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government out of its constitutional hands; associate them indeed

with us; to preserve a semblance that the acts are theirs; but

insuring them to be our own by allowing them a minor vote only?

        (*) The clergy of the United States may probably be estimated

at eight thousand。  The residue of this society at four hundred; but

if the former number be halved; the reasoning will be the same。

        These considerations have impressed my mind with a force so

irresistible; that (in duty bound to answer your polite letter;

without which I should not have obtruded an opinion;) I have not been

able to withhold the expression of them。  Not knowing the individuals

who have proposed this plan; I cannot be conceived as entertaining

personal disrespect for them。  On the contrary; I see in the printed

list persons for whom I cherish sentiments of sincere friendship; and

others; for whose opinions and purity of purpose I have the highest

respect。  Yet thinking as I do; that this association is unnecessary;

that the government is proceeding to the same object under control of

the law; that they are competent to it in wisdom; in means; and

inclination; that this association; this wheel within a wheel; is

more likely to produce collision than aid; and that it is; in its

magnitude; of dangerous example; I am bound to say; that; as a

dutiful citizen; I cannot in conscience become a member of this

society; possessing as it does my entire confidence in the integrity

of its views。  I feel with awe the weight of opinion to which I may

be opposed; and that; for myself; I have need to ask the indulgence

of a belief; that the opinion I have given is the best result I can

deduce from my own reason and experience; and that it is sincerely

conscientious。  Repeating therefore; my just acknowledgments for the

honor proposed to me; I beg leave to add the assurances to the

society and yourself of my highest confidence and consideration。

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