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flying machines-第11章

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feet in each。 The actual sustaining power of these machines;

so far as known; has never been tested to the

limit; it is probable that the maximum is considerably

in excess of what they have been called upon to show。

In actual practice the average is a little over one pound

for each one…half square foot of surface area。

Allowing that 600 square feet of surface will be used;

the next question is how to distribute it to the best

advantage。 This is another important matter in which

individual preference must rule。 We have seen how

the professionals disagree on this point; some using

auxiliary planes of large size; and others depending upon

smaller auxiliaries with an increase in number so as to

secure on a different plan virtually the same amount of


In deciding upon this feature the best thing to do is

to follow the plans of some successful aviator; increasing

the area of the auxiliaries in proportion to the increase

in the area of the main planes。 Thus; if you use 600

square feet of surface where the man whose plans you

are following uses 500; it is simply a matter of making

your planes one…fifth larger all around。

The Cost of Production。

Cost of production will be of interest to the amateur

who essays to construct a flying machine。 Assuming

that the size decided upon is double that of the glider

the material for the framework; timber; cloth; wire; etc。;

will cost a little more than double。 This is because it

must be heavier in proportion to the increased size of

the framework; and heavy material brings a larger price

than the lighter goods。 If we allow 20 as the cost of

the glider material it will be safe to put down the cost

of that required for a real flying machine framework

at 60; provided the owner builds it himself。

As regards the cost of motor and similar equipment

it can only be said that this depends upon the selection

made。 There are some reliable aviation motors which

may be had as low as 500; and there are others which

cost as much as 2;000。

Services of Expert Necessary。

No matter what kind of a motor may be selected the

services of an expert will be necessary in its proper

installation unless the amateur has considerable genius

in this line himself。 As a general thing 25 should be

a liberal allowance for this work。 No matter how carefully

the engine may be placed and connected it will be

largely a matter of luck if it is installed in exactly the

proper manner at the first attempt。 The chances are

that several alterations; prompted by the results of trials;

will have to be made。 If this is the case the expert's bill may

readily run up to 50。 If the amateur is competent to do this

part of the work the entire item of 50 may; of course; be cut


As a general proposition a fairly satisfactory flying machine;

one that will actually fly and carry the operator with it; may be

constructed for 750; but it will lack the better qualities which

mark the higher priced machines。 This computation is made on

the basis of 60 for material; 50 for services of expert; 600

for motor; etc。; and an allowance of 40 for extras。

No man who has the flying machine germ in his system will be long

satisfied with his first moderate price machine; no matter how

well it may work。 It's the old story of the automobile 〃bug〃

over again。 The man who starts in with a modest 1;000 automobile

invariably progresses by easy stages to the 4;000 or 5;000

class。 The natural tendency is to want the biggest and best

attainable within the financial reach of the owner。

It's exactly the same way with the flying machine

convert。 The more proficient he becomes in the manipulation

of his car; the stronger becomes the desire to fly

further and stay in the air longer than the rest of his

brethren。 This necessitates larger; more powerful; and

more expensive machines as the work of the germ progresses。

Speed Affects Weight Capacity。

Don't overlook the fact that the greater speed you

can attain the smaller will be the surface area you can

get along with。 If a machine with 500 square feet of

sustaining surface; traveling at a speed of 40 miles an

hour; will carry a weight of 1;200 pounds; we can cut

the sustaining surface in half and get along with 250

square feet; provided a speed of 60 miles an hour can

be obtained。 At 100 miles an hour only 80 square feet

of surface area would be required。 In both instances the

weight sustaining capacity will remain the same as with

the 500 square feet of surface area1;200 pounds。

One of these days some mathematical genius will

figure out this problem with exactitude and we will have

a dependable table giving the maximum carrying capacity

of various surface areas at various stated speeds;

based on the dimensions of the advancing edges。 At

present it is largely a matter of guesswork so far as

making accurate computation goes。 Much depends upon

the shape of the machine; and the amount of surface

offering resistance to the wind; etc。



Motors for flying machines must be light in weight;

of great strength; productive of extreme speed; and

positively dependable in action。 It matters little

as to the particular form; or whether air or

water cooled; so long as the four features named are

secured。 There are at least a dozen such motors or

engines now in use。 All are of the gasolene type; and

all possess in greater or lesser degree the desired qualities。

Some of these motors are:

Renault8…cylinder; air…cooled; 50 horse power;

weight 374 pounds。

Fiat8…cylinder; air…cooled; 50 horse power; weight

150 pounds。

Farcot8…cylinder; air…cooled; from 30 to 100 horse

power; according to bore of cylinders; weight of smallest;

84 pounds。

R。 E。 P。10…cylinder; air…cooled; 150 horse power;

weight 215 pounds。

Gnome7 and 14 cylinders; revolving type; air…cooled;

50 and 100 horse power; weight 150 and 300 pounds。

Darracq2 to 14 cylinders; water cooled; 30 to 200

horse power; weight of smallest 100 pounds。

Wright4…cylinder; water…cooled; 25 horse power;

weight 200 pounds。

Antoinette8 and 16…cylinder; water…cooled; 50 and 100

horse power; weight 250 and 500 pounds。

E。 N。 V。8…cylinder; water…cooled; from 30 to 80

horse power; according to bore of cylinder; weight 150

to 400 pounds。

Curtiss8…cylinder; water…cooled; 60 horse power;

weight 300 pounds。

Average Weight Per Horse Power。

It will be noticed that the Gnome motor is unusually

light; being about three pounds to the horse power

produced; as opposed to an average of 4 1/2 pounds per

horse power in other makes。 This result is secured by

the elimination of the fly…wheel; the engine itself revolving;

thus obtaining the same effect that would be produced

by a fly…wheel。 The Farcot is even lighter; being

considerably less than three pounds per horse power;

which is the nearest approach to the long…sought engine

equipment that will make possible a complete flying

machine the total weight of which will not exceed one

pound per square foot of area。

How Lightness Is Secured。

Thus far foreign manufacturers are ahead of Americans

in the production of light…weight aerial motors; as

is evidenced by the Gnome and Farcot engines; both of

which are of French make。 Extreme lightness is made

possible by the use of fine; specially prepared steel for

the cylinders; thus permitting them to be much thinner

than if ordinary forms of steel were used。 Another big

saving in weight is made by substituting what are

known as 〃auto lubricating〃 alloys for bearings。 These

alloys are made of a combination of aluminum and magnesium。

Still further gains are made in the use of alloy steel

tubing instead of solid rods; and also by the paring away

of material wherever it can be done without sacrificing

strength。 This plan; with the exclusive use of the best

grades of steel; regardless of cost; makes possible a

marked reduction in weight。

Multiplicity of Cylinders。

Strange as it may seem; multiplicity of cylinders does

not always add proportionate weight。 Because a 4…

cylinder motor weighs say 100 pounds; it does not necessarily

follow that an 8…cylinder equipment will weigh

200 pounds。 The reason of this will be plain when it

is understood that many of the parts essential to a 4…

cylinder motor will fill the requirements of an 8…cylinder

motor without enlargement or addition。

Neither does multiplying the cylinders always increase

the horsepower proportionately。 If a 4…cylinder

motor is rated at 25 horsepower it is not safe to take

it for granted that double the number of cylinders will

give 50 horsepower。 Generally speaking; eight cylinders;

the bore; stroke and speed being the same; will give

double the power that can be obtained from four; but

this does
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