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flying machines-第28章

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as the engine; but for half an hour's flight its weight

would be unimportant。

Best Means of Propulsion。

The best method of propulsion was by the screw;

which acting in air was subject to much the same conditions

as obtained in marine work。 Its efficiency depended

on its diameter and pitch and on its position;

whether in front of or behind the body propelled。 From

this theory of dynamic support; Mr。 Lanchester proceeded;

the efficiency of each element of a screw propeller

could be represented by curves such as were given

in his first lecture before the society; and from these

curves the over…all efficiency of any proposed propeller

could be computed; by mere inspection; with a fair degree

of accuracy。 These curves showed that the tips of

long…bladed propellers were inefficient; as was also the

portion of the blade near the root。 In actual marine

practice the blade from boss to tip was commonly of

such a length that the over…all efficiency was 95 per cent

of that of the most efficient element of it。

Advocates Propellers in Rear。

From these curves the diameter and appropriate pitch

of a screw could be calculated; and the number of

revolutions was then fixed。 Thus; for a speed of 80 feet

per second the pitch might come out as 8 feet; in which

case the revolutions would be 600 per minute; which

might; however; be too low for the motor。 It was then

necessary either to gear down the propeller; as was done

in the Wright machine; or; if it was decided to drive it

direct; to sacrifice some of the efficiency of the propeller。

An analogous case arose in the application of the steam

turbine to the propulsion of cargo boats; a problem as

yet unsolved。 The propeller should always be aft; so

that it could abstract energy from the wake current; and

also so that its wash was clear of the body propelled。

The best possible efficiency was about 70 per cent; and

it was safe to rely upon 66 per cent。

Benefits of Soaring Flight。

There was; Mr。 Lanchester proceeded; some possibility

of the aeronaut reducing the power needed for transport

by his adopting the principle of soaring flight; as

exemplified by some birds。 There were; he continued; two

different modes of soaring flight。 In the one the bird

made use of the upward current of air often to be found

in the neighborhood of steep vertical cliffs。 These cliffs

deflected the air upward long before it actually reached

the cliff; a whole region below being thus the seat of

an upward current。 Darwin has noted that the condor

was only to be found in the neighborhood of such cliffs。

Along the south coast also the gulls made frequent use

of the up currents due to the nearly perpendicular chalk

cliffs along the shore。

In the tropics up currents were also caused by

temperature differences。 Cumulus clouds; moreover; were

nearly always the terminations of such up currents of

heated air; which; on cooling by expansion in the upper

regions; deposited their moisture as fog。 These clouds

might; perhaps; prove useful in the future in showing

the aeronaut where up currents were to he found。 An…

other mode of soaring flight was that adopted by the

albatross; which took advantage of the fact that the air

moved in pulsations; into which the bird fitted itself;

being thus able to extract energy from the wind。

Whether it would be possible for the aeronaut to employ

a similar method must be left to the future to decide。

Main Difficulties in Aviation。

In practical flight difficulties arose in starting and in

alighting。 There was a lower limit to the speed at

which the machine was stable; and it was inadvisable to

leave the ground till this limit was attained。 Similarly;

in alighting it was inexpedient to reduce the speed below

the limit of stability。 This fact constituted a difficulty

in the adoption of high speeds; since the length of run

needed increased in proportion to the square of the

velocity。 This drawback could; however; be surmounted

by forming starting and alighting grounds of ample size。

He thought it quite likely in the future that such grounds

would be considered as essential to the flying machine

as a seaport was to an ocean…going steamer or as a road

was to the automobile。

Requisites of Flying Machine。

Flying machines were commonly divided into monoplanes

and biplanes; according as they had one or two

supporting surfaces。 The distinction was not; however;

fundamental。 To get the requisite strength some form

of girder framework was necessary; and it was a mere

question of convenience whether the supporting surface

was arranged along both the top and the bottom of this

girder; or along the bottom only。 The framework adopted

universally was of wood braced by ties of pianoforte

wire; an arrangement giving the stiffness desired with

the least possible weight。 Some kind of chassis was also




Owing to the fact that the Wright brothers have enjoined

a number of professional aviators from using

their system of control; amateurs have been slow to

adopt it。 They recognize its merits; and would like to

use the system; but have been apprehensive that it

might involve them in litigation。 There is no danger

of this; as will be seen by the following statement made

by the Wrights:

What Wright Brothers Say。

〃Any amateur; any professional who is not exhibiting

for money; is at liberty to use our patented devices。

We shall be glad to have them do so; and there will be

no interference on our part; by legal action; or otherwise。

The only men we proceed against are those who; without

our permission; without even asking our consent;

coolly appropriate the results of our labors and use them

for the purpose of making money。 Curtiss; Delagrange;

Voisin; and all the rest of them who have used our

devices have done so in money…making exhibitions。 So

long as there is any money to be made by the use of the

products of our brains; we propose to have it ourselves。

It is the only way in which we can get any return for

the years of patient work we have given to the problem

of aviation。 On the other hand; any man who wants

to use these devices for the purpose of pleasure; or the

advancement of science; is welcome to do so; without

money and without price。 This is fair enough; is it not?〃

Basis of the Wright Patents。

In a flying machine a normally flat aeroplane having

lateral marginal portions capable of movement to different

positions above or below the normal plane of the

body of the aeroplane; such movement being about an

axis transverse to the line of flight; whereby said lateral

marginal portions may be moved to different angles relatively

to the normal plane of the body of the aeroplane;

so as to present to the atmosphere different angles

of incidence; and means for so moving said lateral marginal

portions; substantially as described。

Application of vertical struts near the ends having

flexible joints。

Means for simultaneously imparting such movement

to said lateral portions to different angles relatively to

each other。

Refers to the movement of the lateral portions on the

same side to the same angle。

Means for simultaneously moving vertical rudder so

as to present to the wind that side thereof nearest the

side of the aeroplane having the smallest angle of incidence。

Lateral stability is obtained by warping the end wings

by moving the lever at the right hand of the operator;

connection being made by wires from the lever to the

wing tips。 The rudder may also be curved or warped in

similar manner by lever action。

Wrights Obtain an Injunction。

In January; 1910; Judge Hazel; of the United States

Circuit Court; granted a preliminary injunction restraining

the Herring…Curtiss Co。; and Glenn H。 Curtiss; from

manufacturing; selling; or using for exhibition purposes

the machine known as the Curtiss aeroplane。 The injunction

was obtained on the ground that the Curtiss

machine is an infringement upon the Wright patents in

the matter of wing warping and rudder control。

It is not the purpose of the authors to discuss the

subject pro or con。 Such discussion would have no proper

place in a volume of this kind。 It is enough to say that

Curtiss stoutly insists that his machine is not an

infringement of the Wright patents; although Judge Hazel

evidently thinks differently。

What the Judge Said。

In granting the preliminary injunction the judge said:

〃Defendants claim generally that the difference in

construction of their apparatus causes the equilibrium or

lateral balance to be maintained and its aerial movement

secured upon an entirely different principle from that

of complainant; the defendants' aeroplanes are curved;

firmly attached to the stanchions and hence are incapable

of twisti
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