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penguin island-第19章

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orests; and by what progress a few animals at last began to wander over the nameless mountains。 I could not accustom myself to your cosmogony either; for it seems to me fitter for a camel…driver on the Syrian sands than for a disciple of Aristarchus of Samos。 And what would become of me in the abode of your beatitude if I did not find there my friends; my ancestors; my masters; and my gods; and if it is not given to me to see Rhea's noble son; or Venus; mother of Aeneas; with her winning smile; or Pan; or the young Dryads; or the Sylvans; or old Silenus; with his face stained by Aegle's purple mulberries。' These are the reasons which I begged that simple man to plead before the successor of Jupiter。〃

* This phrase seems to indicate that; if one is to believe Macrobius; the 〃Copa〃 is by Virgil。

〃And since then; O great shade; thou hast received no other messages?〃

〃I have received none。〃

〃To console themselves for thy absence; O Virgil; they have three poets; Commodianus; Prudentius; and Fortunatus; who were all three born in those dark plays when neither prosody nor grammar were known。 But tell me; O Mantuan; hast thou never received other intelligence of the God whose company thou didst so deliberately refuse?〃

〃Never that I remember。〃

〃Hast thou not told me that I am not the first who descended alive into these abodes and presented himself before thee?〃

〃Thou dost remind me of it。 A century and a half ago; or so it seems to me (it is difficult to reckon days and years amid the shades); my profound peace was intruded upon by a strange visitor。 As I was wandering beneath the gloomy foliage that borders the Styx; I saw rising before me a human form more opaque and darker than that of the inhabitants of these shores。 I recognised a living person。 He was of high stature; thin; with an aquiline nose; sharp chin; and hollow cheeks。 His dark eyes shot forth fire; a red hood girt with a crown of laurels bound his lean brows。 His bones pierced through the tight brown cloak that descended to his heels。 He saluted me with deference; tempered by a sort of fierce pride; and addressed me in a speech more obscure and incorrect than that of those Gauls with whom the divine Julius filled both his legions and the Curia。 At last I understood that he had been born near Fiesole; in an ancient Etruscan colony that Sulla had founded on the banks of the Arno; and which had prospered; that he had obtained municipal honours; but that he had thrown himself vehemently into the sanguinary quarrels which arose between the senate; the knights; and the people; that he had been defeated and banished; and now he wandered in exile throughout the world。 He described Italy to me as distracted by more wars and discords than in the time of my youth; and as sighing anew for a second Augustus。 I pitied his misfortune; remembering what I myself had formerly endured。

〃An audacious spirit unceasingly disquieted him; and his mind harboured great thoughts; but alas! his rudeness and ignorance displayed the triumph of barbarism。 He knew neither poetry; nor science; nor even the tongue of the Greeks; and he was ignorant; too; of the ancient traditions concerning the origin of the world and the nature of the gods。 He bravely repeated fables which in my time would have brought smiles to the little children who were not yet old enough to pay for admission at the baths。 The vulgar easily believe in monsters。 The Etruscans especially peopled hell with demons; hideous as a sick man's dreams。 That they have not abandoned their childish imaginings after so many centuries is explained by the continuation and progress of ignorance and misery; but that one of their magistrates whose mind is raised above the common level should share these popular illusions and should be frightened by the hideous demons that the inhabitants of that country painted on the walls of their tombs in the time of Porsenathat is something which might sadden even a sage。 My Etruscan visitor repeated verses to me which he had composed in a new dialect; called by him the vulgar tongue; the sense of which I could not understand。 My ears were more surprised than charmed as I heard him repeat the same sound three or four times at regular intervals in his efforts to mark the rhythm。 That artifice did not seem ingenious to me; but it is not for the dead to judge of novelties。

〃But I do not reproach this colonist of Sulla; born in an unhappy time; for making inharmonious verses or for being; if it be possible; as bad a poet as Bavius or Maevius。 I have grievances against him which touch me more closely。 The thing is monstrous and scarcely credible; but when this man returned to earth he disseminated the most odious lies about me。 He affirmed in several passages of his barbarous poems that I had served him as a guide in the modern Tartarus; a place I know nothing of。 He insolently proclaimed that I had spoken of the gods of Rome as false and lying gods; and that I held as the true God the present successor of Jupiter。 Friend; when thou art restored to the kindly light of day and beholdest again thy native land; contradict those abominable falsehoods。 Say to thy people that the singer of the pious Aeneas has never worshipped the god of the Jews。 I am assured that his power is declining and that his approaching fall is manifested by undoubted indications。 This news would give me some pleasure if one could rejoice in these abodes。 where we feel neither fears nor desires。〃

He spoke; and with a gesture of farewell he went away。 I beheld his。 shade gliding over the asphodels without bending their stalks。 I saw that it became fainter and vaguer as it receded farther from me; and it vanished before it reached the wood of evergreen laurels。 Then I understood the meaning of the words; 〃The dead have no life; but that which the living lend them;〃 and I walked slowly through the pale meadow to the gate of horn。

I affirm that all in this writing is true。*

* There is in Marbodius's narrative a passage very worthy of notice; viz。; that in which the monk of Corrigan describes Dante Alighieri such as we picture him to ourselves to…day。 The miniatures in a very old manuscript of the 〃Divine Comedy;〃 the 〃Codex Venetianus;〃 represent the poet as a little fat man clad in a short tunic; the skirts of which fall above his knees。 As for Virgil; he still wears the philosophical beard; in the wood…engravings of the sixteenth century。

One would not have thought either that Marbodius; or even Virgil; could have known the Etruscan tombs of Chiusi and Corneto; where; in fact; there are horrible and burlesque devils closely resembling those of Orcagna。 Nevertheless; the authenticity of the 〃Descent of Marbodius into Hell〃 is indisputable。 M。 du Clos des Lunes has firmly established it。 To doubt it would be to doubt palaeography itself。


At that time; whilst Penguinia was still plunged in ignorance and barbarism; Giles Bird…catcher; a Franciscan monk; known by his writings under the name Aegidius Aucupis; devoted himself with indefatigable zeal to the study of letters and the sciences。 He gave his nights to mathematics and music; which he called the two adorable sisters; the harmonious daughters of Number and Imagination。 He was versed in medicine and astrology。 He was suspected of practising magic; and it seemed true that he wrought metamorphoses and discovered hidden things。

The monks of his convent; finding in his cell Greek books which they could not read; imagined them to be conjuring…books; and denounced their too learned brother as a wizard。 Aegidius Aucupis fled; and reached the island of Ireland; where he lived for thirty studious years。 He went from monastery to monastery; searching for and copying the Greek and Latin manuscripts which they contained。 He also studied physics and alchemy。 He acquired a universal knowledge and discovered notable secrets concerning animals; plants; and stones。 He was found one day in the company of a very beautiful woman who sang to her own accompaniment on the lute; and who was afterwards discovered to be a machine which he had himself constructed。

He often crossed the Irish Sea to go into the land of Wales and to visit the libraries of the monasteries there。 During one of these crossings; as he remained during the night on the bridge of the ship; he saw beneath the waters two sturgeons swimming side by side。 He had very good hearing and he knew the language of fishes。 Now he heard one of the sturgeons say to the other:

〃The man in the moon; whom we have often seen carrying fagots on his shoulders; has fallen into the sea。

And the other sturgeon said in its turn:

〃And in the silver disc there will be seen the image of two lovers kissing each other on the mouth。〃

Some years later; having returned to his native country; Aegidius Aucupis found that ancient learning had been restored。 Manners had softened。 Men no longer pursued the nymphs of the fountains; of the woods; and of the mountains with their insults。 They placed images of the Muses and of the modest Graces in their gardens; and they rendered her former honours to the Goddess with ambrosial lips; the joy of men and gods。 They were becoming reconciled to nature。 They trample
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