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record of buddhistic kingdoms-第21章

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t over 151 millions have already elapsed。〃

'9' 〃The king of demons。〃 The name Mara is explained by 〃the murderer;〃 〃the destroyer of virtue;〃 and similar appellations。 〃He is;〃 says Eitel; 〃the personification of lust; the god of love; sin; and death; the arch…enemy of goodness; residing in the heaven Paranirmita Vasavartin on the top of the Kamadhatu。 He assumes different forms; especially monstrous ones; to tempt or frighten the saints; or sends his daughters; or inspires wicked men like Devadatta or the Nirgranthas to do his work。 He is often represented with 100 arms; and riding on an elephant。〃 The oldest form of the legend in this paragraph is in 〃Buddhist Suttas;〃 Sacred Books of the East; vol。 xi; pp。 41…55; where Buddha says that; if Ananda had asked him thrice; he would have postponed his death。

'10' Or the Vinaya…pitaka。 The meeting referred to was an important one; and is generally spoken of as the second Great Council of the Buddhist Church。 See; on the formation of the Buddhist Canon; Hardy's E。 M。; chap。 xviii; and the last chapter of Davids' Manual; on the History of the Order。 The first Council was that held at Rajagriha; shortly after Buddha's death; under the presidency of Kasyapa;say about B。C。 410。 The second was that spoken of here;say about B。C。 300。 In Davids' Manual (p。 216) we find the ten points of discipline; in which the heretics (I can use that term here) claimed at least indulgence。 Two meetings were held to consider and discuss them。 At the former the orthodox party barely succeeded in carrying their condemnation of the laxer monks; and a second and larger meeting; of which Fa…hien speaks; was held in consequence; and a more emphatic condemnation passed。 At the same time all the books and subjects of discipline seem to have undergone a careful revision。

The Corean text is clearer than the Chinese as to those who composed the Council;the Arhats and orthodox monks。 The leader among them was a Yasas; or Yasada; or Yedsaputtra; who had been a disciple of Ananda; and must therefore have been a very old man。



Four yojanas on from this place to the east brought the travellers to the confluence of the five rivers。'1' When Ananda was going from Magadha'2' to Vaisali; wishing his pari…nirvana to take place (there); the devas informed king Ajatasatru'3' of it; and the king immediately pursued him; in his own grand carriage; with a body of soldiers; and had reached the river。 (On the other hand); the Lichchhavis of Vaisali had heard that Amanda was coming (to their city); and they on their part came to meet him。 (In this way); they all arrived together at the river; and Ananda considered that; if he went forward; king Ajatasatru would be very angry; while; if he went back; the Lichchhavis would resent his conduct。 He thereupon in the very middle of the river burnt his body in a fiery ecstasy of Samadhi;'4' and his pari…nirvana was attained。 He divided his body (also) into two; (leaving) the half of it on each bank; so that each of the two kings got one half as a (sacred) relic; and took it back (to his own capital); and there raised a tope over it。


'1' This spot does not appear to have been identified。 It could not be far from Patna。

'2' Magadha was for some time the headquarters of Buddhism; the holy land; covered with viharas; a fact perpetuated; as has been observed in a previous note; in the name of the present Behar; the southern portion of which corresponds to the ancient kingdom of Magadha。

'3' In Singhalese; Ajasat。 See the account of his conversion in M。 B。; pp。 321…326。 He was the son of king Bimbisara; who was one of the first royal converts to Buddhism。 Ajasat murdered his father; or at least wrought his death; and was at first opposed to Sakyamuni; and a favourer of Devadatta。 When converted; he became famous for his liberality in almsgiving。

'4' Eitel has a long article (pp。 114; 115) on the meaning of Samadhi; which is one of the seven sections of wisdom (bodhyanga)。 Hardy defines it as meaning 〃perfect tranquillity;〃 Turnour; as 〃meditative abstraction;〃 Burnouf; as 〃self…control;〃 and Edkins; as 〃ecstatic reverie。〃 〃Samadhi;〃 says Eitel; 〃signifies the highest pitch of abstract; ecstatic meditation; a state of absolute indifference to all influences from within or without; a state of torpor of both the material and spiritual forces of vitality; a sort of terrestrial nirvana; consistently culminating in total destruction of life。〃 He then quotes apparently the language of the text; 〃He consumed his body by Agni (the fire of) Samadhi;〃 and says it is 〃a common expression for the effects of such ecstatic; ultra…mystic self…annihilation。〃 All this is simply 〃a darkening of counsel by words without knowledge。〃 Some facts concerning the death of Ananda are hidden beneath the darkness of the phraseology; which it is impossible for us to ascertain。 By or in Samadhi he burns his body in the very middle of the river; and then he divides the relic of the burnt body into two parts (for so evidently Fa…hien intended his narration to be taken); and leaves one half on each bank。 The account of Ananda's death in Nien…ch'ang's 〃History of Buddha and the Patriarchs〃 is much more extravagant。 Crowds of men and devas are brought together to witness it。 The body is divided into four parts。 One is conveyed to the Tushita heaven; a second; to the palace of a certain Naga king; a third is given to Ajatasatru; and the fourth to the Lichchhavis。 What it all really means I cannot tell。



Having crossed the river; and descended south for a yojana; (the travellers) came to the town of Pataliputtra;'1' in the kingdom of Magadha; the city where king Asoka'2' ruled。 The royal palace and halls in the midst of the city; which exist now as of old; were all made by spirits which he employed; and which piled up the stones; reared the walls and gates; and executed the elegant carving and inlaid sculpture…work;in a way which no human hands of this world could accomplish。

King Asoka had a younger brother who had attained to be an Arhat; and resided on Gridhra…kuta'3' hill; finding his delight in solitude and quiet。 The king; who sincerely reverenced him; wished and begged him (to come and live) in his family; where he could supply all his wants。 The other; however; through his delight in the stillness of the mountain; was unwilling to accept the invitation; on which the king said to him; 〃Only accept my invitation; and I will make a hill for you inside the city。〃 Accordingly; he provided the materials of a feast; called to him the spirits; and announced to them; 〃To…morrow you will all receive my invitation; but as there are no mats for you to sit on; let each one bring (his own seat)。〃 Next day the spirits came; each one bringing with him a great rock; (like) a wall; four or five paces square; (for a seat)。 When their sitting was over; the king made them form a hill with the large stones piled on one another; and also at the foot of the hill; with five large square stones; to make an apartment; which might be more than thirty cubits long; twenty cubits wide; and more than ten cubits high。

In this city there had resided a great Brahman;'4' named Radha… sami;'5' a professor of the mahayana; of clear discernment and much wisdom; who understood everything; living by himself in spotless purity。 The king of the country honoured and reverenced him; and served him as his teacher。 If he went to inquire for and greet him; the king did not presume to sit down alongside of him; and if; in his love and reverence; he took hold of his hand; as soon as he let it go; the Brahman made haste to pour water on it and wash it。 He might be more than fifty years old; and all the kingdom looked up to him。 By means of this one man; the Law of Buddha was widely made known; and the followers of other doctrines did not find it in their power to persecute the body of monks in any way。

By the side of the tope of Asoka; there has been made a mahayana monastery; very grand and beautiful; there is also a hinayana one; the two together containing six or seven hundred monks。 The rules of demeanour and the scholastic arrangements'6' in them are worthy of observation。

Shamans of the highest virtue from all quarters; and students; inquirers wishing to find out truth and the grounds of it; all resort to these monasteries。 There also resides in this monastery a Brahman teacher; whose name also is Manjusri;'7' whom the Shamans of greatest virtue in the kingdom; and the mahayana Bhikshus honour and look up to。

The cities and towns of this country are the greatest of all in the Middle Kingdom。 The inhabitants are rich and prosperous; and vie with one another in the practice of benevolence and righteousness。 Every year on the eighth day of the second month they celebrate a procession of images。 They make a four…wheeled car; and on it erect a structure of four storeys by means of bamboos tied together。 This is supported by a king…post; with poles and lances slanting from it; and is rather more than twenty cubits high; having t
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