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All was prepared; triumph hung in my hand as a ripe fruit to the hand

of the plucker。 Yet as I sat at the royal feast my heart was heavy;

and a shadow of coming woe lay cold within my mind。 I sat there in a

place of honour; near the majesty of Cleopatra; and looked down the

lines of guests; bright with gems and garlanded with flowers; marking

those whom I had doomed to die。 There before me lay Cleopatra in all

her beauty; which thrilled the beholder as he is thrilled by the

rushing of the midnight gale; or by the sight of stormy waters。 I

gazed on her as she touched her lips with wine and toyed with the

chaplet of roses on her brow; thinking of the dagger beneath my robe

that I had sworn to bury in her breast。 Again; and yet again; I gazed

and strove to hate her; strove to rejoice that she must dieand could

not。 There; too; behind herwatching me now; as ever; with her deep…

fringed eyeswas the lovely Lady Charmion。 Who; to look at her

innocent face; would believe that she was the setter of that snare in

which the Queen who loved her should miserably perish? Who would dream

that the secret of so much death was locked in her girlish breast? I

gazed; and grew sick at heart because I must anoint my throne with

blood; and by evil sweep away the evil of the land。 At that hour I

wished; indeed; that I was nothing but some humble husbandman; who in

its season grows and in its season garners the golden grain! Alas! the

seed that I had been doomed to sow was the seed of Death; and now I

must reap the red fruit of the harvest!

〃Why; Harmachis; what ails thee?〃 said Cleopatra; smiling her slow

smile。 〃Has the golden skein of stars got tangled; my astronomer? or

dost thou plan some new feat of magic? Say what is it that thou dost

so poorly grace our feast? Nay; now; did I not know; having made

inquiry; that things so low as we poor women are far beneath thy gaze;

why; I should swear that Eros had found thee out; Harmachis!〃

〃Nay; that I am spared; O Queen;〃 I answered。 〃The servant of the

stars marks not the smaller light of woman's eyes; and therein is he


Cleopatra leaned herself towards me; looking on me long and steadily

in such fashion that; despite my will; the blood fluttered at my


〃Boast not; thou proud Egyptian;〃 she said in a low voice which none

but I and Charmion could hear; 〃lest perchance thou dost tempt me to

match my magic against thine。 What woman can forgive that a man should

push us by as things of no account? It is an insult to our sex which

Nature's self abhors;〃 and she leaned back again and laughed most

musically。 But; glancing up; I saw Charmion; her teeth on her lip and

an angry frown upon her brow。

〃Pardon; royal Egypt;〃 I answered coldly; but with such wit as I could

summon; 〃before the Queen of Heaven even stars grow pale!〃 This I said

of the moon; which is the sign of the Holy Mother whom Cleopatra dared

to rival; naming herself Isis come to earth。

〃Happily said;〃 she answered; clapping her white hands。 〃Why; here's

an astronomer who has wit and can shape a compliment! Nay; such a

wonder must not pass unnoted; lest the Gods resent it。 Charmion; take

this rose…chaplet from my hair and set it upon the learned brow of our

Harmachis。 He shall be crowned /King of Love/; whether he will it or


Charmion lifted the chaplet from Cleopatra's brows and; bearing it to

where I was; with a smile set it upon my head yet warm and fragrant

from the Queen's hair; but so roughly that she pained me somewhat。 She

did this because she was wroth; although she smiled with her lips and

whispered; 〃An omen; royal Harmachis。〃 For though she was so very much

a woman; yet; when she was angered or suffered jealousy; Charmion had

a childish way。

Having thus fixed the chaplet; she curtsied low before me; and with

the softest tone of mockery named me; in the Greek tongue; 〃Harmachis;

King of Love。〃 Then Cleopatra laughed and pledged me as 〃King of

Love;〃 and so did all the company; finding the jest a merry one。 For

in Alexandria they love not those who live straitly and turn aside

from women。

But I sat there; a smile upon my lips; and black wrath in my heart。

For; knowing who and what I was; it irked me to think myself a jest

for the frivolous nobles and light beauties of Cleopatra's Court。 But

I was chiefly angered against Charmion; because she laughed the

loudest; and I did not then know that laughter and bitterness are

often the veils with which a sore heart wraps its weakness from the

world。 〃An omen〃 she said it wasthat crown of flowersand so it

proved indeed。 For I was fated to barter the Double Diadem of the

Upper and the Lower Land for a wreath of passion's roses that fade

before they fully bloom; and Pharaoh's ivory bed of state for the

pillow of a faithless woman's breast。

〃/King of Love!/〃 they crowned me in their mockery; ay; and King of

Shame! And I; with the perfumed roses on my browI; by descent and

ordination the Pharaoh of Egyptthought of the imperishable halls of

Abouthis and of that other crowning which on the morrow should be


But still smiling; I pledged them back; and answered with a jest。 For

rising; I bowed before Cleopatra and craved leave to go。 〃Venus;〃 I

said; speaking of the planet that we know as Donaou in the morning and

Bonou in the evening; 〃was in the ascendant。 Therefore; as new…crowned

King of Love; I must now pass to do my homage to its Queen。〃 For these

barbarians name Venus Queen of Love。

And so amidst their laughter I withdraw to my watch…tower; and;

dashing that shameful chaplet down amidst the instruments of my craft;

made pretence to note the rolling of the stars。 There I waited;

thinking on many things that were to be; until Charmion should come

with the last lists of the doomed and the messages of my uncle Sepa;

whom she had seen that evening。

At length the door opened softly; and she came jewelled and clad in

her white robes; as she had left the feast。






〃At length thou art come; Charmion;〃 I said。 〃It is over…late。〃

〃Yea; my Lord; but by no means could I escape Cleopatra。 Her mood is

strangely crossed to…night。 I know not what it may portend。 Strange

whims and fancies blow across it like light and contrary airs upon a

summer sea; and I cannot read her purpose。〃

〃Well; well; enough of Cleopatra。 Hast thou seen our uncle?〃

〃Yes; royal Harmachis。〃

〃And hast thou the last lists?〃

〃Yes; here they are;〃 and she drew them from her bosom。 〃Here is the

list of those who; after the Queen; must certainly be put to the

sword。 Among them thou wilt note is the name of that old Gaul Brennus。

I grieve for him; for we are friends; but it must be。 It is a heavy


〃It is so;〃 I answered conning it; 〃when men write out their count

they forget no item; and our count is long。 What must be must be。 Now

for the next。〃

〃Here is the list of those to be spared; as friendly or uncertain; and

here that of the towns which will certainly rise as soon as the

messenger reaches their gates with tidings of the death of Cleopatra。〃

〃Good。 And now〃and I paused〃and now as to the manner of

Cleopatra's death。 How hast thou settled it? Must it be by my own


〃Yea; my Lord;〃 she answered; and again I caught that note of

bitterness in her voice。 〃Doubtless Pharaoh will rejoice that his

should be the hand to rid the land of this false Queen and wanton

woman; and at one blow break the chains which gall the neck of Egypt。〃

〃Talk not thus; girl;〃 I said; 〃thou knowest well that I do not

rejoice; being but driven to the act by deep necessity and the

pressure of my vows。 Can she not; then; be poisoned? Or can no one of

the eunuchs be suborned to slay her? My soul turns from this bloody

work! Indeed; I marvel; however heavy be her crimes; that thou canst

speak so lightly of the death by treachery of one who loves thee!〃

〃Surely Pharaoh is over…tender; forgetting the greatness of the moment

and all that hangs upon this dagger…stroke that shall cut the thread

of Cleopatra's life。 Listen; Harmachis。 /Thou/ must do the deed; and

/thou/ alone! Myself I would do it; had my arm the strength; but it

has not。 It cannot be done by poison; for every drop she drinks and

every morsel that shall touch her lips is strictly tasted by three

separate tasters; who cannot be suborned。 Nor may the eunuchs of the

guard be trusted。 Two; indeed; are sworn to us; but the third cannot

be come at。 He must be cut down afterwards; and; indeed; when so many

men must fall; what matters a eunuch more or less? Thus it shall be;

then。 To…morrow night; at three hours before midnight thou dost cast

the final augury o
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