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wessex tales-第5章

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her poet's home。  Heavy…hearted; she tried to read; and wept

Mr。 Marchmill was in a thriving way of business; and he and his
family lived in a large new house; which stood in rather extensive
grounds a few miles outside the city wherein he carried on his
trade。  Ella's life was lonely here; as the suburban life is apt to
be; particularly at certain seasons; and she had ample time to
indulge her taste for lyric and elegiac composition。  She had hardly
got back when she encountered a piece by Robert Trewe in the new
number of her favourite magazine; which must have been written
almost immediately before her visit to Solentsea; for it contained
the very couplet she had seen pencilled on the wallpaper by the bed;
and Mrs。 Hooper had declared to be recent。  Ella could resist no
longer; but seizing a pen impulsively; wrote to him as a brother…
poet; using the name of John Ivy; congratulating him in her letter
on his triumphant executions in metre and rhythm of thoughts that
moved his soul; as compared with her own brow…beaten efforts in the
same pathetic trade。

To this address there came a response in a few days; little as she
had dared to hope for ita civil and brief note; in which the young
poet stated that; though he was not well acquainted with Mr。 Ivy's
verse; he recalled the name as being one he had seen attached to
some very promising pieces; that he was glad to gain Mr。 Ivy's
acquaintance by letter; and should certainly look with much interest
for his productions in the future。

There must have been something juvenile or timid in her own epistle;
as one ostensibly coming from a man; she declared to herself; for
Trewe quite adopted the tone of an elder and superior in this reply。
But what did it matter? he had replied; he had written to her with
his own hand from that very room she knew so well; for he was now
back again in his quarters。

The correspondence thus begun was continued for two months or more;
Ella Marchmill sending him from time to time some that she
considered to be the best of her pieces; which he very kindly
accepted; though he did not say he sedulously read them; nor did he
send her any of his own in return。  Ella would have been more hurt
at this than she was if she had not known that Trewe laboured under
the impression that she was one of his own sex。

Yet the situation was unsatisfactory。  A flattering little voice
told her that; were he only to see her; matters would be otherwise。
No doubt she would have helped on this by making a frank confession
of womanhood; to begin with; if something had not happened; to her
delight; to render it unnecessary。  A friend of her husband's; the
editor of the most important newspaper in the city and county; who
was dining with them one day; observed during their conversation
about the poet that his (the editor's) brother the landscape…painter
was a friend of Mr。 Trewe's; and that the two men were at that very
moment in Wales together。

Ella was slightly acquainted with the editor's brother。  The next
morning down she sat and wrote; inviting him to stay at her house
for a short time on his way back; and requesting him to bring with
him; if practicable; his companion Mr。 Trewe; whose acquaintance she
was anxious to make。  The answer arrived after some few days。  Her
correspondent and his friend Trewe would have much satisfaction in
accepting her invitation on their way southward; which would be on
such and such a day in the following week。

Ella was blithe and buoyant。  Her scheme had succeeded; her beloved
though as yet unseen one was coming。  〃Behold; he standeth behind
our wall; he looked forth at the windows; showing himself through
the lattice;〃 she thought ecstatically。  〃And; lo; the winter is
past; the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth;
the time of the singing of birds is come; and the voice of the
turtle is heard in our land。〃

But it was necessary to consider the details of lodging and feeding
him。  This she did most solicitously; and awaited the pregnant day
and hour。

It was about five in the afternoon when she heard a ring at the door
and the editor's brother's voice in the hall。  Poetess as she was;
or as she thought herself; she had not been too sublime that day to
dress with infinite trouble in a fashionable robe of rich material;
having a faint resemblance to the chiton of the Greeks; a style just
then in vogue among ladies of an artistic and romantic turn; which
had been obtained by Ella of her Bond Street dressmaker when she was
last in London。  Her visitor entered the drawing…room。  She looked
towards his rear; nobody else came through the door。  Where; in the
name of the God of Love; was Robert Trewe?

'O; I'm sorry;' said the painter; after their introductory words had
been spoken。  'Trewe is a curious fellow; you know; Mrs。 Marchmill。
He said he'd come; then he said he couldn't。  He's rather dusty。
We've been doing a few miles with knapsacks; you know; and he wanted
to get on home。'

'Hehe's not coming?'

'He's not; and he asked me to make his apologies。'

'When did you p…p…part from him?' she asked; her nether lip starting
off quivering so much that it was like a tremolo…stop opened in her
speech。  She longed to run away from this dreadful bore and cry her
eyes out。

'Just now; in the turnpike road yonder there。'

'What! he has actually gone past my gates?'

'Yes。  When we got to themhandsome gates they are; too; the finest
bit of modern wrought…iron work I have seenwhen we came to them we
stopped; talking there a little while; and then he wished me good…
bye and went on。  The truth is; he's a little bit depressed just
now; and doesn't want to see anybody。  He's a very good fellow; and
a warm friend; but a little uncertain and gloomy sometimes; he
thinks too much of things。  His poetry is rather too erotic and
passionate; you know; for some tastes; and he has just come in for a
terrible slating from the  Review that was published yesterday; he
saw a copy of it at the station by accident。  Perhaps you've read


'So much the better。  O; it is not worth thinking of; just one of
those articles written to order; to please the narrow…minded set of
subscribers upon whom the circulation depends。  But he's upset by
it。  He says it is the misrepresentation that hurts him so; that;
though he can stand a fair attack; he can't stand lies that he's
powerless to refute and stop from spreading。  That's just Trewe's
weak point。  He lives so much by himself that these things affect
him much more than they would if he were in the bustle of
fashionable or commercial life。  So he wouldn't come here; making
the excuse that it all looked so new and moniedif you'll pardon'

'Buthe must have knownthere was sympathy here!  Has he never
said anything about getting letters from this address?'

'Yes; yes; he has; from John Ivyperhaps a relative of yours; he
thought; visiting here at the time?'

'Did helike Ivy; did he say?'

'Well; I don't know that he took any great interest in Ivy。'

'Or in his poems?'

'Or in his poemsso far as I know; that is。'

Robert Trewe took no interest in her house; in her poems; or in
their writer。  As soon as she could get away she went into the
nursery and tried to let off her emotion by unnecessarily kissing
the children; till she had a sudden sense of disgust at being
reminded how plain…looking they were; like their father。

The obtuse and single…minded landscape…painter never once perceived
from her conversation that it was only Trewe she wanted; and not
himself。  He made the best of his visit; seeming to enjoy the
society of Ella's husband; who also took a great fancy to him; and
showed him everywhere about the neighbourhood; neither of them
noticing Ella's mood。

The painter had been gone only a day or two when; while sitting
upstairs alone one morning; she glanced over the London paper just
arrived; and read the following paragraph:…


'Mr。 Robert Trewe; who has been favourably known for some years as
one of our rising lyrists; committed suicide at his lodgings at
Solentsea on Saturday evening last by shooting himself in the right
temple with a revolver。  Readers hardly need to be reminded that Mr。
Trewe has recently attracted the attention of a much wider public
than had hitherto known him; by his new volume of verse; mostly of
an impassioned kind; entitled 〃Lyrics to a Woman Unknown;〃 which has
been already favourably noticed in these pages for the extraordinary
gamut of feeling it traverses; and which has been made the subject
of a severe; if not ferocious; criticism in the  Review。  It is
supposed; though not certainly known; that the article may have
partially conduced to the sad act; as a copy of the review in
question was found on his writing…table; and he has been observed to
be in a somewhat depressed state of mind since the critique

Then came the report of the inquest; at which the following letter
was read; it having been addressed to a friend at a distance:…

'DEAR …;Before these lines reach your hands I shall be delivered
from the inconveniences of seeing; hearing; and knowing more of
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