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within the law-第48章

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astrophe that threatened。  His intelligence was too keen to permit a belief that Burke's manner of almost fulsome kindliness hid nothing ominousominous with a hint of death for him in return for the death he had wrought。

Then; terror crystallized。  His eyes were caught by a figure; the figure of Cassidy; advancing there in the corridor。  And with the detective went a man whose gait was slinking; craven。  A cell…door swung open; the prisoner stepped within; the door clanged to; the bolts shot into their sockets noisily。

Garson sat huddled; strickenfor he had recognized the victim thrust into the cell before his eyes。。。。 It was Dacey; one of his own cronies in crimeDacey; who; the night before; had seen him kill Eddie Griggs。 There was something concretely sinister to Garson in this fact of Dacey's presence there in the cell。

Of a sudden; the forger cried out raucously:

〃Say; Inspector; if you've got anything on me; II would〃 The cry dropped into unintelligible mumblings。

Burke retained his manner of serene indifference to the other's agitation。  Still; his pen hurried over the paper; and he did not trouble to look up as he expostulated; half…banteringly。

〃Now; now! What's the matter with you; Joe?  I told you that I wanted to ask you a few questions。 That's all。〃

Garson leaped to his feet again resolutely; then faltered; and ultimately fell back into the chair with a groan; as the Inspector went on speaking。

〃Now; Joe; sit down; and keep still; I tell you; and let me get through with this job。  It won't take me more than a minute more。〃

But; after a moment; Garson's emotion forced hint to another appeal。

〃Say; Inspector〃 he began。

Then; abruptly; he was silent; his mouth still open to utter the words that were now held back by horror。 Again; he saw the detective walking forward; out there in the corridor。  And with him; as before; was a second figure; which advanced slinkingly。  Garson leaned forward in his chair; his head thrust out; watching in rigid suspense。  Again; even as before; the door swung wide; the prisoner slipped within; the door clanged shut; the bolts clattered noisily into their sockets。

And; in the watcher; terror grewfor he had seen the face of Chicago Red; another of his pals; another who had seen him kill Griggs。  For a time that seemed to him long ages of misery; Garson sat staring dazedly at the closed doors of the tier of cells。  The peril about him was growinggrowing; and it was a deadly peril! At last; he licked his dry lips; and his voice broke in a throaty whisper。

〃Say; Inspector; if you've got anything against me; why〃

〃Who said there was anything against you; Joe?〃  Burke rejoined; in a voice that was genially chiding。 〃What's the matter with you to…day; Joe?  You seem nervous。〃  Still; the official kept on with his writing。

〃No; I ain't nervous;〃 Garson cried; with a feverish effort to appear calm。  〃Why; what makes you think that?  But this ain't exactly the place you'd pick out as a pleasant one to spend the morning。〃  He was silent for a little; trying with all his strength to regain his self…control; but with small success。

〃Could I ask you a question?〃  he demanded finally; with more firmness in his voice。

〃What is it?〃 Burke said。

Garson cleared his throat with difficulty; and his voice was thick。

〃I was just going to say〃 he began。  Then; he hesitated; and was silent; at a loss。

〃Well; what is it; Joe?〃  the Inspector prompted。

〃I was going to saythat iswell; if it's anything about Mary Turner; I don't know a thingnot a thing!〃 

It was the thought of possible peril to her that now; in an instant; had caused him to forget his own mortal danger。  Where; before; he had been shuddering over thoughts of the death…house cell that might be awaiting him; he now had concern only for the safety of the woman he cherished。  And there was a great grief in his soul; for it was borne in on him that his own folly; in disobedience to her command; had led up to the murder of Griggsand to all that might come of the crime。 How could he ever make amends to her?  At least; he could be brave here; for her sake; if not for his own。

Burke believed that his opportunity was come。

〃What made you think I wanted to know anything about her?〃  he questioned。

〃Oh; I can't exactly say;〃 Garson replied carelessly; in an attempt to dissimulate his agitation。  〃You were up to the house; you know。  Don't you see?〃 

〃I did want to see her; that's a fact;〃 Burke admitted。 He kept on with his writing; his head bent low。 〃But she wasn't at her flat。  I guess she must have taken my advice; and skipped out。  Clever girl; that!〃 

Garson contrived to present an aspect of comparative indifference。

〃Yes;〃 he agreed。  〃I was thinking of going West; myself;〃 he ventured。

〃Oh; were you?〃  Burke exclaimed; and; now; there was a new note in his voice。  His hand slipped into the pocket where was the pistol; and clutched it。  He stared at Garson fiercely; and spoke with a rush of the words:

〃Why did you kill Eddie Griggs?〃 

〃I didn't kill him!〃 The reply was quick enough; but it came weakly。  Again; Garson was forced to wet his lips with a dry tongue; and to swallow painfully。  〃I tell you; I didn't kill him!〃 he repeated at last; with more force。

Burke sneered his disbelief。

〃You killed him last nightwith this!〃 he cried; viciously。  On the instant; the pistol leaped into view; pointed straight at Garson。  〃Why?〃  the Inspector shouted。  〃Come on; now! Why?〃 

〃I didn't; I tell you!〃 Garson was growing stronger; since at last the crisis was upon him。  He got to his feet with lithe swiftness of movement; and sprang close to the desk。  He bent his head forward challengingly; to meet the glare of his accuser's eyes。  There was no flinching in his own steely stare。  His nerves had ceased their jangling under the tautening of necessity。

〃You did!〃 Burke vociferated。  He put his whole will into the assertion of guilt; to batter down the man's resistance。 〃You did; I tell you! You did!〃 

Garson leaned still further forward; until his face was almost level with the Inspector's。  His eyes were unclouded now; were blazing。  His voice came resonant in its denial。  The entire pose of him was intrepid; dauntless。

〃And I tell you; I didn't!〃 

There passed many seconds; while the two men battled in silence; will warring against will。 。。。 In the end; it was the murderer who triumphed。

Suddenly; Burke dropped the pistol into his pocket; and lolled back in his chair。  His gaze fell away from the man confronting him。  In the same instant; the rigidity of Garson's form relaxed; and he straightened slowly。 A tide of secret joy swept through him; as he realized his victory。  But his outward expression remained unchanged。

〃Oh; well;〃 Burke exclaimed amiably; 〃I didn't really think you did; but I wasn't sure; so I had to take a chance。  You understand; don't you; Joe?〃 

〃Sure; I understand;〃 Garson replied; with an amiability equal to the Inspector's own。

Burke's manner continued very amicable as he went on speaking。

〃You see; Joe; anyhow; we've got the right party safe enough。  You can bet on that!〃 

Garson resisted the lure。

〃If you don't want me〃 he began suggestively; and he turned toward the door to the outer hall。  〃Why; if you don't want me; I'llget along。〃

〃Oh; what's the hurry; Joe?〃  Burke retorted; with the effect of stopping the other short。  He pressed the buzzer as the agreed signal to Cassidy。  〃Where did you say Mary Turner was last night?〃 

At the question; all Garson's fears for the woman rushed back on him with appalling force。  Of what avail his safety; if she were still in peril?

〃I don't know where she was;〃 he exclaimed; doubtfully。  He realized his blunder even as the words left his lips; and sought to correct it as best he might。  〃Why; yes; I do; too;〃 he went on; as if assailed by sudden memory。  〃I dropped into her place kind of late; and they said she'd gone to bedheadache; I guess。。。。 Yes; she was home; of course。  She didn't go out of the house; all night。〃  His insistence on the point was of itself suspicious; but eagerness to protect her stultified his wits。

Burke sat grim and silent; offering no comment on the lie。

〃Know anything about young Gilder?〃  he demanded。 〃Happen to know where he is now?〃  He arose and came around the desk; so that he stood close to Garson; at whom he glowered。

〃Not a thing!〃 was the earnest answer。  But the speaker's fear rose swiftly; for the linking of these names was significantfrightfully significant!

The inner door opened; and Mary Turner entered the office。  Garson with difficulty suppressed the cry of distress that rose to his lips。  For a few moments; the silence was unbroken。  Then; presently; Burke; by a gesture; directed the girl to advance toward the center of the room。  As she obeyed; he himself went a little toward the door; and; when it opened again; and Dick Gilder appeared; he interposed to check the young man's rush forward as his gaze fell on his bride; who stood regarding him with sad eyes。

Garson stared mutely at the burly man in uniform who held their destinies in the hollow of a hand。  His lips parted as if he were about to speak。  Then; he
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