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that shook from wine…bibbing。 Still he knew me again。

〃Why;〃 he cried; in the Latin tongue; to one who came with him; 〃this

is the fellow who wrestled yesterday with the Nubian gladiator; that

same who now howls for his lost hand underneath my window。 Curses on

the black brute! I had a bet upon him for the games! I have backed him

against Caius; and now he'll never fight again; and I must lose my

money; all through this astrologer。 What is it thou sayest?thou hast

business with the Lady Charmion? Nay; then; that settles it。 I will

not let thee through。 Fellow; I worship the Lady Charmionay; we all

worship her; though she gives us more slaps than sighs。 And dost thou

think that we will suffer an astrologer with such eyes and such a

chest as thine to cut in the game?by Bacchus; no! She must come out

to keep the tryst; for in thou shalt not go。〃

〃Sir;〃 I said humbly and yet with dignity; 〃I pray that a message may

be sent to the Lady Charmion; for my business will not brook delay。〃

〃Ye Gods!〃 answered the fool; 〃whom have we here that he cannot wait?

A C?sar in disguise? Nay; be offbe off! if thou wouldst not learn

how a spear…prick feels behind。〃

〃Nay;〃 put in the other officer; 〃he is an astrologer; make him

prophesymake him play tricks。〃

〃Ay;〃 cried the others who had sauntered up; 〃let the fellow show his

art。 If he is a magician he can pass the gates; Paulus or no Paulus。〃

〃Right willingly; good Sirs;〃 I answered; for I saw no other means of

entering。 〃Wilt thou; my young and noble Lord〃and I addressed him

who was with Paulus〃suffer that I look thee in the eyes; perhaps I

may read what is written there?〃

〃Right;〃 answered the youth; 〃but I wish that the Lady Charmion was

the sorceress。 I would stare her out of countenance; I warrant。〃

I took him by the hand and gazed deep into his eyes。 〃I see;〃 I said;

〃a field of battle at night; and about it bodies stretchedamong them

is /thy/ body; and a hyena tears its throat。 Most noble Sir; thou

shalt die by sword…thrusts within a year。〃

〃By Bacchus!〃 said the youth; turning white to the gills; 〃thou art an

ill…omened sorcerer!〃 And he slunk offshortly afterwards; as it

chanced; to meet this very fate。 For he was sent on service and slain

in Cyprus。

〃Now for thee; great Captain!〃 I said; speaking to Paulus。 〃I will

show thee how I will pass those gates without thy leaveay; and draw

thee through them after me。 Be pleased to fix thy princely gaze upon

the point of this wand in my hand。〃

Being urged by his comrades he did this; unwillingly; and I let him

gaze till I saw his eyes grow empty as an owl's eyes in the sun。 Then

I suddenly withdrew the wand; and; shifting my countenance into the

place of it; I seized him with my will and stare; and; beginning to

turn round and round; drew him after me; his fierce face drawn fixed;

as it were; almost to my own。 Then I moved slowly backwards till I had

passed the gates; still drawing him after me; and suddenly jerked my

head away。 He fell to the ground; to rise wiping his brow and looking

very foolish。

〃Art thou content; most noble Captain?〃 I said。 〃Thou seest we have

passed the gates。 Would any other noble Sir wish that I should show

more of my skill?〃

〃By Taranis; Lord of Thunder; and all the Gods of Olympus thrown in;

no!〃 growled an old Centurion; a Gaul named Brennus; 〃I like thee not;

I say。 The man who could drag our Paulus through those gates by the

eye; as it were; is not a man to play with。 Paulus; too; who always

goes the way you don't want himbackwards; like an assPaulus! Why;

sirrah; thou needst must have a woman in one eye and a wine…cup in the

other to draw our Paulus thus。〃

At this moment the talk was broken; for Charmion herself came down the

marble path; followed by an armed slave。 She walked calm and

carelessly; her hands folded behind her; and her eyes gazing at

nothingness; as it were。 But it was when Charmion thus looked upon

nothing that she saw most。 And as she came the officers and men of the

guard made way for her bowing; for; as I learned afterwards; this

girl; next to Cleopatra's self; wielded more power than anyone about

the palace。

〃What is this tumult; Brennus?〃 she said; speaking to the Centurion;

and making as if she saw me not; 〃knowest thou not that the Queen

sleeps at this hour; and if she be awakened it is thou who must answer

for it; and that dearly?〃

〃Nay; Lady;〃 said the Centurion; humbly; 〃but it is thus。 We have

here〃and he jerked his thumb towards me〃a magician of the most

pestilentum; I crave his pardonof the very best sort; for he hath

but just now; only by placing his eyes close to the nose of the worthy

Captain Paulus; dragged him; the said Paulus; through the gates that

Paulus swore the magician should not pass。 By the same token; lady;

the magician says that he has business with youwhich grieves me for

your sake。〃

Charmion turned and looked at me carelessly。 〃Ay; I remember;〃 she

said; 〃and so he hasat least; the Queen would see his tricks; but if

he can do none better than cause a sot〃here she cast a glance of

scorn at the wondering Paulus〃to follow his nose through the gates

he guards; he had better go whence he came。 Follow me; Sir Magician;

and for thee; Brennus; I say; keep thy riotous crew more quiet。 For

thee; most honourable Paulus; get thee sober; and next time I am asked

for at the gates give him who asks a hearing。〃 And; with a queenly nod

of her small head; she turned and led the way; followed at a distance

by myself and the armed slave。

We passed up the marble walk which runs through the garden grounds;

and is set on either side with marble statues; for the most part of

heathen Gods and Goddesses; with which these Lagid? were not ashamed

to defile their royal dwellings。 At length we came to a beautiful

portico with fluted columns of the Grecian style of art; where we

found more guards; who made way for the Lady Charmion。 Crossing the

portico we reached a marble vestibule where a fountain splashed

softly; and thence by a low doorway a second chamber; known as the

Alabaster Hall; most beautiful to see。 Its roof was upheld by light

columns of black marble; but all its walls were panelled with

alabaster; on which Grecian legends were engraved。 Its floor was of

rich and many…hued mosaic that told the tale of the passion of Psyche

for the Grecian God of Love; and about it were set chairs of ivory and

gold。 Charmion bade the armed slave stay at the doorway of this

chamber; so that we passed in alone; for the place was empty except

for two eunuchs who stood with drawn swords before the curtain at the

further end。

〃I am vexed; my Lord;〃 she said; speaking very low and shyly; 〃that

thou shouldst have met with such affronts at the gate; but the guard

there served a double watch; and I had given my commands to the

officer of the company that should have relieved it。 Those Roman

officers are ever insolent; who; though they seem to serve; know well

that Egypt is their plaything。 But it is not amiss; for these rough

soldiers are superstitious; and will fear thee。 Now bide thou here

while I go into Cleopatra's chamber; where she sleeps。 I have but just

sung her to sleep; and if she be awake I will call thee; for she waits

thy coming。〃 And without more words she glided from my side。

In a little time she returned; and coming to me spoke:

〃Wouldst see the fairest woman in all the world; asleep?〃 she

whispered; 〃if so; follow me。 Nay; fear not; when she awakes she will

but laugh; for she bade me be sure to bring thee instantly; whether

she slept or woke。 See; I have her signet。〃

So we passed up the beautiful chamber till we came to where the

eunuchs stood with drawn swords; and these would have barred my entry。

But Charmion frowned; and drawing the signet from her bosom held it

before their eyes。 Having examined the writing that was on the ring;

they bowed; dropping their sword points and we passed through the

heavy curtains broidered with gold into the resting…place of

Cleopatra。 It was beautiful beyond imaginingbeautiful with many

coloured marbles; with gold and ivory; gems and flowersall art can

furnish and all luxury can dream of were here。 Here were pictures so

real that birds might have pecked the painted fruits; here were

statues of woman's loveliness frozen into stone; here were draperies

fine as softest silk; but woven of a web of gold; here were couches

and carpets such as I never saw。 The air; too; was sweet with perfume;

while through the open window places came the far murmur of the sea。

And at the further end of the chamber; on a couch of gleaming silk and

sheltered by a net of finest gauze; Cleopatra lay asleep。 There she

laythe fairest thing that man ever sawfairer than a dream; and the

web of her dark hair flowed all about her。 One white; rounded arm made

a pillow for her head; and one hung down towar
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