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flying machines-第3章

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many and; like Pilcher; was the victim of a distorted

apparatus。 Probably one of the joints of the struts

gave way; the upper surface blew back and Lilienthal;

who was well forward on the lower surface; was pitched

headlong to destruction。

Experiments by the Writer。

In 1896; assisted by Mr。 Herring and Mr。 Avery; I

experimented with several full sized gliding machines;

carrying a man。 The first was a Lilienthal monoplane

which was deemed so cranky that it was discarded after

making about one hundred glides; six weeks before

Lilienthal's accident。 The second was known as the

multiple winged machine and finally developed into five

pairs of pivoted wings; trussed together at the front and

one pair in the rear。 It glided at angles of descent of

10 or 11 degrees or of one in five; and this was deemed

too steep。 Then Mr。 Herring and myself made computations

to analyze the resistances。 We attributed much

of them to the five front spars of the wings and on a

sheet of cross…barred paper I at once drew the design for

a new three…decked machine to be built by Mr。 Herring。

Being a builder of bridges; I trussed these surfaces

together; in order to obtain strength and stiffness。 When

tested in gliding flight the lower surface was found too

near the ground。 It was taken off and the remaining

apparatus now consisted of two surfaces connected together

by a girder composed of vertical posts and diagonal

ties; specifically known as a 〃Pratt truss。〃 Then

Mr。 Herring and Mr。 Avery together devised and put

on an elastic attachment to the tail。 This machine

proved a success; it being safe and manageable。 Over

700 glides were made with it at angles of descent of 8

to 10 degrees; or one in six to one in seven。

First Proposed by Wenham。

The elastic tail attachment and the trussing of the

connecting frame of the superposed wings were the only

novelties in this machine; for the superposing of the

surfaces had first been proposed by Wenham; but in

accordance with the popular perception; which bestows

all the credit upon the man who adds the last touch

making for success to the labors of his predecessors; the

machine has since been known by many persons as the

〃Chanute type〃 of gliders; much to my personal gratification。

It has since been improved in many ways。 Wright

Brothers; disregarding the fashion which prevails among

birds; have placed the tail in front of their apparatus and

called it a front rudder; besides placing the operator in

horizontal position instead of upright; as I did; and also

providing a method of warping the wings to preserve

equilibrium。 Farman and Delagrange; under the very

able guidance and constructive work of Voisin brothers;

then substituted many details; including a box tail for

the dart…like tail which I used。 This may have increased

the resistance; but it adds to the steadiness。 Now the

tendency in France seems to be to go back to the monoplane。

Monoplane Idea Wrong。

The advocates of the single supporting surface are

probably mistaken。 It is true that a single surface

shows a greater lift per square foot than superposed

surfaces for a given speed; but the increased weight due

to leverage more than counterbalances this advantage by

requiring heavy spars and some guys。 I believe that

the future aeroplane dynamic flier will consist of superposed

surfaces; and; now that it has been found that by

imbedding suitably shaped spars in the cloth the head

resistance may be much diminished; I see few objections

to superposing three; four or even five surfaces properly

trussed; and thus obtaining a compact; handy; manageable

and comparatively light apparatus。'2'

'2' Aeronautics。



While every craft that navigates the air is an airship;

all airships are not flying machines。 The balloon;

for instance; is an airship; but it is not what is known

among aviators as a flying machine。 This latter term

is properly used only in referring to heavier…than…air

machines which have no gas…bag lifting devices; and are made to

really fly by the application of engine propulsion。

Mechanical Birds。

All successful flying machinesand there are a number

of themare based on bird action。 The various

designers have studied bird flight and soaring; mastered

its technique as devised by Nature; and the modern flying

machine is the result。 On an exaggerated; enlarged

scale the machines which are now navigating the air

are nothing more nor less than mechanical birds。

Origin of the Aeroplane。

Octave Chanute; of Chicago; may well be called 〃the

developer of the flying machine。〃 Leaving balloons and

various forms of gas…bags out of consideration; other

experimenters; notably Langley and Lilienthal; antedated

him in attempting the navigation of the air on

aeroplanes; or flying machines; but none of them were

wholly successful; and it remained for Chanute to demonstrate

the practicability of what was then called the

gliding machine。 This term was adopted because the

apparatus was; as the name implies; simply a gliding

machine; being without motor propulsion; and intended

solely to solve the problem of the best form of

construction。 The biplane; used by Chanute in 1896; is

still the basis of most successful flying machines; the

only radical difference being that motors; rudders; etc。;

have been added。

Character of Chanute's Experiments。

It was the privilege of the author of this book to be

Mr。 Chanute's guest at Millers; Indiana; in 1896; when;

in collaboration with Messrs。 Herring and Avery; he was

conducting the series of experiments which have since

made possible the construction of the modern flying

machine which such successful aviators as the Wright

brothers and others are now using。 It was a wild

country; much frequented by eagles; hawks; and similar

birds。 The enthusiastic trio; Chanute; Herring and

Avery; would watch for hours the evolutions of some

big bird in the air; agreeing in the end on the verdict;

〃When we master the principle of that bird's soaring

without wing action; we will have come close to solving

the problem of the flying machine。〃

Aeroplanes of various forms were constructed by Mr。

Chanute with the assistance of Messrs。 Herring and

Avery until; at the time of the writer's visit; they had

settled upon the biplane; or two…surface machine。 Mr。

Herring later equipped this with a rudder; and made

other additions; but the general idea is still the basis of

the Wright; Curtiss; and other machines in which; by

the aid of gasolene motors; long flights have been made。

Developments by the Wrights。

In 1900 the Wright brothers; William and Orville; who were then

in the bicycle business in Dayton; Ohio;

became interested in Chanute's experiments and

communicated with him。 The result was that the Wrights

took up Chanute's ideas and developed them further;

making many additions of their own; one of which was

the placing of a rudder in front; and the location of the

operator horizontally on the machine; thus diminishing

by four…fifths the wind resistance of the man's body。

For three years the Wrights experimented with the

glider before venturing to add a motor; which was not

done until they had thoroughly mastered the control of

their movements in the air。

Limits of the Flying Machine。

In the opinion of competent experts it is idle to look

for a commercial future for the flying machine。 There

is; and always will be; a limit to its carrying capacity

which will prohibit its employment for passenger or

freight purposes in a wholesale or general way。 There

are some; of course; who will argue that because a

machine will carry two people another may be constructed

that will carry a dozen; but those who make

this contention do not understand the theory of weight

sustentation in the air; or that the greater the load the

greater must be the lifting power (motors and plane

surface); and that there is a limit to theseas will be

explained later onbeyond which the aviator cannot go。

Some Practical Uses。

At the same time there are fields in which the flying

machine may be used to great advantage。 These are:

SportsFlying machine races or flights will always

be popular by reason of the element of danger。 It is

a strange; but nevertheless a true proposition; that it is

this element which adds zest to all sporting events。

ScientificFor exploration of otherwise inaccessible

regions such as deserts; mountain tops; etc。

ReconnoiteringIn time of war flying machines may

be used to advantage to spy out an enemy's encampment;

ascertain its defenses; etc。



In order to understand the theory of the modern flying

machine one must also understand bird action and wind

action。 In thi
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