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the last pearl-第1章

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                                 THE LAST PEARL

                           by Hans Christian Andersen

    WE are in a rich; happy house; where the master; the servants; the

friends of the family are full of joy and felicity。 For on this day

a son and heir has been born; and mother and child are doing well。 The

lamp in the bed…chamber had been partly shaded; and the windows were

covered with heavy curtains of some costly silken material。 The carpet

was thick and soft; like a covering of moss。 Everything invited to

slumber; everything had a charming look of repose; and so the nurse

had discovered; for she slept; and well she might sleep; while

everything around her told of happiness and blessing。 The guardian

angel of the house leaned against the head of the bed; while over

the child was spread; as it were; a net of shining stars; and each

star was a pearl of happiness。 All the good stars of life had

brought their gifts to the newly born; here sparkled health; wealth;

fortune; and love; in short; there seemed to be everything for which

man could wish on earth。

    〃Everything has been bestowed here;〃 said the guardian angel。

    〃No; not everything;〃 said a voice near him… the voice of the good

angel of the child; 〃one fairy has not yet brought her gift; but she

will; even if years should elapse; she will bring her gift; it is

the last pearl that is wanting。〃

    〃Wanting!〃 cried the guardian angel; 〃nothing must be wanting

here; and if it is so; let us fetch it; let us seek the powerful

fairy; let us go to her。〃

    〃She will come; she will come some day unsought!〃

    〃Her pearl must not be missing; it must be there; that the

crown; when worn; may be complete。 Where is she to be found? Where

does she dwell?〃 said the guardian angel。 〃Tell me; and I will procure

the pearl。〃

    〃Will you do that?〃 replied the good angel of the child。 〃Then I

will lead you to her directly; wherever she may be。 She has no abiding

place; she rules in the palace of the emperor; sometimes she enters

the peasant's humble cot; she passes no one without leaving a trace of

her presence。 She brings her gift with her; whether it is a world or a

bauble。 To this child she must come。 You think that to wait for this

time would be long and useless。 Well; then; let us go for this

pearl… the only one lacking amidst all this wealth。〃

    Then hand…in…hand they floated away to the spot where the fairy

was now lingering。 It was in a large house with dark windows and empty

rooms; in which a peculiar stillness reigned。 A whole row of windows

stood open; so that the rude wind could enter at its pleasure; and the

long white curtains waved to and fro in the current of air。 In the

centre of one of the rooms stood an open coffin; in which lay the body

of a woman; still in the bloom of youth and very beautiful。 Fresh

roses were scattered over her。 The delicate folded hands and the noble

face glorified in death by the solemn; earnest look; which spoke of an

entrance into a better world; were alone visible。 Around the coffin

stood the husband and children; a whole troop; the youngest in the

father's arms。 They were come to take a last farewell look of their

mother。 The husband kissed her hand; which now lay like a withered

leaf; but which a short time before had been diligently employed in

deeds of love for them all。 Tears of sorrow rolled down their

cheeks; and fell in heavy drops on the floor; but not a word was

spoken。 The silence which reigned here expressed a world of grief。

With silent steps; still sobbing; they left the room。 A burning

light remained in the room; and a long; red wick rose far above the

flame; which fluttered in the draught of air。 Strange men came in

and placed the lid of the coffin over the dead; and drove the nails

firmly in; while the blows of the hammer resounded through the

house; and echoed in the hearts that were bleeding。

    〃Whither art thou leading me?〃 asked the guardian angel。 〃Here

dwells no fairy whose pearl could be counted amongst the best gifts of


    〃Yes; she is here; here in this sacred hour;〃 replied the angel;

pointing to a corner of the room; and there;… where in her

life…time; the mother had taken her seat amidst flowers and

pictures: in that spot; where she; like the blessed fairy of the

house; had welcomed husband; children; and friends; and; like a

sunbeam; had spread joy and cheerfulness around her; the centre and

heart of them all;… there; in that very spot; sat a strange woman;

clothed in long; flowing garments; and occupying the place of the dead

wife and mother。 It was the fairy; and her name was 〃Sorrow。〃 A hot

tear rolled into her lap; and formed itself into a pearl; glowing with

all the colors of the rainbow。 The angel seized it: the; pearl

glittered like a star with seven…fold radiance。 The pearl of Sorrow;

the last; which must not be wanting; increases the lustre; and

explains the meaning of all the other pearls。

    〃Do you see the shimmer of the rainbow; which unites earth to

heaven?〃 So has there been a bridge built between this world and the

next。 Through the night of the grave we gaze upwards beyond the

stars to the end of all things。 Then we glance at the pearl of Sorrow;

in which are concealed the wings which shall carry us away to

eternal happiness。

                            THE END

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