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penguin island-第29章

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ich restrained; diminished; limited; prescribed; suppressed; determined; and curtailed; their rights; immunities; exemptions; privileges; and benefits; and created many invalidating disqualifications against them。

The Reverend Father Agaric steadfastly endured the rigour of the laws which struck himself personally; as well as the terrible fall of the Emiral of which he was the chief cause。 Far from yielding to evil fortune; he regarded it as but a bird of passage。 He was planning new political designs more audacious than the first。

When his projects were sufficiently ripe he went one day to the Wood of Conils。 A thrush sang in a tree and a little hedgehog crossed the stony path in front of him with awkward steps。 Agaric walked with great strides; muttering fragments of sentences to himself。

When he reached the door of the laboratory in which; for so many years; the pious manufacturer bad distilled the golden liqueur of St。 Orberosia; he found the place deserted and the door shut。 Having walked around the building he saw in the backyard the venerable Cornemuse; who; with his habit pinned up; was climbing a ladder that leant against the wall。

〃Is that you; my dear friend?〃 said he to him。 〃What are you doing there?〃

〃You can see for yourself;〃 answered the monk of Conils in a feeble voice; turning a sorrowful look Upon Agaric。 〃I am going into my house。〃

The red pupils of his eyes no longer imitated the triumph and brilliance of the ruby; they flashed mournful and troubled glances。 His countenance had lost its happy fulness。 His shining head was no longer pleasant to the sight; perspiration and inflamed blotches bad altered its inestimable perfection。

〃I don't understand;〃 said Agaric。

〃It is easy enough to understand。 You see the consequences of your plot。 Although a multitude of laws are directed against me I have managed to elude the greater number of them。 Some; however; have struck me。 These vindictive men have closed my laboratories and my shops; and confiscated my bottles; my stills; and my retorts。 They have put seals on my doors and now I am compelled to go in through the window。 I am barely able to extract in secret and from time to time the juice of a few plants and that with an apparatus which the humblest labourer would despise。〃

〃You suffer from the persecution;〃 said Agaric。 〃It strikes us all。〃

The monk of Conils passed his hand over his afflicted brow:

〃I told you so; Brother Agaric; I told you that your enterprise would turn against ourselves。〃

〃Our defeat is only momentary;〃 replied Agaric eagerly。 〃It is due to purely accidental causes; it results from mere contingencies。 Chatillon was a fool; he has drowned himself in his own ineptitude。 Listen to me; Brother Cornemuse。 We have not a moment to lose。 We must free the Penguin people; we must deliver them from their tyrants; save them from themselves; restore the Dragon's crest; reestablish the ancient State; the good State; for the honour of religion and the exaltation of the Catholic faith。 Chatillon was a bad instrument; he broke in our hands。 Let us take a better instrument to replace him。 I have the man who will destroy this impious democracy。 He is a civil official; his name is Gomoru。 The Penguins worship him; He has already betrayed his party for a plate of rice。 There's the man we want!〃

At the beginning of this speech the monk of Conils had climbed into his window and pulled up the ladder。

〃I foresee;〃 answered he; with his nose through the sash; 〃that you will not stop until you have us all expelled from this pleasant; agreeable; and sweet land of Penguinia。 Good night; God keep you!〃

Agaric; standing before the wall; entreated his dearest brother to listen to him for a moment:

〃Understand your own interest better; Cornemuse! Penguinia is ours。 What do we need to conquer it? just one effort more 。 。 。 one more little sacrifice of money and 。 。 。〃

But without listening further; the monk of Conils drew in his head and closed his window。



O Father Zeus; only save thou the sons of the Acheans from the darkness; and make clear sky and vouchsafe sight to our eyes; and then; so it be but light; slay us; since such is thy good pleasure。  (Iliad; xvii。 645 et seq。)


A short time after the flight of the Emiral; a middle…class Jew called Pyrot; desirous of associating with the aristocracy and wishing to serve his country; entered the Penguin army。 The Minister of War; who at the time was Greatauk; Duke of Skull; could not endure him。 He blamed him for his zeal; his hooked nose; his vanity; his fondness for study; his thick lips; and his exemplary conduct。 Every time the author of any misdeed was looked for; Greatauk used to say:

〃It must be Pyrot!〃

One morning General Panther; the Chief of the Staff; informed Greatauk of a serious matter。 Eighty thousand trusses of hay intended for the cavalry had disappeared and not a trace of them was to be found。

Greatauk exclaimed at once:

〃It must be Pyrot who has stolen them!〃

He remained in thought for some time and said: 〃The more I think of it the more I am convinced that Pyrot has stolen those eighty thousand trusses of hay。 And I know it by this: he stole them in order that he might sell them to our bitter enemies the Porpoises。 What an infamous piece of treachery!

〃There is no doubt about it;〃 answered Panther; 〃it only remains to prove it。〃

The same day; as he passed by a cavalry barracks; Prince des Boscenos heard the troopers as they were sweeping out the yard; singing:

   Boscenos est un gros cochon;    On en va faire des andouilles;    Des saucisses et du jambon    Pour le riveillon des pauy' bougres。

It seemed to him contrary to all discipline that soldiers should sing this domestic and revolutionary refrain which on days of riot had been uttered by the lips of jeering workmen。 On this occasion he deplored the moral degeneration of the army; and thought with a bitter smile that his old comrade Greatauk; the head of this degenerate army; basely exposed him to the malice of an unpatriotic government。 And he promised himself that he would make an improvement before long。

〃That scoundrel Greatauk;〃 said he to himself; 〃will; not remain long a Minister。〃

Prince des Boscenos was the most irreconcilable of the opponents of modem democracy; free thought; and the government which the Penguins had voluntarily given themselves。 He had a vigorous and undisguised hatred for the Jews; and he worked in public and in private; night and day; for the restoration of the line of the Draconides。 His ardent royalism was still further excited by the thought of his private affairs; which were in a bad way and were hourly growing worse。 He had no hope of seeing an end to his pecuniary embarrassments until the heir of Draco the Great entered the city of Alca。

When he returned to his house; the prince took out of his safe a bundle of old letters consisting of a private correspondence of the most secret nature; which he had obtained from a treacherous secretary。 They proved that his old comrade Greatauk; the Duke of Skull; had been guilty of jobbery regarding the military stores and had received a present of no great value from a manufacturer called Maloury。 The very smallness of this present deprived the Minister who had accepted it of all excuse。

The prince re…read the letters with a bitter satisfaction; put them carefully back into his safe; and dashed to the Minister of War。 He was a man of resolute character。 On being told that the Minister could see no one he knocked down the ushers; swept aside the orderlies; trampled under foot the civil and military clerks; burst through the doors; and entered the room of the astonished Greatauk。

〃I will not say much;〃 said he to him; 〃but I will speak to the point。 You are a confounded cad。 I have asked you to put a flea in the ear of General Mouchin; the tool of those Republicans; and you would not do it。 I have asked you to give a command to General des Clapiers; who works for the Dracophils; and who has obliged me personally; and you would not do it。 I have asked you to dismiss General Tandem; the commander of Port Alca; who robbed me of fifty louis at cards; and who had me handcuffed when I was brought before the High Court as Emiral Chatillon's accomplice。 You would not do it。 I asked you for the hay and bran stores。 You would not give them。 I asked you to send me on a secret mission to Porpoisia。 You refused。 And not satisfied with these repeated refusals you have designated me to your Government colleagues as a dangerous person; who ought to be watched; and it is owing to you that I have been shadowed by the police。 You old traitor! I ask nothing more from you and I have but one word to say to you: Clear out; you have bothered us too long。 Besides; we will force the vile Republic to replace you by one of our own party。 You know that I am a man of my word。 If in twenty…four hours you have not handed in your resignation I will publish the Maloury dossier in the newspapers。〃

But Greatauk calmly and serenely replied:

〃Be quiet; you fool。 I am just having a Jew transported。 I am hand
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