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penguin island-第36章

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mbled all the defenders of Pyrot in Alca; professors; publicists; workmen; some conservatives; others Radicals or Revolutionaries; and by their negligent dress and fierce aspect could be recognised comrades Phoenix; Larrivee; Lapersonne; Dagobert; and Varambille。 Squeezed in his funereal frock…coat and wearing his hat of ceremony; Bidault…Coquille invoked the sentimental mathematics on behalf of Colomban and Colonel Hastaing。 Maniflore shone smiling and resplendent on the topmost step; anxious; like Leaena; to deserve a glorious monument; or to be given; like Epicharis; the praises of history。

The seven hundred Pyrotists disguised as lemonade sellers; utter…merchants; collectors of odds and ends; or anti…Pyrotists; wandered round the vast building。

When Colomban appeared; so great an uproar burst forth that; struck by the commotion of air and water; birds fell from the trees and fishes floated on the surface of the stream。

On all sides there were yells:

〃Duck Colomban; duck him; duck him!〃

There were some cries of 〃Justice and truth!〃 and a voice was even heard shouting:

〃Down with the Army!〃

This was the signal for a terrible struggle。 The combatants fell in thousands; and their bodies formed howling and moving mounds on top of which fresh champions gripped each other by the throats。 Women; eager; pale; and dishevelled; with clenched teeth and frantic nails; rushed on the man; in transports that; in the brilliant light of the public square; gave to their faces expressions unsurpassed even in the shade of curtains and in the hollows of pillows。 They were going to seize Colomban; to bite him; to strangle; dismember and rend him; when Maniflore; tall and dignified in her red tunic; stood forth; serene and terrible; confronting these furies who recoiled from before her in terror。 Colomban seemed to be saved; his partisans succeeded in clearing a passage for him through the Place du Palais and in putting him into a cab stationed at the comer of the Pont…Vieux。 The horse was already in full trot when Prince des Boscenos; Count Clena; and M。 de La Trumelle knocked the driver off his seat。 Then; making the animal back and pushing the spokes of the wheels; they ran the vehicle on to the parapet of the bridge; whence they overturned it into the river amid the cheers of the delirious crowd。 With a resounding splash a jet of water rose upwards; and then nothing but a slight eddy was to be seen on the surface of the stream。

Almost immediately comrades Dagobert and Varambille; with the help of the seven hundred disguised Pyrotists; sent Prince des Boscenos head foremost into a river…laundry in which he was lamentably swallowed up。

Serene night descended over the Place du Palais and shed silence and peace upon the frightful ruins with which it was strewed。 In the mean time; Colomban; three thousand yards down the stream; cowering beside a lame old horse on a bridge; was meditating on the ignorance and injustice of crowds。

〃The business;〃 said he to himself; 〃is even more troublesome than I believed。 I foresee fresh difficulties。〃

He got up and approached the unhappy animal。

〃What have you; poor friend; done to them?〃 said he。 〃It is on my account they have used you so cruelly。〃

He embraced the unfortunate beast and kissed the white star on his forehead。 Then he took him by the bridle and led him; both of them limping; trough the sleeping city to his house; where sleep soon allowed them to forget mankind。


In their infinite gentleness and at the suggestion of the common father of the faithful; the bishops; canons; vicars; curates; abbots; and friars of Penguinia resolved to hold a solemn service in the cathedral of Alca; and to pray that Divine mercy would deign to put an end to the troubles that distracted one of the noblest countries in Christendom; and grant to repentant Penguinia pardon for its crimes against God and the ministers of religion。

The ceremony took place on the fifteenth of June。 General Caraguel; surrounded by his staff; occupied the churchwarden's pew。 The congregation was numerous and brilliant。 According to M。 Bigourd's expression it was both crowded and select。 In the front rank was to be seen M。 de la Bertheoseille; Chamberlain to his Highness Prince Crucho。 Near the pulpit; which was to be ascended by the Reverend Father Douillard; of the Order of St。 Francis; were gathered; in an attitude of attention with their hands crossed upon their wands of office; the great dignitaries of the Anti…Pyrotist association; Viscount Olive; M。 de La Trumelle; Count Clena; the Duke d'Ampoule; and Prince des Boscenos。 Father Agaric was in the apse with the teachers and pupils of St。 Mael College。 The right…hand transept and aisle were reserved for officers and soldiers in uniform; this side being thought the more honourable; since the Lord leaned his head to the right when he died on the Cross。 The ladies of the aristocracy; and among them Countess Clena; Viscountess Olive; and Princess des Boscenos; occupied reserved seats。 In the immense building and in the square outside were gathered twenty thousand clergy of all sorts; as well as thirty thousand of the laity。

After the expiatory and propitiatory ceremony the Reverend Father Douillard ascended the pulpit。 The sermon had at first been entrusted to the Reverend Father Agaric; but; in spite of his merits; he was thought unequal to the occasion in zeal and doctrine; and the eloquent Capuchin friar; who for six months had gone through the barracks preaching against the enemies of God and authority; had been chosen in his place。

The Reverend Father Douillard; taking as his text; 〃He hath put down the mighty from their seat;〃 established that all temporal power has God as its principle and its end; and that it is ruined and destroyed when it turns aside from the path that Providence has traced out for it and from the end to which He has directed it。

Applying these sacred rules to the government of Penguinia; he drew a terrible picture of the evils that the country's rulers had been unable either to prevent or to foresee。

〃The first author of all these miseries and degradations; my brethren;〃 said he; 〃is only too well known to you。 He is a monster whose destiny is providentially proclaimed by his name; for it is derived from the Greek word; pyros; which means fire。 Eternal wisdom warns us by this etymology that a Jew was to set ablaze the country that had welcomed him。〃

He depicted the country; persecuted by the persecutors of the Church; and crying in its agony:

〃O woe! O glory! Those who have crucified my God are crucifying me!〃

At these words a prolonged shudder passed through the assembly。

The powerful orator excited still greater indignation when he described the proud and crime…stained Colomban; plunged into the stream; all the waters of which could not cleanse him。 He gathered up all the humiliations and all the perils of the Penguins in order to reproach the President of the Republic and his Prime Minister with them。

〃That Minister;〃 said he; 〃having been guilty of degrading cowardice in not exterminating the seven hundred Pyrotists with their allies and defenders; as Saul exterminated the Philistines at Gibeah; has rendered himself unworthy of exercising the power。 that God delegated to him; and every good citizen ought henceforth to insult his contemptible government。 Heaven will look favourably on those who despise him。 'He hath put down the mighty from their seat。' God will depose these pusillanimous chiefs and will put in their place strong men who will call upon Him。 I tell you; gentlemen; I tell you officers; non…commissioned officers; and soldiers who listen to me; I tell you General of the Penguin armies; the hour has come! If you do not obey God's orders; if in His name you do not depose those now in authority; if you do not establish a religious and strong government in Penguinia; God will none the less destroy what He has condemned; He will none the less save His people。 He will save them; but; if you are wanting; He will do so by means of a humble artisan or a simple corporal。 Hasten! The hour will soon be past。〃

Excited by this ardent exhortation; the sixty thousand people present rose up trembling and shouting: 〃To arms! To arms! Death to the Pyrotists! Hurrah for Crucho!〃 and all of them; monks; women; soldiers; noblemen; citizens; and loafers; who were gathered beneath the superhuman arm uplifted in the pulpit; struck up the hymn; 〃Let us save Penguinia! They rushed impetuously from the basilica and marched along the quays to the Chamber of Deputies。

Left alone in the deserted nave; the wise Cornemuse; lifting his arms to heaven; murmured in broken accents:

〃Agnosco fortunam ecclesiae penguicanae! I see but too well whither this will lead us。〃

The attack which the crowd made upon the legislative palace was repulsed。 Vigorously charged by the police and Alcan guards; the assailants were already fleeing in disorder; when the Socialists; running from the slums and led by comrades Phoenix; Dagobert; Lapersonne; and Varambille; threw themselves upon them and completed their discomfiture。 MM。 de La Trumelle and d'Ampoule were taken to the police station。 Prince des Boscenos
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