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the hungry stones and other stories-第10章

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Anukul exclaimed: 〃Great God!  Eh!  What!  Where is he ? 〃Raicharan replied: 〃He is with me;  I will bring him the day after to…morrow。〃

It was Sunday。  There was no magistrate's court sitting。  Both husband and wife were looking expectantly along the road; waiting from early morning for Raicharan's appearance。  At ten o'clock he came; leading Phailna by the hand。

Anukul's wife; without a question; took the boy into her lap; and was wild with excitement; sometimes laughing; sometimes weeping; touching him; kissing his hair and his forehead; and gazing into his face with hungry; eager eyes。  The boy was very good…looking and dressed like a gentleman's son。  The heart of Anukul brimmed over with a sudden rush of affection。

Nevertheless the magistrate in him asked: 〃Have you any proofs? 〃Raicharan said: 〃How could there be any proof of such a deed?  God alone knows that I stole your boy; and no one else in the world。〃

When Anukul saw how eagerly his wife was clinging to the boy; he realised the futility of asking for proofs。  It would be wiser to believe。  And thenwhere could an old man like Raicharan get such a boy from?  And why should his faithful servant deceive him for nothing?

〃But;〃 he added severely; 〃Raicharan; you must not stay here。〃

〃Where shall I go; Master?〃 said Raicharan; in a choking voice; folding his hands; 〃I am old。  Who will take in an old man as a servant?〃

The mistress said: 〃Let him stay。  My child will be pleased。  I forgive him。〃

But Anukul's magisterial conscience would not allow him。 〃No;〃 he said; 〃he cannot be forgiven for what he has done。〃

Raicharan bowed to the ground; and clasped Anukul's feet。 〃Master;〃 he cried; 〃let me stay。  It was not I who did it。  It was God。〃

Anukul's conscience was worse stricken than ever; when Raicharan tried to put the blame on God's shoulders。

〃No;〃 he said; 〃I could not allow it。  I cannot trust you any more。  You have done an act of treachery。〃

Raicharan rose to his feet and said: 〃It was not I who did it。〃

〃Who was it then?〃 asked Anukul。

Raicharan replied: 〃It was my fate。〃

But no educated man could take this for an excuse。  Anukul remained obdurate。

When Phailna saw that he was the wealthy magistrate's son; and not Raicharan's; be was angry at first; thinking that he had been cheated all this time of his birthright。  But seeing Raicharan in distress; he generously said to his father: 〃Father; forgive him。  Even if you don't let him live with us; let him have a small monthly pension。〃

After hearing this; Raicharan did not utter another word。  He looked for the last time on the face of his son; he made obeisance to his old master and mistress。  Then he went out; and was mingled with the numberless people of the world。

At the end of the month Anukul sent him some money to his village。  But the money came back。  There was no one there of the name of Raicharan。



Once upon a time there was a lonely island in a distant sea where lived the Kings and Queens; the Aces and the Knaves; in the Kingdom of Cards。 The Tens and Nines; with the Twos and Threes; and all the other members; had long ago settled there also。  But these were not twice…born people; like the famous Court Cards。

The Ace; the King; and the Knave were the three highest castes。 The fourth Caste was made up of a mixture of the lower Cards。  The Twos and Threes were lowest of all。  These inferior Cards were never allowed to sit in the same row with the great Court Cards。

Wonderful indeed were the regulations and rules of that island kingdom。 The particular rank of each individual had been settled from time immemorial。  Every one had his own appointed work; and never did anything else。  An unseen hand appeared to be directing them wherever they went; according to the Rules。

No one in the Kingdom of Cards had any occasion to think: no one had any need to come to any decision: no one was ever required to debate any new subject。  The citizens all moved along in a listless groove without speech。  When they fell; they made no noise。  They lay down on their backs; and gazed upward at the sky with each prim feature firmly fixed for ever。

There was a remarkable stillness in the Kingdom of Cards。  Satisfaction and contentment were complete in all their rounded wholeness。  There was never any uproar or violence。  There was never any excitement or enthusiasm。

The great ocean; crooning its lullaby with one unceasing melody; lapped the island to sleep with a thousand soft touches of its wave's white hands。  The vast sky; like the outspread azure wings of the brooding mother…bird; nestled the island round with its downy plume。  For on the distant horizon a deep blue line betokened another shore。  But no sound of quarrel or strife could reach the Island of Cards; to break its calm repose。


In that far…off foreign land。  across the sea; there lived a young Prince whose mother was a sorrowing queen。  This queen had fallen from favour; and was living with her only son on the seashore。  The Prince passed his childhood alone and forlorn; sitting by his forlorn mother; weaving the net of his big desires。  He longed to go in search of the Flying Horse; the Jewel in the Cobra's hood; the Rose of Heaven; the Magic  Roads; or to find where the Princess Beauty was sleeping in the Ogre's castle over the thirteen rivers and across the seven seas。

》From the Son of the Merchant at school the young Prince learnt the stories of  foreign kingdoms。  From the Son of the Kotwal he learnt the adventures of the Two Genii of the Lamp。  And when the rain came beating down; and the clouds covered the sky; he would sit on the threshold facing the sea; and say to his sorrowing mother: 〃Tell me; mother; a story of some very far…off land。〃

And his mother would tell him an endless tale she had heard in her childhood of a wonderful country beyond the sea where dwelt the Princess Beauty。  And the heart of the young Prince would become sick with longing; as he sat on the threshold; looking out on the ocean; listening to his mother's wonderful story; while the rain outside came beating down and the grey clouds covered the sky。

One day the Son of the Merchant came to the Prince; and said boldly: 〃Comrade; my studies are over。  I am now setting out on my travels to seek my fortunes on the sea。  I have come to bid you good…bye。〃

The Prince said; 〃I will go with you。〃

And the Son of Kotwal said also: 〃Comrades; trusty and true; you will not leave me behind。  I also will be your companion。〃

Then the young Prince said to his sorrowing mother; 〃Mother; I am now setting out on my travels to seek my fortune。  When I come back once more; I shall surely have found some way to remove all your sorrow。〃

So the Three Companions set out on their travels together。  In the harbour were anchored the twelve ships of the merchant; and the Three Companions got on board。  The south wind was blowing; and the twelve ships sailed away; as fast as the desires which rose in the Prince's breast。

At the Conch Shell Island they filled one ship with conchs。  At the Sandal Wood Island they filled a second ship with sandal…wood;  and at the Coral Island they filled a third ship with coral。

Four years passed away; and they filled four more ships;  one with ivory; one  with musk;  one with cloves; and one with nutmegs。

But when these ships were all loaded a terrible tempest arose。  The ships were all of them sunk; with their cloves and nutmeg; and musk and ivory; and coral and sandal…wood and conchs。  But the ship with the Three Companions struck on an island reef; buried them safe ashore; and itself broke in pieces。

This was the famous Island of Cards; where lived the Ace and King and Queen and Knave; with the Nines and Tens and all the other Members according to the Rules。


Up till now there had been nothing to disturb that island stillness。  No new thing had ever happened。  No discussion had ever been held。

And then; of a sudden; the Three Companions appeared; thrown up by the sea;and the Great Debate began。  There were three main points of dispute。

First;  to  what  caste  should  these  unclassed strangers belong? Should they rank with the Court Cards?  Or were they merely lower…caste people; to be ranked with the Nines and Tens ?  No precedent could be quoted to decide this weighty question。

Secondly; what was their clan?  Had they the fairer hue and bright complexion of the Hearts; or was theirs the darker complexion of the Clubs?  Over this question there were interminable disputes。  The whole marriage system of the island; with its intricate regulations; would depend on its nice adjustment。

Thirdly; what food should they take?  With whom should they live and sleep ?  And should their heads be placed south…west; north…west; or only north…east?  In all the Kingdom of Cards a series of problems so vital and critical had never been debated before。

But the Three Companions grew desperately hungry。  They had to get food in some way or other。  So while this debate went on; with its interminable silence and pauses; and while the Aces called their own meeting; and formed themselves into a Committee; to find some obsolete dealing with th
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