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Part 5

The good; charitable gentleman encouraged them to quit the Place

for fear they should be cut off from any retreat at all by the violence

of the distemper; but whither they should go; that he found very hard

to direct them to。  At last John asked of him whether he; being a

justice of the peace; would give them certificates of health to other

justices whom they might come before; that so whatever might be

their lot; they might not be repulsed now they had been also so long

from London。  This his worship immediately granted; and gave them

proper letters of health; and from thence they were at liberty to travel

whither they pleased。

Accordingly they had a full certificate of health; intimating that they

had resided in a village in the county of Essex so long that; being

examined and scrutinised sufficiently; and having been retired from

all conversation for above forty days; without any appearance of

sickness; they were therefore certainly concluded to be sound men;

and might be safely entertained anywhere; having at last removed

rather for fear of the plague which was come into such a town; rather

than for having any signal of infection upon them; or upon any

belonging to them。

With this certificate they removed; though with great reluctance;

and John inclining not to go far from home; they moved towards the

marshes on the side of Waltham。  But here they found a man who; it

seems; kept a weir or stop upon the river; made to raise the water for

the barges which go up and down the river; and he terrified them with

dismal stories of the sickness having been spread into all the towns on

the river and near the river; on the side of Middlesex and Hertfordshire;

that is to say; into Waltham; Waltham Cross; Enfield; and Ware; and all

the towns on the road; that they were afraid to go that way; though it

seems the man imposed upon them; for that the thing was not really true。

However; it terrified them; and they resolved to move across the

forest towards Rumford and Brentwood; but they heard that there

were numbers of people fled out of London that way; who lay up and

down in the forest called Henalt Forest; reaching near Rumford; and

who; having no subsistence or habitation; not only lived oddly and

suffered great extremities in the woods and fields for want of relief;

but were said to be made so desperate by those extremities as that they

offered many violences to the county robbed and plundered; and

killed cattle; and the like; that others; building huts and hovels by the

roadside; begged; and that with an importunity next door to

demanding relief; so that the county was very uneasy; and had been

obliged to take some of them up。

This in the first place intimated to them; that they would be sure to

find the charity and kindness of the county; which they had found here

where they were before; hardened and shut up against them; and that;

on the other hand; they would be questioned wherever they came; and

would be in danger of violence from others in like cases as


Upon all these considerations John; their captain; in all their names;

went back to their good friend and benefactor; who had relieved them

before; and laying their case truly before him; humbly asked his

advice; and he as kindly advised them to take up their old quarters

again; or if not; to remove but a little farther out of the road; and

directed them to a proper place for them; and as they really wanted

some house rather than huts to shelter them at that time of the year; it

growing on towards Michaelmas; they found an old decayed house

which had been formerly some cottage or little habitation but was so

out of repair as scarce habitable; and by the consent of a farmer to

whose farm it belonged; they got leave to make what use of it they could。

The ingenious joiner; and all the rest; by his directions went to work

with it; and in a very few days made it capable to shelter them all in

case of bad weather; and in which there was an old chimney and old

oven; though both lying in ruins; yet they made them both fit for use;

and; raising additions; sheds; and leantos on every side; they soon

made the house capable to hold them all。

They chiefly wanted boards to make window…shutters; floors; doors;

and several other things; but as the gentlemen above favoured them;

and the country was by that means made easy with them; and above

all; that they were known to be all sound and in good health;

everybody helped them with what they could spare。

Here they encamped for good and all; and resolved to remove no

more。  They saw plainly how terribly alarmed that county was

everywhere at anybody that came from London; and that they should

have no admittance anywhere but with the utmost difficulty; at least

no friendly reception and assistance as they had received here。

Now; although they received great assistance and encouragement

from the country gentlemen and from the people round about them;

yet they were put to great straits: for the weather grew cold and wet in

October and November; and they had not been used to so much

hardship; so that they got colds in their limbs; and distempers; but

never had the infection; and thus about December they came home to

the city again。

I give this story thus at large; principally to give an account what

became of the great numbers of people which immediately appeared

in the city as soon as the sickness abated; for; as I have said; great

numbers of those that were able and had retreats in the country fled to

those retreats。  So; when it was increased to such a frightful extremity

as I have related; the middling people who had not friends fled to all

parts of the country where they could get shelter; as well those that

had money to relieve themselves as those that had not。  Those that had

money always fled farthest; because they were able to subsist

themselves; but those who were empty suffered; as I have said; great

hardships; and were often driven by necessity to relieve their wants at

the expense of the country。  By that means the country was made very

uneasy at them; and sometimes took them up; though even then they

scarce knew what to do with them; and were always very backward to

punish them; but often; too; they forced them from place to place till

they were obliged to come back again to London。

I have; since my knowing this story of John and his brother; inquired

and found that there were a great many of the poor disconsolate

people; as above; fled into the country every way; and some of them

got little sheds and barns and outhouses to live in; where they could

obtain so much kindness of the country; and especially where they had

any the least satisfactory account to give of themselves; and

particularly that they did not come out of London too late。  But others;

and that in great numbers; built themselves little huts and retreats in

the fields and woods; and lived like hermits in holes and caves; or any

place they could find; and where; we may be sure; they suffered great

extremities; such that many of them were obliged to come back again

whatever the danger was; and so those little huts were often found

empty; and the country people supposed the inhabitants lay dead in

them of the plague; and would not go near them for fear … no; not in a

great while; nor is it unlikely but that some of the unhappy wanderers

might die so all alone; even sometimes for want of help; as

particularly in one tent or hut was found a man dead; and on the gate

of a field just by was cut with his knife in uneven letters the following

words; by which it may be supposed the other man escaped; or that;

one dying first; the other buried him as well as he could: …

  O mIsErY!

  We BoTH ShaLL DyE;

  WoE; WoE。

I have given an account already of what I found to have been the

case down the river among the seafaring men; how the ships lay in the

offing; as it's called; in rows or lines astern of one another; quite down

from the Pool as far as I could see。  I have been told that they lay in

the same manner quite down the river as low as Gravesend; and some

far beyond: even everywhere or in every place where they could ride

with safety as to wind and weather; nor did I ever hear that the plague

reached to any of the people on board those ships … except such as lay

up in the Pool; or as high as Deptford Reach; although the people

went frequently on shore to the country towns and villages and

farmers' houses; to buy fresh provisions; fowls; pigs; calves; and the

like for their supply。

Likewise I found that the watermen on the river above the bridge

found means to convey themselves away up the river as far as they

could go; and that they had; many of them; their whole families in

their boats; covered with tilts and bales; as they call them; and

furnished with straw within for their lodging; and that they lay th
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