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the tapestried chamber(挂花毯的房间)-第7章

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indignation;   horror;   and   despair;   which;   tradition   says;   was   heard   to   a 

preternatural distance; and resembled the cry of a dying lion more than a 

human sound。 

     His friends received him in their arms as he sank utterly exhausted by 

the   effort;   and   bore   him   back   to   his   castle   in   mute   sorrow;   while   his 

daughter   at   once   wept   for   her   brother;   and   endeavoured   to   mitigate   and 

soothe   the   despair   of   her   father。   But   this   was   impossible;   the   old   man's 

only tie to life was rent rudely asunder; and his heart had broken with it。 

The death of his son had no part in his sorrow。                If he thought of him at all; 

it was as the degenerate boy through whom the honour of his country and 

clan   had   been   lost;   and   he   died   in   the   course   of   three   days;   never   even 

mentioning his name; but pouring out unintermitted lamentations for the 

loss of his noble sword。 

     I conceive that the moment when the disabled chief was roused into a 

last exertion by the agony of the moment is favourable to the object of a 

painter。     He might obtain the full advantage of contrasting the form of the 

rugged old man; in the extremity of furious despair; with the softness and 

beauty      of   the   female     form。    The    fatal   field   might     be   thrown      into 

perspective;   so   as   to   give   full   effect   to   these   two   principal   figures;   and 

with the single explanation that the piece represented a soldier beholding 

his   son   slain;   and   the   honour   of   his   country   lost;   the   picture   would   be 

sufficiently intelligible at the first glance。            If it was thought necessary to 

show more clearly the nature of the conflict; it might be indicated by the 

pennon of Saint George being displayed at one end of the lists; and that of 


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                                       THE TAPESTRIED CHAMBER 

Saint Andrew at the other。 

      I remain; sir; 

      Your obedient servant; 



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