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within the law-第31章

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There followed a little period of quiet between the two。  The father; from his desk; stood facing his son; who thus denied him in all honesty because the heart so commanded。  The son rested motionless and looked with unflinching eyes into his father's face。  In the gaze of each was a great affection。

〃You're all I have; my boy;〃 the older man said at last。  And now the big voice was a mildest whisper of love。

〃Yes; Dad;〃 came the answeranother whisper; since it is hard to voice the truth of feeling such as this。  〃If I could avoid it; I wouldn't hurt you for anything in the world。  I'm sorry; Dad; awfully sorry〃 He hesitated; then his voice rang out clearly。  There was in his tone; when he spoke again; a recognition of that loneliness which is the curse and the crown of being:

〃But;〃 he ended; 〃I must fight this out by myselffight it out in my own way。。。。 And I'm going to do it!〃 


The butler entered。

〃A man to see you; sir;〃 he said。

Gilder made a gesture of irritation; as he sank into the chair at his desk。

〃I can't see any one to…night; Thomas;〃 he exclaimed; sharply。

〃But he said it was most important; sir;〃 the servant went on。  He held out the tray insistently。

The master took the card grudgingly。  As his eyes caught the name; his expression changed slightly。

〃Very well;〃 he said; 〃show him up。〃  His glance met the wondering gaze of his son。

〃It's Burke;〃 he explained。

〃What on earth can he wantat this time of night?〃  Dick exclaimed。

The father smiled grimly。

〃You may as well get used to visits from the police。〃  There was something ghastly in the effort toward playfulness。

A moment later; Inspector Burke entered the room。

〃Oh; you're here; too;〃 he said; as his eyes fell on Dick。  〃That's good。  I wanted to see you; too。〃

Inspector Burke was; in fact; much concerned over the situation that had developed。  He was a man of undoubted ability; and he took a keen professional pride in his work。  He possessed the faults of his class; was not too scrupulous where he saw a safe opportunity to make a snug sum of money through the employment of his official authority; was ready to buckle to those whose influence could help or hinder his ambition。  But; in spite of these ordinary defects; he was fond of his work and wishful to excel in it。  Thus; Mary Turner had come to be a thorn in his side。  She flouted his authority and sustained her incredible effrontery by a restraining order from the court。  The thing was outrageous to him; and he set himself to match her cunning。 The fact that she had involved Dick Gilder within her toils made him the more anxious to overcome her in the strife of resources between them。  After much studying; he had at last planned something that; while it would not directly touch Mary herself; would at least serve to intimidate her; and as well make further action easier against her。  It was in pursuit of this scheme that he now came to Gilder's house; and the presence of the young man abruptly gave him another idea that might benefit him well。  So; he disregarded Gilder's greeting; and went on speaking to the son。

〃She's skipped!〃 he said; triumphantly。

Dick made a step forward。  His eyes flashed; and there was anger in his voice as he replied:

〃I don't believe it。〃

The Inspector smiled; unperturbed。

〃She left this morning for Chicago;〃 he said; lying with a manner that long habit rendered altogether convincing。  〃I told you she'd go。〃  He turned to the father; and spoke with an air of boastful good nature。 〃Now; all you have to do is to get this boy out of the scrape and you'll be all right。〃

〃If we only could!〃 The cry came with deepest earnestness from the lips of Gilder; but there was little hope in his voice。

The Inspector; however; was confident of success; and his tones rang cheerfully as he answered:

〃I guess we can find a way to have the marriage annulled; or whatever they do to marriages that don't take。〃

The brutal assurance of the man in thus referring to things that were sacred; moved Dick to wrath。

〃Don't you interfere;〃 he said。  His words were spoken softly; but tensely。

Nevertheless; Burke held to the topic; but an indefinable change in his manner rendered it less offensive to the young man。

〃Interfere! Huh!〃 he ejaculated; grinning broadly。 〃Why; that's what I'm paid to do。  Listen to me; son。 The minute you begin mixing up with crooks; you ain't in a position to give orders to any one。  The crooks have got no rights in the eyes of the police。  Just remember that。〃

The Inspector spoke the simple truth as he knew it from years of experience。  The theory of the law is that a presumption of innocence exists until the accused is proven guilty。  But the police are out of sympathy with such finical methods。  With them; the crook is presumed guilty at the outset of whatever may be charged against him。  If need be; there will be proof a…plenty against himof the sort that the underworld knows to its sorrow。

But Dick was not listening。  His thoughts were again wholly with the woman he loved; who; as the Inspector declared; had fled from him。

〃Where's she gone in Chicago?〃 

Burke answered in his usual gruff fashion; but with a note of kindliness that was not without its effect on Dick。

〃I'm no mind…reader;〃 he said。  〃But she's a swell little girl; all right。  I've got to hand it to her for that。 So; she'll probably stop at the Blackstonethat is; until the Chicago police are tipped off that she is in town。〃

Of a sudden; the face of the young man took on a totally different expression。  Where before had been anger; now was a vivid eagerness。  He went close to the Inspector; and spoke with intense seriousness。

〃Burke;〃 he said; pleadingly; 〃give me a chance。  I'll leave for Chicago in the morning。  Give me twenty…four hours start before you begin hounding her。〃

The Inspector regarded the speaker searchingly。  His heavy face was drawn in an expression of apparent doubt。  Abruptly; then; he smiled acquiescence。

〃Seems reasonable;〃 he admitted。

But the father strode to his son。

〃No; no; Dick;〃 he cried。  〃You shall not go! You shall not go!〃 

Burke; however; shook his head in remonstrance against Gilder's plea。  His huge voice came booming; weightily impressive。

〃Why not?〃  he questioned。  〃It's a fair gamble。  And; besides; I like the boy's nerve。〃

Dick seized on the admission eagerly。

〃And you'll agree?〃  he cried。

〃Yes; I'll agree;〃 the Inspector answered。

〃Thank you;〃 Dick said quietly。

But the father was not content。  On the contrary; he went toward the two hurriedly; with a gesture of reproval。

〃You shall not go; Dick;〃 he declared; imperiously。

The Inspector shot a word of warning to Gilder in an aside that Dick could not hear。

〃Keep still;〃 he replied。  〃It's all right。〃

Dick went on speaking with a seriousness suited to the magnitude of his interests。

〃You give me your word; Inspector;〃 he said; 〃that you won't notify the police in Chicago until I've been there twenty…four hours?〃 

〃You're on;〃 Burke replied genially。  〃They won't get a whisper out of me until the time is up。〃  He swung about to face the father; and there was a complete change in his manner。  〃Now; then; Mr。 Gilder;〃 he said briskly; 〃I want to talk to you about another little matter〃

Dick caught the suggestion; and interrupted quickly。

〃Then I'll go。〃  He smiled rather wanly at his father。  〃You know; Dad; I'm sorry; but I've got to do what I think is the right thing。〃

Burke helped to save the situation from the growing tenseness。

〃Sure;〃 he cried heartily; 〃sure you have。  That's the best any of us can do。〃  He watched keenly as the young man went out of the room。  It was not until the door was closed after Dick that he spoke。  Then he dropped to a seat on the couch; and proceeded to make his confidences to the magnate。

〃He'll go to Chicago in the morning; you think; don't you?〃 

〃Certainly;〃 Gilder answered。  〃But I don't like it。〃

Burke slapped his leg with an enthusiasm that might have broken a weaker member。

〃Best thing that could have happened!〃 he vociferated。 And then; as Gilder regarded him in astonishment; he added; chuckling: 〃You see; he won't find her there。〃

〃Why do you think that?〃  Gilder demanded; greatly puzzled。

Burke permitted himself the luxury of laughing appreciatively a moment more before making his exclamation。  Then he said quietly:

〃Because she didn't go there。〃

〃Where did she go; then?〃  Gilder queried wholly at a loss。

Once again the officer chuckled。  It was evident that he was well pleased with his own ingenuity。

〃Nowhere yet;〃 he said at last。  〃But; just about the time he's starting for the West I'll have her down at Headquarters。  Demarest will have her indicted before noon。  She'll go for trial in the afternoon。  And to…morrow night she'll be sleeping up the river。。。。 That's where she is going。〃

Gilder stood motionless for a moment。  After all; he was an ordinary citizen; quite unfamiliar with the recondite methods familiar to the police。

〃But;〃 he said; wonderingly; 〃you can't do that。〃

The Inspector laughed; a laugh of disingenuous amusement; for he understood 
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