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In her breast they gathered; together fashioning that Cleopatra whom
no man may draw; and yet whom no man; having seen; ever can forget。
They fashioned her grand as the Spirit of Storm; lovely as Lightning;
cruel as Pestilence; yet with a heart; and what she did is known。 Woe
to the world when such another comes to curse it!
For a moment I met Cleopatra's eyes as she idly bent herself to find
the tumult's cause。 At first they were sombre and dark; as though they
saw indeed; but the brain read nothing。 Then they awoke; and their
very colour seemed to change as the colour of the sea changes when the
water is shaken。 First; there was anger written in them; next an idle
noting; then; when she looked upon the huge bulk of the man whom I had
overcome; and knew him for the gladiator; something; perchance; that
was not far from wonder。 At the least they softened; though; indeed;
her face changed no whit。 But he who would read Cleopatra's mind had
need to watch her eyes; for her countenance varied but a little。
Turning; she said some word to her guards。 They came forward and led
me to her; while all the multitude waited silently to see me slain。
I stood before her; my arms folded on my breast。 Overcome though I was
by the wonder of her loveliness I hated her in my heart; this woman
who dared to clothe herself in the dress of Isis; this usurper who sat
upon my throne; this wanton squandering the wealth of Egypt in
chariots and perfumes。 When she had looked me over from head to the
feet; she spake in a low full voice and in the tongue of Khemi which
she alone had learned of all the Lagid?:
〃And who and what art thou; Egyptianfor Egyptian I see thou artwho
darest to smite my slave when I make progress through my city?〃
〃I am Harmachis;〃 I answered boldly。 〃Harmachis; the astrologer;
adopted son of the High Priest and Governor of Abouthis; who am come
hither to seek my fortune。 I smote thy slave; O Queen; because for no
fault he struck down the woman yonder。 Ask of those who saw; royal
〃Harmachis;〃 she said; 〃the name has a high soundand thou hast a
high look;〃 and then; speaking to a soldier who had seen all; she bade
him tell her what had come to pass。 This he did truthfully; being
friendly disposed towards me because I had overcome the Nubian。
Thereon she turned and spoke to the girl bearing the fan who stood
beside hera woman with curling hair and shy dark eyes; very
beautiful to see。 The girl answered somewhat。 Then Cleopatra bade them
bring the slave to her。 So they led forward the giant; who had found
his breath again; and with him the woman whom he had smitten down。
〃Thou dog!〃 she said; in the same low voice; 〃thou coward! who; being
strong; didst smite down this woman; and; being a coward; wast
overthrown of this young man。 See; thou; I will teach thee manners。
Henceforth; when thou smitest women it shall be with thy left arm。 Ho;
guards; seize this black slave and strike off his right hand。〃
Her command given; she sank back in her golden chariot; and again the
cloud gathered in her eyes。 But the guards seized the giant; and;
notwithstanding his cries and prayers for mercy; struck off his hand
with a sword upon the wood of the scaffolding and he was carried away
groaning。 Then the procession moved on again。 As it went the fair
woman with the fan turned her head; caught my eye; and smiled and
nodded as though she rejoiced; at which I wondered somewhat。
The people cheered also and made jests; saying that I should soon
practice astrology in the palace。 But; as soon as we might; I and my
uncle escaped; and made our way back to the house。 All the while he
rated me for my rashness; but when we came to the chamber of the house
he embraced me and rejoiced greatly; because I had overthrown the
giant with so little hurt to myself。
That same night; while we sat at supper in the house; there came a
knock upon the door。 It was opened; and a woman passed in wrapped from
head to foot in a large dark peplos or cloak in such fashion that her
face could not be clearly seen。
My uncle rose; and as he did so the woman uttered the secret word。
〃I am come; my father;〃 she said in a sweet clear voice; 〃though of a
truth it was not easy to escape the revels at the palace yonder。 But I
told the Queen that the sun and the riot in the streets had made me
sick; and she let me go。〃
〃It is well;〃 he answered。 〃Unveil thyself; here thou art safe。〃
With a little sigh of weariness she unclasped the peplos and let it
slip from her; giving to my sight the face and form of that beauteous
girl who had stood to fan Cleopatra in the chariot。 For she was very
fair and pleasant to look upon; and her Grecian robes clung sweetly
about her supple limbs and budding form。 Her wayward hair; flowing in
a hundred little curls; was bound in with a golden fillet; and on her
feet were sandals fastened with studs of gold。 Her cheeks blushed like
a flower; and her dark soft eyes were downcast; as though with
modesty; but smiles and dimples trembled about her lips。
My uncle frowned when his eyes fell upon her dress。
〃Why comest thou in this garb; Charmion?〃 he asked sternly。 〃Is not
the dress of thy mothers good enough for thee? This is no time or
place for woman's vanities。 Thou art not here to conquer; but to
〃Nay; be not wroth; my father;〃 she answered softly; 〃perchance thou
knowest not that she whom I serve will have none of our Egyptian
dress; it is out of fashion。 To wear it would have been to court
suspicionalso I came in haste。〃 And as she spoke I saw that all the
while she watched me covertly through the long lashes which fringed
her modest eyes。
〃Well; well;〃 he said sharply; fixing his keen glance upon her face;
〃doubtless thou speakest truth; Charmion。 Be ever mindful of thy oath;
girl; and of the cause to which thou art sworn。 Be not light…minded;
and I charge thee forget the beauty with which thou hast been cursed。
For mark thou this; Charmion: fail us but one jot; and vengeance shall
fall on theethe vengeance of man and the vengeance of the Gods! To
this service;〃 he continued; lashing himself to anger as he went on
till his great voice rang in the narrow room; 〃thou hast been bred; to
this end thou hast been instructed and placed where thou art to gain
the ear of that wicked wanton whom thou seemest to serve。 See thou
forget it not; see that the luxury of yonder Court does not corrupt
thy purity and divert thy aim; Charmion;〃 and his eyes flashed and his
small form seemed to grow till it attained to dignitynay; almost to
〃Charmion;〃 he went on; advancing towards her with outstretched
finger; 〃I say that at times I do not trust thee。 But two nights gone
I dreamed I saw thee standing in the desert。 I saw thee laugh and lift
thy hand to heaven; and from it fell a rain of blood; then the sky
sank down on the land of Khem and covered it。 Whence came the dream;
girl; and what is its meaning? I have naught against thee as yet; but
hearken! On the moment that I have; though thou art of my kin; and I
have loved theeon that moment; I say; I will doom those delicate
limbs; which thou lovest so much to show; to the kite and the jackal;
and the soul within thee to all the tortures of the Gods! Unburied
shalt thou lie; and bodiless and accursed shalt thou wander in Amenti!
ay; for ever and ever!〃
He paused; for his sudden burst of passion had spent itself。 But by
it; more clearly than before; I saw how deep a heart this man had
beneath the cloak of his merriness and simplicity of mien; and how
fiercely the mind within him was set upon his aim。 As for the girl;
she shrank from him terrified; and; placing her hands before her sweet
face; began to weep。
〃Nay; speak not so; my father;〃 she said; between her sobs; 〃for what
have I done? I know nothing of the evil wandering of thy dreams。 I am
no soothsayer that I should read dreams。 Have I not carried out all
things according to thy desire? Have I not been ever mindful of that
dread oath?〃and she trembled。 〃Have I not played the spy and told
thee all? Have I not won the heart of the Queen; so that she loves me
as a sister; refusing me nothingay; and the hearts of those about
her? Why dost thou affright me thus with thy words and threats?〃 and
she wept afresh; looking even more beautiful in her sorrow than she
was before。
〃Enough; enough;〃 he answered; 〃what I have said; I have said。 Be
warned; and affront our sight no more with this wanton dress。 Thinkest
thou that we would feed our eyes upon those rounded armswe whose
stake is Egypt and who are dedicated to the Gods of Egypt? Girl;
behold thy cousin and thy King!〃
She ceased weeping; wiping her eyes with her chiton; and I saw that
they seemed but the softer for her tears。
〃Methinks; most royal