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within the law-第37章

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Mary regarded the protesting man with abhorrence。 The perjured wretch shrank before the loathing in her eyes。

〃You came to me yesterday;〃 she said; with more of restraint in her voice now; but still with inexorable rancor。 〃You came to me to explain this plan。  And you came from himfrom Burke!〃 

〃I swear I was on the level。  I was tipped off to the story by a pal;〃 Griggs declared; but at last the assurance was gone out of his voice。  He felt the hostility of those about him。

Garson broke in ferociously。

〃It's a frame…up!〃 he said。  His tones came in a deadened roar of wrath。

On the instant; aware that further subterfuge could be of no avail; Griggs swaggered defiance。

〃And what if it is true?〃  he drawled; with a resumption of his aristocratic manner; while his eyes swept the group balefully。  He plucked the police whistle from his waistcoat…pocket; and raised it to his lips。

He moved too slowly。  In the same moment of his action; Garson had pulled the pistol from his pocket; had pressed the trigger。  There came no spurt of flame。 There was no soundsave perhaps a faint clicking noise。  But the man with the whistle at his lips suddenly ceased movement; stood absolutely still for the space of a breath。  Then; he trembled horribly; and in the next instant crashed to the floor; where he lay rigid; dead。

〃Damn youI've got you!〃 Garson sneered through clenched teeth。  His eyes were like balls of fire。  There was a frightful grin of triumph twisting his mouth in this minute of punishment。

In the first second of the tragedy; Dick had not understood。  Indeed; he was still dazed by the suddenness of it all。  But the falling of Griggs before the leveled weapon of the other man; there to lie in that ghastly immobility; made him to understand。  He leaped toward Garsonwould have wrenched the pistol from the other's grasp。  In the struggle; it fell to the floor。

Before either could pick it up; there came an interruption。 Even in the stress of this scene; Chicago Red had never relaxed his professional caution。  A slight noise had caught his ear; he had stooped; listening。 Now; he straightened; and called his warning。

〃Somebody's opening the front door!〃 

Garson forgot his weapon in this new alarm。  He sprang to the octagonal window; even as Dick took possession of the pistol。

〃The street's empty! We must jump for it!〃 His hate was forgotten now in an emotion still deeper; and he turned to Mary。  His face was all gentleness again; where just before it had been evil incarnate; aflame with the lust to destroy。  〃Come on; Mary;〃 he cried。

Already Chicago Red had snapped off the lights of the chandelier; had sprung to the window; thrown open a panel of it; and had vanished into the night; with Dacey at his heels。  As Garson would have called out to the girl again in mad anxiety for haste; he was interrupted by Dick:

〃She couldn't make it; Garson;〃 he declared coolly and resolutely。  〃You go。  It'll be all right; you know。 I'll take care of her!〃 

〃If she's caught!〃 There was an indescribable menace in the forger's half…uttered threat。

〃She won't be。〃  The quality of sincerity in Dick's voice was more convincing than any vow might have been。

〃If she is; I'll get you; that's all;〃 Garson said gravely; as one stating a simple fact that could not be disputed。

Then he glanced down at the body of the man whom he had done to death。

〃And you can tell that to Burke!〃 he said viciously to the dead。  〃You damned squealer!〃 There was a supremely malevolent content in his sneer。


The going of Garson left the room deathly still。 Dick stared for a moment at the space of window left uncovered by the draperies now; since the man had hurried past them; without pausing to draw them after him。 Then; presently; the young man turned again to Mary; and took her hand in his。  The shock of the event had somehow steadied him; since it had drawn his thoughts from that other more engrossing mood of concern over the crisis in his own life。  After all; what mattered the death of this crook?  his fancy ran。  The one thing of real worth in all the world was the life that remained to be lived between him and her。。。。 Then; violently; the selfishness of his mood was made plain to him。  For the hand he held was shaking like some slender…stalked lily in the clutch of the sirocco。  Even as he first perceived the fact; he saw the girl stagger。  His arm swept about her in a virile protecting embracejust in time; or she would have fallen。

A whisper came from her quivering lips。  Her face was close to his; else he could not have caught the uncertain murmuring。  That face now was become ghastly pale。  The violet eyes were widened and dull。  The muscles of her face twitched。  She rested supinely against him; as if bereft of any strength of body or of soul。  Yet; in the intensity of her utterance; the feeble whisper struck like a shriek of horror。

〃IInever saw any one killed before!〃 

The simple; grisly truth of the wordswords that he might have spoken as wellstirred the man to the deeps of his being。  He shuddered; as he turned his eyes to avoid seeing the thing that lay so very near; mercifully merged within the shadows beyond the gentle radiance from the single lamp。  With a pang of infinite pity for the woman in his arms; he apprehended in some degree the torture this event must have inflicted on her。 Frightful to him; it must in truth be vastly worse to her。 There was her womanly sensitiveness to enhance the innate hideousness of the thing that had been done here before their eyes。  There was; too; the fact that the murderer himself had been the man to whom she owed her life。  Yes; for him; Dick realized with poignant sympathy; the happening that night was terrible indeed: for her; as he guessed now at last; the torture must be something easily to overwhelm all her strength。  His touch on her grew tender beyond the ordinary tenderness of love; made gentler by a great underlying compassion for her misery。

Dick drew Mary toward the couch; there let her sink down in a huddled attitude of despair。

〃I never saw a mankilled before!〃 she said again。 There was a note of half…hysterical; almost childish complaint in her voice。  She moved her head a little; as if to look into the shadows where *IT lay; then checked herself violently; and looked up at her husband with the pathetic simplicity of terror。

〃You know; Dick;〃 she repeated dully; 〃I never saw a man killed before。〃

Before he could utter the soothing words that rose to his lips; Dick was interrupted by a slight sound at the door。  Instantly; he was all alert to meet the exigencies of the situation。  He stood by the couch; bending forward a little; as if in a posture of intimate fondness。 Then; with a new thought; he got out his cigarette…case and lighted a cigarette; after which he resumed his former leaning over the woman as would the ardent lover。  He heard the noise again presently; now so near that he made sure of being overheard; so at once he spoke with a forced cheerfulness in his inflection。

〃I tell you; Mary;〃 he declared; 〃everything's going to be all right for you and me。  It was bully of you to come here to me like this。〃

The girl made no response。  She lived still in the nightmare of murderthat nightmare wherein she had seen Griggs fall dead to the floor。

Dick; in nervous apprehension as to the issue; sought to bring her to realization of the new need that had come upon them。

〃Talk to me;〃 he commanded; very softly。  〃They'll be here in a minute。  When they come in; pretend you just came here in order to meet me。  Try; Mary。  You must; dearest!〃 Then; again; his voice rose to loudness; as he continued。  〃Why; I've been trying all day to see you。  And; now; here we are together; just as I was beginning to get really discouraged。。。。 I know my father will eventually〃

He was interrupted by the swift swinging open of the hallway door。  Burke stood just within the library; a revolver pointed menacingly。

〃Hands up!all of you!〃 The Inspector's voice fairly roared the command。

The belligerent expression of his face vanished abruptly; as his eyes fell on Dick standing by the couch and Mary reclining there in limp helplessness。  His surprise would have been ludicrous but for the seriousness of the situation to all concerned。  Burke's glance roved the room sharply; and he was quickly convinced that these two were in fact the only present spoil of his careful plotting。 His face set grimly; for the disappointment of this minute surged fiercely within him。  He started to speak; his eyes lowering as he regarded the two before him。

But Dick forestalled him。  He spoke in a voice coldly repellent。

〃What are you doing in this house at this time of night?〃  he demanded。  His manner was one of stern disapproval。  〃I recognize you; Inspector Burke。  But you must understand that there are limits even to what you can do。  It seems to me; sir; that you exceed your authority by such an intrusion as this。〃

Burke; however; was not a whit dismayed by the rebuke and the air of rather contemptuous disdain with which it was uttered。  He waved his revolver toward Mary; merely as a gesture of inquisitiveness; without any
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