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flying machines-第10章

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Rudders and Auxiliary Planes。

Here again there is great diversity of opinion among

aviators as to size; location and form。 The striking

difference of ideas in this respect is well illustrated in

the choice made by prominent makers as follows:

Voisinhorizontal rudder; with two wing…like planes;

in front; box…like longitudinal stability plane in rear;

inside of which is a vertical rudder。

Wrightlarge biplane horizontal rudder in front at

considerable distanceabout 10 feetfrom the main

planes; vertical biplane rudder in rear; ends of upper

and lower main planes made flexible so they may be


Curtisshorizontal biplane rudder; with vertical damping

plane between the rudder planes about 10 feet in

front of main planes; vertical rudder in rear; stabilizing

planes at each end of upper main plane。

BleriotV…shaped stabilizing fin; projecting from rear

of plane; with broad end outward; to the broad end of

this fin is hinged a vertical rudder; horizontal biplane

rudder; also in rear; under the fin。

These instances show forcefully the wide diversity of

opinion existing among experienced aviators as to the

best manner of placing the rudders and stabilizing; or

auxiliary planes; and make manifest how hopeless would

be the task of attempting to select any one form and

advise its exclusive use。

Rudder and Auxiliary Construction。

The material used in the construction of the rudders

and auxiliary planes is the same as that used in the main

planesspruce for the framework and some kind of

rubberized or varnished cloth for the covering。 The

frames are joined and wired in exactly the same manner

as the frames of the main planes; the purpose being to

secure the same strength and rigidity。 Dimensions of

the various parts depend upon the plan adopted and the

size of the main plane。

No details as to exact dimensions of these rudders and

auxiliary planes are obtainable。 The various builders;

while willing enough to supply data as to the general

measurements; weight; power; etc。; of their machines;

appear to have overlooked the details of the auxiliary

parts; thinking; perhaps; that these were of no particular

import to the general public。 In the Wright machine; the

rear horizontal and front vertical rudders may be set

down as being about one…quarter (probably a little less)

the size of the main supporting planes。

Arrangement of Alighting Gear。

Most modern machines are equipped with an alighting

gear; which not only serves to protect the machine and

aviator from shock or injury in touching the ground; but

also aids in getting under headway。 All the leading

makes; with the exception of the Wright; are furnished

with a frame carrying from two to five pneumatic rubber…

tired bicycle wheels。 In the Curtiss and Voisin

machines one wheel is placed in front and two in the

rear。 In the Bleriot and other prominent machines the

reverse is the ruletwo wheels in front and one in the

rear。 Farman makes use of five wheels; one in the;

extreme rear; and four; arranged in pairs; a little to the

front of the center of the main lower plane。

In place of wheels the Wright machine is equipped

with a skid…like device consisting of two long beams

attached to the lower plane by stanchions and curving

up far in front; so as to act as supports to the horizontal


Why Wood Is Favored。

A frequently asked question is: 〃Why is not aluminum;

or some similar metal; substituted for wood。〃

Wood; particularly spruce; is preferred because; weight

considered; it is much stronger than aluminum; and this

is the lightest of all metals。 In this connection the following

table will be of interest:


                 Weight      Tensile Strength         Strength

             per cubic foot    per sq。 inch         per sq。 inch

Material        in lbs。           in lbs。              in lbs。

Spruce 。 。 。 。    25               8;000                5;000

Aluminum         162              16;000               。。。。。。

Brass (sheet)    510              23;000               12;000

Steel (tool)     490             100;000               40;000

Copper (sheet)   548              30;000               40;000

As extreme lightness; combined with strength;

especially tensile strength; is the great essential in flying…

machine construction; it can be readily seen that the

use of metal; even aluminum; for the framework; is

prohibited by its weight。 While aluminum has double the

strength of spruce wood it is vastly heavier; and thus

the advantage it has in strength is overbalanced many

times by its weight。 The specific gravity of aluminum

is 2。50; that of spruce is only 0。403。

Things to Be Considered。

In laying out plans for a flying machine there are five

important points which should be settled upon before

the actual work of construction is started。 These are:

FirstApproximate weight of the machine when finished

and equipped。

SecondArea of the supporting surface required。

ThirdAmount of power that will be necessary to

secure the desired speed and lifting capacity。

FourthExact dimensions of the main framework

and of the auxiliary parts。

FifthSize; speed and character of the propeller。

In deciding upon these it will be well to take into

consideration the experience of expert aviators regarding

these features as given elsewhere。 (See Chapter X。)

Estimating the Weights Involved。

In fixing upon the probable approximate weight in

advance of construction much; of course; must be assumed。

This means that it will be a matter of advance

estimating。 If a two…passenger machine is to be built

we will start by assuming the maximum combined

weight of the two people to be 350 pounds。 Most of

the professional aviators are lighter than this。 Taking

the medium between the weights of the Curtiss and

Wright machines we have a net average of 850 pounds

for the framework; motor; propeller; etc。 This; with

the two passengers; amounts to 1;190 pounds。 As the

machines quoted are in successful operation it will be

reasonable to assume that this will be a safe basis to

operate on。

What the Novice Must Avoid。

This does not mean; however; that it will be safe to

follow these weights exactly in construction; but that

they will serve merely as a basis to start from。 Because

an expert can turn out a machine; thoroughly equipped;

of 850 pounds weight; it does not follow that a novice

can do the same thing。 The expert's work is the result

of years of experience; and he has learned how to construct

frames and motor plants of the utmost lightness

and strength。

It will be safer for the novice to assume that he can

not duplicate the work of such men as Wright and Curtiss

without adding materially to the gross weight of

the framework and equipment minus passengers。

How to Distribute the Weight。

Let us take 1;030 pounds as the net weight of the machine

as against the same average in the Wright and

Curtiss machines。 Now comes the question of distributing

this weight between the framework; motor; and

other equipment。 As a general proposition the framework

should weigh about twice as much as the complete

power plant (this is for amateur work)。

The word 〃framework〃 indicates not only the wooden

frames of the main planes; auxiliary planes; rudders;

etc。; but the cloth coverings as welleverything in fact

except the engine and propeller。

On the basis named the framework would weigh 686

pounds; and the power plant 344。 These figures are

liberal; and the results desired may be obtained well

within them as the novice will learn as he makes progress

in the work。

Figuring on Surface Area。

It was Prof。 Langley who first brought into prominence

in connection with flying machine construction the

mathematical principle that the larger the object the

smaller may be the relative area of support。 As explained

in Chapter XIII; there are mechanical limits as

to size which it is not practical to exceed; but the main

principle remains in effect。

Take two aeroplanes of marked difference in area of

surface。 The larger will; as a rule; sustain a greater

weight in relative proportion to its area than the smaller

one; and do the work with less relative horsepower。 As

a general thing well…constructed machines will average

a supporting capacity of one pound for every one…half

square foot of surface area。 Accepting this as a working

rule we find that to sustain a weight of 1;200 pounds

machine and two passengerswe should have 600

square feet of surface。

Distributing the Surface Area。

The largest surfaces now in use are those of the

Wright; Voisin and Antoinette machines538 square

feet in each。 The actual sustaining power of these machines;

so far as kno
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