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flying machines-第15章

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single lever control。

Farman employs a lever to actuate the rudders; but

manipulates the balancing planes by foot levers。

Santos…Dumont uses two hand levers with which to

steer and elevate; but manipulates the planes by means

of an attachment to the back of his outer coat。

Connection With the Levers。

No matter which particular method is employed; the

connection between the levers and the object to be manipulated

is almost invariably by wire。 For instance; from

the steering levers (or lever) two wires connect with opposite

sides of the rudder。 As a lever is moved so as to

draw in the right…hand wire the rudder is drawn to the

right and vice versa。 The operation is exactly the same

as in steering a boat。 It is the same way in changing

the position of the balancing planes。 A movement of

the hands or feet and the machine has changed its

course; or; if the equilibrium is threatened; is back on

an even keel。

Simple as this seems it calls for a cool head; quick

eye; and steady hand。 The least hesitation or a false

movement; and both aviator and craft are in danger。

Which Method is Best?

It would be a bold man who would attempt to pick

out any one of these methods of control and say it was

better than the others。 As in other sections of aeroplane

mechanism each method has its advocates who dwell

learnedly upon its advantages; but the fact remains that

all the various plans work well and give satisfaction。

What the novice is interested in knowing is how the

control is effected; and whether he has become proficient

enough in his manipulation of it to be absolutely dependable

in time of emergency。 No amateur should attempt

a flight alone; until he has thoroughly mastered

the steering and plane control。 If the services and advice of an

experienced aviator are not to be had the

novice should mount his machine on some suitable supports

so it will be well clear of the ground; and; getting

into the operator's seat; proceed to make himself well

acquainted with the operation of the steering wheel and


Some Things to Be Learned。

He will soon learn that certain movements of the

steering gear produce certain effects on the rudders。 If;

for instance; his machine is equipped with a steering

wheel; he will find that turning the wheel to the right

turns the aeroplane in the same direction; because the

tiller is brought around to the left。 In the same way

he will learn that a given movement of the lever throws

the forward edge of the main plane upward; and that the

machine; getting the impetus of the wind under the concave

surfaces of the planes; will ascend。 In the same

way it will quickly become apparent to him that an opposite

movement of the lever will produce an opposite

effectthe forward edges of the planes will be lowered;

the air will be 〃spilled〃 out to the rear; and the machine

will descend。

The time expended in these preliminary lessons will

be well spent。 It would be an act of folly to attempt to

actually sail the craft without them。



It is a mistaken idea that flying machines must be

operated at extreme altitudes。 True; under the impetus

of handsome prizes; and the incentive to advance scientific

knowledge; professional aviators have ascended to

considerable heights; flights at from 500 to 1;500 feet being

now common with such experts as Farman; Bleriot;

Latham; Paulhan; Wright and Curtiss。 The altitude

record at this time is about 4;165 feet; held by Paulhan。

One of the instructions given by experienced aviators

to pupils; and for which they insist upon implicit obeyance; is:

〃If your machine gets more than 30 feet high;

or comes closer to the ground than 6 feet; descend at

once。〃 Such men as Wright and Curtiss will not tolerate

a violation of this rule。 If their instructions are

not strictly complied with they decline to give the offender

further lessons。

Why This Rule Prevails。

There is good reason for this precaution。 The higher

the altitude the more rarefied (thinner) becomes the air;

and the less sustaining power it has。 Consequently the

more difficult it becomes to keep in suspension a given

weight。 When sailing within 30 feet of the ground sustentation

is comparatively easy and; should a fall occur;

the results are not likely to be serious。 On the other

hand; sailing too near the ground is almost as objectionable

in many ways as getting up too high。 If the craft

is navigated too close to the ground trees; shrubs; fences

and other obstructions are liable to be encountered。

There is also the handicap of contrary air currents

diverted by the obstructions referred to; and which will

be explained more fully further on。

How to Make a Start。

Taking it for granted that the beginner has familiarized

himself with the manipulation of the machine; and especially

the control mechanism; the next thing in order

is an actual flight。 It is probable that his machine will

be equipped with a wheeled alighting gear; as the skids

used by the Wrights necessitate the use of a special

starting track。 In this respect the wheeled machine is

much easier to handle so far as novices are concerned

as it may be easily rolled to the trial grounds。 This;

as in the case of the initial experiments; should be a

clear; reasonably level place; free from trees; fences;

rocks and similar obstructions with which there may be

danger of colliding。

The beginner will need the assistance of three men。

One of these should take his position in the rear of the

machine; and one at each end。 On reaching the trial

ground the aviator takes his seat in the machine and;

while the men at the ends hold it steady the one in the rear

assists in retaining it until the operator is ready。 In the

meantime the aviator has started his motor。 Like the

glider the flying machine; in order to accomplish the

desired results; should be headed into the wind。

When the Machine Rises。

Under the impulse of the pushing movement; and assisted

by the motor action; the machine will gradually

rise from the groundprovided it has been properly

proportioned and put together; and everything is in working

order。 This is the time when the aviator requires

a cool head; At a modest distance from the ground use

the control lever to bring the machine on a horizontal

level and overcome the tendency to rise。 The exact

manipulation of this lever depends upon the method of

control adopted; and with this the aviator is supposed

to have thoroughly familiarized himself as previously

advised in Chapter XI。

It is at this juncture that the operator must act

promptly; but with the perfect composure begotten of

confidence。 One of the great drawbacks in aviation by

novices is the tendency to become rattled; and this is

much more prevalent than one might suppose; even

among men who; under other conditions; are cool and

confident in their actions。

There is something in the sensation of being suddenly

lifted from the ground; and suspended in the air that is

disconcerting at the start; but this will soon wear off if

the experimenter will keep cool。 A few successful flights

no matter how short they may be; will put a lot of

confidence into him。

Make Your Flights Short。

Be modest in your initial flights。 Don't attempt to

match the records of experienced men who have devoted

years to mastering the details of aviation。 Paulhan;

Farman; Bleriot; Wright; Curtiss; and all the rest of

them began; and practiced for years; in the manner here

described; being content to make just a little advancement

at each attempt。 A flight of 150 feet; cleanly and

safely made; is better as a beginning than one of 400

yards full of bungling mishaps。

And yet these latter have their uses; provided the

operator is of a discerning mind and can take advantage

of them as object lessons。 But; it is not well to invite

them。 They will occur frequently enough under the

most favorable conditions; and it is best to have them

come later when the feeling of trepidation and uncertainty

as to what to do has worn off。

Above all; don't attempt to fly too high。 Keep within

a reasonable distance from the groundabout 25 or 30

feet。 This advice is not given solely to lessen the risk

of serious accident in case of collapse; but mainly because

it will assist to instill confidence in the operator。

It is comparatively easy to learn to swim in shallow

water; but the knowledge that one is tempting death in

deep water begets timidity。

Preserving the Equilibrium。

After learning how to start and stop; to ascend and

descend; the next thing to master is the art of preserving

equilibrium; the knack of keeping the machine perfectly

level in the airon an 〃even keel;〃 as a sailor would

say。 This simile is particularly appropriate as
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