round the high tables
the squires had been served in turn at the farther end of the
hall。 Meanwhile round the King there had gathered a group of
statesmen and soldiers; talking eagerly among themselves。 The
Earl of Stafford; the Earl of Warwick; the Earl of Arundel; Lord
Beauchamp and Lord Neville were assembled at the back of his