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flying machines-第36章

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dihedral planes; or dihedral propeller blades。

Dirigible。Obedient to a rudder; something that may

be steered or directed。

Helicopter。Flying machine the lifting power of which

is furnished by vertical propellers。

Lateral Curvature。Parabolic form in a transverse direction。

Lateral Equilibrium or Stability。Maintenance of the

machine on an even keel transversely。 If the lateral

equilibrium is perfect the extreme ends of the machine

will be on a dead level。

Longitudinal Equilibrium or Stability。Maintenance of

the machine on an even keel from front to rear。

Monoplane。Flying machine with one supporting; or

surface plane。

Multiplane。Flying machine with more than three surface


Ornithopter。Flying machine with movable bird…like


Parabolic Curves。Having the form of a parabolaa

conic section。

Pitch of Propeller Blade。See 〃Twist。〃

Ribs。The pieces over which the cloth covering is


Spread。The distance from end to end of the main surface;

the transverse dimension。

Stanchions。Upright pieces connecting the upper and

lower frames。

Struts。The pieces which hold together longitudinally

the main frame beams。

Superposed。Placed one over another。

Surface Area。The amount of cloth…covered supporting

surface which furnishes the sustaining quality。

Sustentation。Suspension in the air。 Power of sustentation;

the quality of sustaining a weight in the air。

Triplane。Flying machine with three surface planes。

Thrust of Propeller。Power with which the blades displace

the air。

Width。The distance from the front to the rear edge

of a flying machine。

Wind Pressure。The force exerted by the wind when

a body is moving against it。 There is always more

or less wind pressure; even in a calm。

Wing Tips。The extreme ends of the main surface

planes。 Sometimes these are movable parts of the

main planes; and sometimes separate auxiliary planes。

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