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At first Pramathanath felt flattered at the special respect thus shown to him。 When; however; the train went on; the dull rays of the setting sun; at the west of the fields; now ploughed up and stripped of green; seemed in his eyes to spread a glow of shame over the whole country。 Sitting near the window of his lonely compartment; he seemed to catch a glimpse of the down…cast eyes of his Motherland; hidden behind the trees。 As Pramathanath sat there; lost in reverie; burning tears flowed down his cheeks; and his heart burst with indignation。
He now remembered the story of a donkey who was drawing the chariot of an idol along the street。 The wayfarers bowed down to the idol; and touched the dusty ground with their foreheads。 The foolish donkey imagined that all this reverence was being shown to him。 〃The only difference;〃 said Pramathanath to himself; 〃 between the donkey and myself is this: I understand to…day that the respect I receive is not given to me but to the burden on my back。〃
Arriving home; Pramathanath called together all the children of the household; and lighting a big bonfire; threw all his European clothes into it one by one。 The children danced round and round it; and the higher the flames shot up; the greater was their merriment。 After that; Pramathanath gave up his sip of tea and bits of toast in Anglo…Indian houses; and once again sat inaccessible within the castle of his house; while his insulted friends went about from the door of one Englishman to that of another; bending their turbaned heads as before。
By an irony of fate; poor Nabendu Sekhar married the second daughter of this house。 His sisters…in…law were well educated and handsome。 Nabendu considered he had made a lucky bargain。 But he lost no time in trying to impress on the family that it was a rare bargain on their side also。 As if by mistake; he would often hand to his sisters…in…law sundry letters that his late father had received from Europeans。 And when the cherry lips of those young ladies smiled sarcastically; and the point of a shining dagger peeped out of its sheath of red velvet; the unfortunate man saw his folly; and regretted it。
Labanyalekha; the eldest sister; surpassed the rest in beauty and cleverness。 Finding an auspicious day; she put on the mantel…shelf of Nabendu's bedroom two pairs of English boots; daubed with vermilion; and arranged flowers; sandal…paste; incense and a couple of burning candles before them in true ceremonial fashion。 When Nabendu came in; the two sisters…in…law stood on either side of him; and said with mock solemnity: 〃Bow down to your gods; and may you prosper through their blessings。〃
The third sister Kiranlekha spent many days in embroidering with red silk one hundred common English names such as Jones; Smith; Brown; Thomson; etc。; on a chadar。 When it was ready; she presented this namavoli (A namavoli is a sheet of cloth printed all over with the names of Hindu gods and goddesses and worn by pious Hindus when engaged in devotional exercises。) to Nabendu Sekhar with great ceremony。
The fourth; Sasankalekha; of tender age and therefore of no account; said: 〃 I will make you a string of beads; brother; with which to tell the names of your gods…the sahibs。〃 Her sisters reproved her; saying: 〃Run away; you saucy girl。〃
Feelings of shame and irritation assailed by turns the mind of Nabendu Sekhar。 Still he could not forego the company of his sisters…in…law; especially as the eldest one was beautiful。 Her honey was no less than her gall; and Nabendu's mind tasted at once the sweetness of the one and the bitterness of the other。 The butterfly; with its bruised wings; buzzes round the flower in blind fury; unable to depart。
The society of his sisters…in…Law so much infatuated him that at last Nabendu began to disavow his craving for European favours。 When he went to salaam the Burra Sahib; he used to pretend that he was going to listen to a speech by Mr。 Surendranath Banerjea。 When he went to the railway station to pay respects to the Chota Sahib; returning from Darjeeling; he would tell his sisters…in…law that he expected his youngest uncle。
It was a sore trial to the unhappy man placed between the cross…fires of his Sahibs and his sisters…in…law。 The sisters…in…law; however; secretly vowed that they would not rest till the Sahibs had been put to rout。
About this time it was rumoured that Nabendu's name would be included in the forthcoming list of Birthday honours; and that he would mount the first step of the ladder to Paradise by becoming a Rai Bahadur。 The poor fellow had not the courage to break the joyful news to his sisters…in…law。 One evening; however; when the autumn moon was flooding the earth with its mischievous beams; Nabendu's heart was so full that he could not contain himself any longer; and he told his wife。 The next day; Mrs。 Nabendu betook herself to her eldest sister's house in a palanquin; and in a voice choked with tears bewailed her lot。
〃He isn't going to grow a tail;〃 said Labanya; 〃by becoming a Rai Bahadur; is he? Why should you feel so very humiliated? 〃
〃Oh; no; sister dear;〃 replied Arunlekha; 〃I am prepared to be anythingbut not a Rai…Baha…durni。'' The fact was that in her circle of acquaintances there was one Bhutnath Babu; who was a Rai Bahadur; and that explained her intense aversion to that title。
Labanya said to her sister in soothing tones: 〃 Don't be upset about it; dear; I will see what I can do to prevent it〃
Babu Nilratan; the husband of Labanya; was a pleader at Buxar。 When the autumn was over; Nabendu received an invitation from Labanya to pay them a visit; and he started for Buxar greatly pleased。
The early winter of the western province endowed Labanyalekha with new health and beauty; and brought a glowing colour to her pale cheeks; She looked like the flower…laden kasa reeds on a clear autumn day; growing by the lonely bank of a rivulet。 To Nabendu's enchanted eyes she appeared like a malati plant in full blossom; showering dew…drops brilliant with the morning light。
Nabendu had never felt better in his life。 The exhilaration of his own health and the genial company of his pretty sister…in…law made him think himself light enough to tread on air。 The Ganges in front of the garden seemed to him to be flowing ceaselessly to regions unknown; as though it gave shape to his own wild fantasies。
As he returned in the early morning from his walk on the bank of the river; the mellow rays of the winter sun gave his whole frame that pleasing sensation of warmth which lovers feel in each other's arms。 Coming home; he would now and then find his sister…in…Law amusing herself by cooking some dishes。 He would offer his help; and display his want of skill and ignorance at every step。 But Nabendu did not appear to be at all anxious to improve himself by practice and attention。 On the contrary he thoroughly enjoyed the rebukes he received from his sister…in…law。 He was at great pains to prove every day that he was inefficient and helpless as a new…born babe in mixing spices; handling the saucepan; and regulating the heat so as to prevent things getting burnt…and he was duly rewarded with pitiful smiles and scoldings。
In the middle of the day he ate a great deal of the good food set before him; incited by his keen appetite and the coaxing of his sister…in…law。 Later on; he would sit down to a game of cardsat which he betrayed the same lack of ability。 He would cheat; pry into his adversary's hand; quarrelbut never did he win a single rubber; and worse still; he would not acknowledge defeat。 This brought him abuse every day; and still he remained incorrigible。
There was; however; one matter in which his reform was complete。 For the time at least; he had forgotten that to win the smiles of Sahibs was the final goal of life。 He was beginning to understand how happy and worthy we might feel by winning the affection and esteem of those near and dear to us。
Besides; Nabendu was now moving in a new atmosphere。 Labanya's husband; Babu Nilratan; a leader of the bar; was reproached by many; because he refused to pay his respects to European officials。 To all such reproaches Nilratan would reply: 〃No; thank you; if they are not polite enough to return my call; then the politeness I offer them is a loss that can never be made up for。 The sands of the desert may be very white and shiny; but I would much rather sow my seeds in black soil; where I can expect a return。〃
And Nabendu began to adopt similar ideas; all regardless of the future。 His chance of Rai Bahadurship throve on the soil carefully prepared by his late father and also by himself in days gone by; nor was any fresh watering required。 Had he not at great expense laid out a splendid race…course in a town; which was a fashionable resort of Europeans?
When the time of Congress drew near; Nilratan received a request from head…quarters to collect subscriptions。 Nabendu; free from anxiety; was merrily engaged in a game of cards with his sister…in。 law; when Nilratan Babu came upon him with a subscription…book in his hand; and said: 〃Your signature; please。〃
》From old habit Nabendu looked horrified。 Labanya; assuming an air of great concern and anxiety; said: 〃Never do that。 It would ruin