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letters to his son, 1756-58-第3章

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s to do it in。  One yawns; one procrastinates; one can do it when one will; and therefore one seldom does it at all; whereas those who have a great deal of business; must (to use a vulgar expression) buckle to it; and then they always find time enough to do it in。  I hope your own experience has by this time convinced you of this truth。

I received your last of the 8th。  It is now quite over with a very great man; who will still be a very great man; though a very unfortunate one。 He has qualities of the mind that put him above the reach of these misfortunes; and if reduced; as perhaps he may; to the 'marche' of Brandenburg; he will always find in himself the comfort; and with all the world the credit; of a philosopher; a legislator; a patron; and a professor of arts and sciences。  He will only lose the fame of a conqueror; a cruel fame; that arises from the destruction of the human species。  Could it be any satisfaction to him to know; I could tell him; that he is at this time the most popular man in this kingdom; the whole nation being enraged at that neutrality which hastens and completes his ruin。  Between you and me; the King was not less enraged at it himself; when he saw the terms of it; and it affected his health more than all that had happened before。  Indeed it seems to me a voluntary concession of the very worst that could have happened in the worst event。  We now begin to think that our great and secret expedition is intended for Martinico and St。 Domingo; if that be true; and we succeed in the attempt; we shall recover; and the French lose; one of the most valuable branches of commerceI mean sugar。  The French now supply all the foreign markets in Europe with that commodity; we only supply ourselves with it。  This would make us some amends for our ill luck; or ill conduct in North America; where Lord Loudon; with twelve thousand men; thought himself no match for the French with but seven; and Admiral Holborne; with seventeen ships of the line; declined attacking the French; because they had eighteen; and a greater weight of METAL; according to the new sea…phrase; which was unknown to Blake。  I hear that letters have been sent to both with very severe reprimands。  I am told; and I believe it is true; that we are negotiating with the Corsican; I will not say rebels; but asserters of their natural rights; to receive them; and whatever form of government they think fit to establish; under our protection; upon condition of their delivering up to us Port Ajaccio; which may be made so strong and so good a one; as to be a full equivalent for the loss of Port Mahon。  This is; in my mind; a very good scheme; for though the Corsicans are a parcel of cruel and perfidious rascals; they will in this case be tied down to us by their own interest and their own danger; a solid security with knaves; though none with fools。  His Royal Highness the Duke is hourly expected here: his arrival will make some bustle; for I believe it is certain that he is resolved to make a push at the Duke of N。; Pitt and Co。; but it will be ineffectual; if they continue to agree; as; to my CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE; they do at present。  This parliament is theirs; 'caetera quis nescit'?

Now that I have told you all that I know or have heard; of public matters; let us talk of private ones that more nearly and immediately concern us。  Admit me to your fire…side; in your little room; and as you would converse with me there; write to me for the future from thence。 Are you completely 'nippe' yet?  Have you formed what the world calls connections?  that is; a certain number of acquaintances whom; from accident or choice; you frequent more than others: Have you either fine or well…bred women there?  'Y a…t…il quelque bon ton'?  All fat and fair; I presume; too proud and too cold to make advances; but; at the same time; too well…bred and too warm to reject them; when made by 'un honnete homme avec des manieres'。

Mr。  is to be married; in about a month; to Miss 。  I am very glad of it; for; as he will never be a man of the world; but will always lead a domestic and retired life; she seems to have been made on purpose for him。  Her natural turn is as grave and domestic as his; and she seems to have been kept by her aunts 'a la grace'; instead of being raised in a hot bed; as most young ladies are of late。  If; three weeks hence; you write him a short compliment of congratulation upon the occasion; he; his mother; and 'tutti quanti'; would be extremely pleased with it。  Those attentions are always kindly taken; and cost one nothing but pen; ink; and paper。  I consider them as draughts upon good…breeding; where the exchange is always greatly in favor of the drawer。  'A propos' of exchange; I hope you have; with the help of your secretary; made yourself correctly master of all that sort of knowledgeCourse of Exchange; 'Agie; Banco; Reiche…Thalers'; down to 'Marien Groschen'。  It is very little trouble to learn it; it is often of great use to know it。  Good… night; and God bless you!


BLACKHEATH; October 10; 1757

MY DEAR FRIEND: It is not without some difficulty that I snatch this moment of leisure from my extreme idleness; to inform you of the present lamentable and astonishing state of affairs here; which you would know but imperfectly from the public papers; and but partially from your private correspondents。  'Or sus' thenOur in vincible Armada; which cost at least half a million; sailed; as you know; some weeks ago; the object kept an inviolable secret: conjectures various; and expectations great。  Brest was perhaps to be taken; but Martinico and St。 Domingo; at least。  When lo!  the important island of Aix was taken without the least resistance; seven hundred men made prisoners; and some pieces of cannon carried off。  From thence we sailed toward Rochfort; which it seems was our main object; and consequently one should have supposed that we had pilots on board who knew all the soundings and landing places there and thereabouts: but no; for General M…t asked the Admiral if he could land him and the troops near Rochfort?  The Admiral said; with great ease。  To which the General replied; but can you take us on board again? To which the Admiral answered; that; like all naval operations; will depend upon the wind。  If so; said the General; I'll e'en go home again。 A Council of War was immediately called; where it was unanimously resolved; that it was ADVISABLE to return; accordingly they are returned。 As the expectations of the whole nation had been raised to the highest pitch; the universal disappointment and indignation have arisen in proportion; and I question whether the ferment of men's minds was ever greater。  Suspicions; you may be sure; are various and endless; but the most prevailing one is; that the tail of the Hanover neutrality; like that of a comet; extended itself to Rochfort。  What encourages this suspicion is; that a French man of war went unmolested through our whole fleet; as it lay near Rochfort。  Haddock's whole story is revived; Michel's representations are combined with other circumstances; and the whole together makes up a mass of discontent; resentment; and even fury; greater than perhaps was ever known in this country before。  These are the facts; draw your own conclusions from them; for my part; I am lost in astonishment and conjectures; and do not know where to fix。  My experience has shown me; that many things which seem extremely probable are not true: and many which seem highly improbable are true; so that I will conclude this article; as Josephus does almost every article of his history; with saying; BUT OF THIS EVERY MAN WILL BELIEVE AS HE THINKS PROPER。  What a disgraceful year will this be in the annals of this country!  May its good genius; if ever it appears again; tear out those sheets; thus stained and blotted by our ignominy!

Our domestic affairs are; as far as I know anything of them; in the same situation as when I wrote to you last; but they will begin to be in motion upon the approach of the session; and upon the return of the Duke; whose arrival is most impatiently expected by the mob of London; though not to strew flowers in his way。

I leave this place next Saturday; and London the Saturday following; to be the next day at Bath。  Adieu。


LONDON; October 17; 1757。

MY DEAR FRIEND: Your last; of the 30th past; was a very good letter; and I will believe half of what you assure me; that you returned to the Landgrave's civilities。  I cannot possibly go farther than half; knowing that you are not lavish of your words; especially in that species of eloquence called the adulatory。  Do not use too much discretion in profiting of the Landgrave's naturalization of you; but go pretty often and feed with him。  Choose the company of your superiors; whenever you can have it; that is the right and true pride。  The mistaken and silly pride is; to PRIMER among inferiors。

Hear; O Israel! and wonder。  On Sunday morning last; the Duke gave up his commission of Captain General and his regiment of guards。  You will ask me why?  I cannot tell you; but I will tell you the causes assigned; which; perhaps; are none of them the true ones。  It is said that the King reproached him with having exceeded his p
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