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tales of the fish patrol-第15章

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football match。  Charley and I had been sceptical; but the fact of

the crowd convinced us that there was something in Demetrios

Contos's dare。

In the afternoon; when the sea…breeze had picked up in strength;

his sail hove into view as he bowled along before the wind。  He

tacked a score of feet from the wharf; waved his hand theatrically;

like a knight about to enter the lists; received a hearty cheer in

return; and stood away into the Straits for a couple of hundred

yards。  Then he lowered sail; and; drifting the boat sidewise by

means of the wind; proceeded to set his net。  He did not set much

of it; possibly fifty feet; yet Charley and I were thunderstruck at

the man's effrontery。  We did not know at the time; but we learned

afterward; that the net he used was old and worthless。  It could

catch fish; true; but a catch of any size would have torn it to


Charley shook his head and said:

〃I confess; it puzzles me。  What if he has out only fifty feet?  He

could never get it in if we once started for him。  And why does he

come here anyway; flaunting his law…breaking in our faces?  Right

in our home town; too。〃

Charley's voice took on an aggrieved tone; and he continued for

some minutes to inveigh against the brazenness of Demetrios Contos。

In the meantime; the man in question was lolling in the stern of

his boat and watching the net floats。  When a large fish is meshed

in a gill…net; the floats by their agitation advertise the fact。

And they evidently advertised it to Demetrios; for he pulled in

about a dozen feet of net; and held aloft for a moment; before he

flung it into the bottom of the boat; a big; glistening salmon。  It

was greeted by the audience on the wharf with round after round of

cheers。  This was more than Charley could stand。

〃Come on; lad;〃 he called to me; and we lost no time jumping into

our salmon boat and getting up sail。

The crowd shouted warning to Demetrios; and as we darted out from

the wharf we saw him slash his worthless net clear with a long

knife。  His sail was all ready to go up; and a moment later it

fluttered in the sunshine。  He ran aft; drew in the sheet; and

filled on the long tack toward the Contra Costa Hills。

By this time we were not more than thirty feet astern。  Charley was

jubilant。  He knew our boat was fast; and he knew; further; that in

fine sailing few men were his equals。  He was confident that we

should surely catch Demetrios; and I shared his confidence。  But

somehow we did not seem to gain。

It was a pretty sailing breeze。  We were gliding sleekly through

the water; but Demetrios was slowly sliding away from us。  And not

only was he going faster; but he was eating into the wind a

fraction of a point closer than we。  This was sharply impressed

upon us when he went about under the Contra Costa Hills and passed

us on the other tack fully one hundred feet dead to windward。

〃Whew!〃 Charley exclaimed。  〃Either that boat is a daisy; or we've

got a five…gallon coal…oil can fast to our keel!〃

It certainly looked it one way or the other。  And by the time

Demetrios made the Sonoma Hills; on the other side of the Straits;

we were so hopelessly outdistanced that Charley told me to slack

off the sheet; and we squared away for Benicia。  The fishermen on

Steamboat Wharf showered us with ridicule when we returned and tied

up。  Charley and I got out and walked away; feeling rather

sheepish; for it is a sore stroke to one's pride when he thinks he

has a good boat and knows how to sail it; and another man comes

along and beats him。

Charley mooned over it for a couple of days; then word was brought

to us; as before; that on the next Sunday Demetrios Contos would

repeat his performance。  Charley roused himself。  He had our boat

out of the water; cleaned and repainted its bottom; made a trifling

alteration about the centre…board; overhauled the running gear; and

sat up nearly all of Saturday night sewing on a new and much larger

sail。  So large did he make it; in fact; that additional ballast

was imperative; and we stowed away nearly five hundred extra pounds

of old railroad iron in the bottom of the boat。

Sunday came; and with it came Demetrios Contos; to break the law

defiantly in open day。  Again we had the afternoon sea…breeze; and

again Demetrios cut loose some forty or more feet of his rotten

net; and got up sail and under way under our very noses。  But he

had anticipated Charley's move; and his own sail peaked higher than

ever; while a whole extra cloth had been added to the after leech。

It was nip and tuck across to the Contra Costa Hills; neither of us

seeming to gain or to lose。  But by the time we had made the return

tack to the Sonoma Hills; we could see that; while we footed it at

about equal speed; Demetrios had eaten into the wind the least bit

more than we。  Yet Charley was sailing our boat as finely and

delicately as it was possible to sail it; and getting more out of

it than he ever had before。

Of course; he could have drawn his revolver and fired at Demetrios;

but we had long since found it contrary to our natures to shoot at

a fleeing man guilty of only a petty offence。  Also a sort of tacit

agreement seemed to have been reached between the patrolmen and the

fishermen。  If we did not shoot while they ran away; they; in turn;

did not fight if we once laid hands on them。  Thus Demetrios Contos

ran away from us; and we did no more than try our best to overtake

him; and; in turn; if our boat proved faster than his; or was

sailed better; he would; we knew; make no resistance when we caught

up with him。

With our large sails and the healthy breeze romping up the

Carquinez Straits; we found that our sailing was what is called

〃ticklish。〃  We had to be constantly on the alert to avoid a

capsize; and while Charley steered I held the main…sheet in my hand

with but a single turn round a pin; ready to let go at any moment。

Demetrios; we could see; sailing his boat alone; had his hands


But it was a vain undertaking for us to attempt to catch him。  Out

of his inner consciousness he had evolved a boat that was better

than ours。  And though Charley sailed fully as well; if not the

least bit better; the boat he sailed was not so good as the


〃Slack away the sheet;〃 Charley commanded; and as our boat fell off

before the wind; Demetrios's mocking laugh floated down to us。

Charley shook his head; saying; 〃It's no use。  Demetrios has the

better boat。  If he tries his performance again; we must meet it

with some new scheme。〃

This time it was my imagination that came to the rescue。

〃What's the matter;〃 I suggested; on the Wednesday following; 〃with

my chasing Demetrios in the boat next Sunday; while you wait for

him on the wharf at Vallejo when he arrives?〃

Charley considered it a moment and slapped his knee。

〃A good idea!  You're beginning to use that head of yours。  A

credit to your teacher; I must say。〃

〃But you mustn't chase him too far;〃 he went on; the next moment;

〃or he'll head out into San Pablo Bay instead of running home to

Vallejo; and there I'll be; standing lonely on the wharf and

waiting in vain for him to arrive。〃

On Thursday Charley registered an objection to my plan。

〃Everybody'll know I've gone to Vallejo; and you can depend upon it

that Demetrios will know; too。  I'm afraid we'll have to give up

the idea。〃

This objection was only too valid; and for the rest of the day I

struggled under my disappointment。  But that night a new way seemed

to open to me; and in my eagerness I awoke Charley from a sound


〃Well;〃 he grunted; 〃what's the matter?  House afire?〃

〃No;〃 I replied; 〃but my head is。  Listen to this。  On Sunday you

and I will be around Benicia up to the very moment Demetrios's sail

heaves into sight。  This will lull everybody's suspicions。  Then;

when Demetrios's sail does heave in sight; do you stroll leisurely

away and up…town。  All the fishermen will think you're beaten and

that you know you're beaten。〃

〃So far; so good;〃 Charley commented; while I paused to catch


〃And very good indeed;〃 I continued proudly。  〃You stroll

carelessly up…town; but when you're once out of sight you leg it

for all you're worth for Dan Maloney's。  Take the little mare of

his; and strike out on the country road for Vallejo。  The road's in

fine condition; and you can make it in quicker time than Demetrios

can beat all the way down against the wind。〃

〃And I'll arrange right away for the mare; first thing in the

morning;〃 Charley said; accepting the modified plan without


〃But; I say;〃 he said; a little later; this time waking me out of a

sound sleep。

I could hear him chuckling in the dark。

〃I say; lad; isn't it rather a novelty for the fish patrol to be

taking to horseback?〃

〃Imagination;〃 I
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