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within the law-第6章

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Gilder displayed signs of triumph。  He brought his chair to a level and pounded the desk with a weighty fist。

〃There!〃 he cried。  〃I knew it。  The girl wants to confess。  Well; it's the first sign of decent feeling she's shown。  I suppose it ought to be encouraged。  Probably there have been others mixed up in this。〃

Demarest attempted no denial。

〃Perhaps;〃 he admitted; though he spoke altogether without conviction。  〃But;〃 he continued insinuatingly; 〃at least it can do no harm if you see her。  I thought you would be willing; so I spoke to the District Attorney; and he has given orders to bring her here for a few minutes on the way to the Grand Central Station。 They're taking her up to Burnsing; you know。  I wish; Gilder; you would have a little talk with her。  No harm in that!〃 With the saying; the lawyer abruptly went out of the office; leaving the owner of the store fuming。


〃Hello; Dad!〃 

After the attorney's departure; Gilder had been rather fussily going over some of the papers on his desk。  He was experiencing a vague feeling of injury on account of the lawyer's ill…veiled efforts to arouse his sympathy in behalf of the accused girl。  In the instinct of strengthening himself against the possibility of yielding to what he deemed weakness; the magnate rehearsed the facts that justified his intolerance; and; indeed; soon came to gloating over the admirable manner in which righteousness thrives in the world。  And it was then that an interruption came in the utterance of two words; words of affection; of love; cried out in the one voice he most longed to hearfor the voice was that of his son。  Yet; he did not look up。  The thing was altogether impossible! The boy was philandering; junketing; somewhere on the Riviera。  His first intimation as to the exact place would come in the form of a cable asking for money。  Somehow; his feelings had been unduly stirred that morning; he had grown sentimental; dreaming of pleasant things。。。。 All this in a second。  Then; he looked up。  Why; it was true! It was Dick's face there; smiling in the doorway。  Yes; it was Dick; it was Dick himself! Gilder sprang to his feet; his face suddenly grown younger; radiant。

〃Dick!〃 The big voice was softened to exquisite tenderness。

As the eyes of the two met; the boy rushed forward; and in the next moment the hands of father and son clasped firmly。  They were silent in the first emotion of their greeting。  Presently; Gilder spoke; with an effort toward harshness in his voice to mask how much he was shaken。  But the tones rang more kindly than any he had used for many a day; tremulous with affection。

〃What brought you back?〃  he demanded。

Dick; too; had felt the tension of an emotion far beyond that of the usual things。  He was forced to clear his throat before he answered with that assumption of nonchalance which he regarded as befitting the occasion。

〃Why; I just wanted to come back home;〃 he said; lightly。  A sudden recollection came to give him poise in this time of emotional disturbance; and he added hastily: 〃And; for the love of heaven; give Sadie five dollars。 I borrowed it from her to pay the taxi'。  You see; Dad; I'm broke。〃

〃Of course!〃 With the saying; Edward Gilder roared Gargantuan laughter。  In the burst of merriment; his pent feelings found their vent。  He was still chuckling when he spoke; sage from much experience of ocean travel。  〃Poker on the ship; I suppose。〃

The young man; too; smiled reminiscently as he answered:

〃No; not that; though I did have a little run in at Monte Carlo。  But it was the ship that finished me; at that。  You see; Dad; they hired Captain Kidd and a bunch of pirates as stewards; and what they did to little Richard was something fierce。  And yet; that wasn't the real trouble; either。  The fact is; I just naturally went broke。  Not a hard thing to do on the other side。〃

〃Nor on this;〃 the father interjected; dryly。

〃Anyhow; it doesn't matter much;〃 Dick replied; quite unabashed。  〃Tell me; Dad; how goes it?〃 

Gilder settled himself again in his chair; and gazed benignantly on his son。

〃Pretty well;〃 he said contentedly; 〃pretty well; son。  I'm glad to see you home again; my boy。〃  There was a great tenderness in the usually rather cold gray eyes。

The young man answered promptly; with delight in his manner of speech; and a sincerity that revealed the underlying merit of his nature。

〃And I'm glad to be home; Dad; to be〃there was again that clearing of the throat; but he finished bravely〃with you。〃

The father avoided a threatening display of emotion by an abrupt change of subject to the trite。

〃Have a good time?〃  he inquired casually; while fumbling with the papers on the desk。

Dick's face broke in a smile of reminiscent happiness。

〃The time of my young life!〃 He paused; and the smile broadened。  There was a mighty enthusiasm in his voice as he continued: 〃I tell you; Dad; it's a fact that I did almost break the bank at Monte Carlo。  I'd have done it sure; if only my money had held out。〃

〃It seems to me that I've heard something of the sort before;〃 was Gilder's caustic comment。  But his smile was still wholly sympathetic。  He took a curious vicarious delight in the escapades of his son; probably because he himself had committed no follies in his callow days。  〃Why didn't you cable me?〃  he asked; puzzled at such restraint on the part of his son。

Dick answered with simple sincerity。

〃Because it gave me a capital excuse for coming home。〃

It was Sarah who afforded a diversion。  She had known Dick while he was yet a child; had bought him candy; had felt toward him a maternal liking that increased rather than diminished as he grew to manhood。 Now; her face lighted at sight of him; and she smiled a welcome。

〃I see you have found him;〃 she said; with a ripple of laughter。

Dick welcomed this interruption of the graver mood。

〃Sadie;〃 he said; with a manner of the utmost seriousness; 〃you are looking finer than ever。  And how thin you have grown!〃 

The girl; eager with fond fancies toward the slender ideal; accepted the compliment literally。

〃Oh; Mr。 Dick!〃 she exclaimed; rapturously。  〃How much do you think I have lost?〃 

The whimsical heir of the house of Gilder surveyed his victim critically; then spoke with judicial solemnity。

〃About two ounces; Sadie。〃

There came a look of deep hurt on Sadie's face at the flippant jest; which Dick himself was quick to note。

He had not guessed she was thus acutely sensitive concerning her plumpness。  Instantly; he was all contrition over his unwitting offense inflicted on her womanly vanity。

〃Oh; I'm sorry; Sadie;〃 he exclaimed penitently。 〃Please don't be really angry with me。  Of course; I didn't mean〃

〃To twit on facts!〃 the secretary interrupted; bitterly。

〃Pooh!〃 Dick cried; craftily。  〃You aren't plump enough to be sensitive about it。  Why; you're just right。〃  There was something very boyish about his manner; as he caught at the girl's arm。  A memory of the days when she had cuddled him caused him to speak warmly; forgetting the presence of his father。  〃Now; don't be angry; Sadie。  Just give me a little kiss; as you used to do。〃  He swept her into his arms; and his lips met hers in a hearty caress。  〃There!〃 he cried。  〃Just to show there's no ill feeling。〃

The girl was completely mollified; though in much embarrassment。

〃Why; Mr。 Dick!〃 she stammered; in confusion。 〃Why; Mr。 Dick!〃 

Gilder; who had watched the scene in great astonishment; now interposed to end it。

〃Stop; Dick!〃 he commanded; crisply。  〃You are actually making Sarah blush。  I think that's about enough; son。〃

But a sudden unaccustomed gust of affection swirled in the breast of the lad。  Plain Anglo…Saxon as he was; with all that implies as to the avoidance of displays of emotion; nevertheless he had been for a long time in lands far from home; where the habits of impulsive and affectionate peoples were radically unlike our own austerer forms。  So now; under the spur of an impulse suggested by the dalliance with the buxom secretary; he grinned widely and went to his father。

〃A little kiss never hurts any one;〃 he declared; blithely。 Then he added vivaciously: 〃Here; I'll show you!〃 

With the words; he clasped his arms around his father's neck; and; before that amazed gentleman could understand his purpose; he had kissed soundly first the one cheek and then the other; each with a hearty; wholesome smack of filial piety。  This done; he stood back; still beaming happily; while the astounded Sarah tittered bewilderedly。  For his own part; Dick was quite unashamed。  He loved his father。  For once; he had expressed that fondness in a primitive fashion; and he was glad。

The older man withdrew a step; and there rested motionless; under the sway of an emotion akin to dismay。 He stood staring intently at his son with a perplexity in his expression that was almost ludicrous。  When; at last; he spoke; his voice was a rumble of strangely shy pleasure。

〃God bless my soul!〃 he exclaimed; violently。  Then he raised a hand; and rubbed first one cheek; and after it its fellow; with a gentleness that was significant。  The feeling provoked by the embrace showed
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