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 marvelling at his magnanimity and courtesy; asked him what his countrymen should do to merit his friendship。 〃I would have them;〃 said Alexander; 〃choose you to govern them; and send one hundred of the most worthy men among them to remain with me as hostages。〃 Acuphis laughed and answered; 〃I shall govern them with more ease; sir; if I send you so many of the worst; rather than the best of my subjects。〃   The extent of King Taxiles's dominions in India was thought to be as large as Egypt; abounding in good pastures; and producing beautiful fruits。 The king himself had the reputation of a wise man; and at his first interview with Alexander he spoke to him in these terms: 〃To what purpose;〃 said he; 〃should we make war upon one another; if the design of your coming into these parts be not to rob us of our water or our necessary food; which are the only things that wise men are indispensably obliged to fight for? As for other riches and possessions; as they are accounted in the eye of the world; if I am better provided of them than you; I am ready to let you share with me; but if fortune has been more liberal to you than me; I have no objection to be obliged to you。〃 This discourse pleased Alexander so much that; embracing him; 〃Do you think;〃 said he to him; 〃your kind words and courteous behaviour will bring you off in this interview without a contest? No; you shall not escape so。 I shall contend and do battle with you so far; that how obliging soever you are; you shall not have the better of me。〃 Then receiving some presents from him; he returned him others of greater value; and to complete his bounty gave him in money ready coined one thousand talents; at which his old friends were much displeased; but it gained him the hearts of many of the barbarians。 But the best soldiers of the Indians now entering into the pay of several of the cities; undertook to defend them; and did it so bravely; that they put Alexander to a great deal of trouble; till at last; after a capitulation; upon the surrender of the place; he fell upon them as they were marching away; and put them all to the sword。 This one breach of his word remains as a blemish upon his achievements in war; which he otherwise had performed throughout with that justice and honour that became a king。 Nor was he less incommoded by the Indian philosophers; who inveighed against those princes who joined his party; and solicited the free nations to oppose him。 He took several of these also and caused them to be hanged。   Alexander; in his own letters; has given us an account of his war with Porus。 He says the two armies were separated by the river Hydaspes; on whose opposite bank Porus continually kept his elephants in order of battle; with their heads towards their enemies; to guard the passage; that he; on the other hand; made every day a great noise and clamour in his camp; to dissipate the apprehensions of the barbarians; that one stormy dark night he passed the river; at a distance from the place where the enemy lay; into a little island; with part of his foot and the best of his horse。 Here there fell a most violent storm of rain; accompanied with lightning and whirlwinds; and seeing some of his men burnt and dying with the lightning; he nevertheless quitted the island and made over to the other side。 The Hydaspes; he says; now after the storm; was so swollen and grown so rapid as to have made a breach in the bank; and a part of the river was now pouring in here; so that when he came across it was with difficulty he got a footing on the land; which was slippery and unsteady; and exposed to the force of the currents on both sides。 This is the occasion when he is related to have said; 〃O ye Athenians; will ye believe what dangers I incur to merit your praise?〃 This; however; is Onesicritus's story。 Alexander says; here the men left their boats; and passed the breach in their armour; up to the breast in water; and that then he advanced with his horse about twenty furlongs before his foot; concluding that if the enemy charged him with their cavalry he should be too strong for them; if with their foot; his own would come up time enough to his assistance。 Nor did he judge amiss; for being charged by a thousand horse and sixty armed chariots; which advanced before their main body; he took all the chariots; and killed four hundred horse upon the place。 Porus; by this time; guessing that Alexander himself had crossed over; came on with his whole army; except a party which he left behind; to hold the rest of the Macedonians in play; if they should attempt to pass the river。 But he; apprehending the multitude of the enemy; and to avoid the shock of their elephants; dividing his forces; attacked their left wing himself; and commanded Coenus to fall upon the right; which was performed with good success。 For by this means both wings being broken; the enemies fell back in their retreat upon the centre; and crowded in upon their elephants。 There rallying; they fought a hand…to…hand battle; and it was the eighth hour of the day before they were entirely defeated。 This description the conqueror himself has left us in his own epistles。   Almost all the historians agree in relating that Porus was four cubits and a span high; and that when he was upon his elephant; which was of the largest size; his stature and bulk were so answerable; that he appeared to be proportionately mounted; as a horseman on his horse。 This elephant; during the whole battle; gave many singular proofs of sagacity and of particular care of the king; whom as long as he was strong and in a condition to fight; he defended with great courage; repelling those who set upon him; and as soon as he perceived him overpowered with his numerous wounds and the multitude of darts that were thrown at him; to prevent his falling off; he softly knelt down and began to draw out the darts with his proboscis。 When Porus was taken prisoner; and Alexander asked him how he expected to be used; he answered; 〃As a king。〃 For that expression; he said; when the same question was put to him a second time; comprehended everything。 And Alexander; accordingly; not only suffered him to govern his own kingdom as satrap under himself; but gave him also the additional territory of various independent tribes whom he subdued; a district which; it is said; contained fifteen several nations; and five thousand considerable towns; besides abundance of villages。 To another government; three times as large as this; he appointed Philip; one of his friends。   Some little time after the battle with Porus; Bucephalus died; as most of the authorities state; under cure of his wounds; or; as Onesicritus says; of fatigue and age; being thirty years old。 Alexander was no less concerned at his death than if he had lost an old companion or an intimate friend; and built a city; which he named Bucephalia; in memory of him; on the bank of the river Hydaspes。 He also; we are told; built another city; and called it after the name of a favourite dog; Peritas; which he had brought up himself。 So Sotion assures us he was informed by Potamon of Lesbos。   But this last combat with Porus took off the edge of the Macedonians' courage; and stayed their further progress into India。 For having found it hard enough to defeat an enemy who brought but twenty thousand foot and two thousand horse into the field; they thought they had reason to oppose Alexander's design of leading them on to pass the Ganges; too; which they were told was thirty…two furlongs broad and a fathoms deep; and the banks on the further side covered with multitudes of enemies。 For they were told the kings of the Gandaritans and Praesians expected them there with eighty thousand horse; two hundred thousand foot; eight thousand armed chariots; and six thousand fighting elephants。 Nor was this a mere vain report; spread to discourage them。 For Androcottus; who not long after reigned in those parts; made a present of five hundred elephants at once to Seleucus; and with an army of six hundred thousand men subdued all India。 Alexander at first was so grieved and enraged at his men's reluctancy that he shut himself up in his tent and threw himself upon the ground; declaring; if they would not pass the Ganges; he owed them no thanks for anything they had hitherto done; and that to retreat now was plainly to confess himself vanquished。 But at last the reasonable persuasions of his friends and the cries and lamentations of his soldiers; who in a suppliant manner crowded about the entrance of his tent; prevailed with him to think of returning。 Yet he could not refrain from leaving behind him various deceptive memorials of his expedition; to impose upon aftertimes; and to exaggerate his glory with posterity; such as arms larger than were really worn; and mangers for horses; with bits and bridles above the usual size; which he set up; and distributed in several places。 He erected altars; also; to the gods; which the kings of the Praesians even in our time do honour to when they pass the river; and offer sacrifice upon them after the Grecian manner。 Androcottus; then a boy; saw Alexander there; and is said often afterwards to have been heard to say; that he missed but little of making himself master of those countries; their king; who then reig
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