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and the cloud of thought gathered in her eyes。 For a time she sat

thus; while the crafty Dellius watched her curiously。 And Charmion;

standing with the other ladies by the throne; she also read his

meaning; for her face lit up; as a summer cloud lights in the evening

when the broad lightning flares behind it。 Then once more it grew pale

and quiet。

At length Cleopatra spoke。 〃This is a heavy matter;〃 she said; 'and

therefore; noble Dellius; we must have time to let our judgment ripen。

Rest thou here; and make thee as merry as our poor circumstances

allow。 Thou shalt have thy answer within ten days。〃

The envoy thought awhile; then replied smiling: 〃It is well; O Egypt;

on the tenth day from now I will attend for my answer; and on the

eleventh I sail hence to join Antony my Lord。〃

Once more; at a sign from Cleopatra; the trumpets blared; and he

withdrew bowing。





That same night Cleopatra summoned me to her private chamber。 I went;

and found her much troubled in mind; never before had I seen her so

deeply moved。 She was alone; and; like some trapped lioness; walked to

and fro across the marble floor; while thought chased thought across

her mind; each; as clouds scudding over the sea; for a moment casting

its shadow in her deep eyes。

〃So thou art come; Harmachis;〃 she said; resting for a while; as she

took my hand。 〃Counsel me; for never did I need counsel more。 Oh; what

days have the Gods measured out to medays restless as the ocean! I

have known no peace from childhood up; and it seems none shall I know。

Scarce by a very little have I escaped thy dagger's point; Harmachis;

when this new trouble; that; like a storm; has gathered beneath the

horizon's rim; suddenly bursts over me。 Didst mark that tigerish fop?

Well should I love to trap him! How soft he spoke! Ay; he purred like

a cat; and all the time he stretched his claws。 Didst hear the letter;

too? it has an ugly sound。 I know this Antony。 When I was but a child;

budding into womanhood; I saw him; but my eyes were ever quick; and I

took his measure。 Half Hercules and half a fool; with a dash of genius

veining his folly through。 Easily led by those who enter at the gates

of his voluptuous sense; but if crossed; an iron foe。 True to his

friends; if; indeed; he loves them; and ofttimes false to his own

interest。 Generous; hardy; and in adversity a man of virtue; in

prosperity a sot and a slave to woman。 That is Antony。 How deal with

such a man; whom fate and opportunity; despite himself; have set on

the crest of fortune's wave? One day it will overwhelm him; but till

that day he sweeps across the world and laughs at those who drown。〃

〃Antony is but a man;〃 I answered; 〃and a man with many foes; and;

being but a man; he can be overthrown。〃

〃Ay; he can be overthrown; but he is one of three; Harmachis。 Now that

Cassius hath gone where all fools go; Rome has thrown out a hydra

head。 Crush one; and another hisses in thy face。 There's Lepidus; and

with him; that young Octavianus; whose cold eyes may yet with a smile

of triumph look on the murdered forms of empty; worthless Lepidus; of

Antony; and of Cleopatra。 If I go not to Cilicia; mark thou! Antony

will knit up a peace with these Parthians; and; taking the tales they

tell of me for truthand; indeed; there is truth in themwill fall

with all his force on Egypt。 And how then?〃

〃How then? Why; then we'll drum him back to Rome。〃

〃Ah; thou sayest so; and; perchance; Harmachis; had I not won that

game we played together some twelve days gone; thou; being Pharaoh;

mightest well have done this thing; for round thy throne old Egypt

would have gathered。 But Egypt loves not me nor my Greek blood; and I

have but now scattered that great plot of thine; in which half the

land was meshed。 Will these men; then; arise to succour me? Were Egypt

true to me; I could; indeed; hold my own against all the force that

Rome may bring; but Egypt hates me; and had as lief be ruled by the

Roman as the Greek。 Still I might make defence had I the gold; for

with money soldiers can be bought to feed the maw of mercenary battle。

But I have none; my treasuries are dry; and though there is wealth in

the land; yet debts perplex me。 These wars have brought me ruin; and I

know not how to find a talent。 Perchance; Harmachis; thou who art; by

hereditary right; Priest of the Pyramids;〃 and she drew near and

looked me in the eyes; 〃perchance; if long descended rumour does not

lie; thou canst tell me where I can touch the gold to save thy land

from ruin; and thy Love from the grasp of Antony? Say; is it so?〃

I thought a while; and then I answered:

〃And if such a tale were true; and if I could show thee treasure

stored by the mighty Pharaohs of the most far…off age against the

needs of Khem; how can I know that thou wouldst indeed make use of

that wealth to those good ends?〃

〃Is there; then; a treasure?〃 she asked curiously。 〃Nay; fret me not;

Harmachis; for of a truth the very name of gold at this time of want

is like the sight of water in the desert。〃

〃I believe;〃 I said; 〃that there is such a treasure; though I myself

have never seen it。 But I know this; that if it still lie in the place

where it was set; it is because so heavy a curse will rest upon him

who shall lay hands on it wickedly and for selfish ends; that none of

those Pharaohs to whom it has been shown have dared to touch it;

however sore their need。〃

〃So;〃 she said; 〃they were cowardly aforetime; or else their need was

not great。 Wilt thou show me this treasure; then; Harmachis?〃

〃Perhaps;〃 I answered; 〃I will show it to thee if it still be there;

when thou hast sworn that thou wilt use it to defend Egypt from this

Roman Antony and for the welfare of her people。〃

〃I swear it!〃 she said earnestly。 〃Oh; I swear by every God in Khem

that if thou showest me this great treasure; I will defy Antony and

send Dellius back to Cilicia with sharper words than those he brought。

Yes; I'll do more; Harmachis: so soon as may be; I will take thee to

husband before all the world; and thou thyself shalt carry out thy

plans and beat off the Roman eagles。〃

Thus she spoke; gazing at me with truthful; earnest eyes。 I believed

her; and for the first time since my fall was for a moment happy;

thinking that all was not lost to me; and that with Cleopatra; whom I

loved thus madly; I might yet win my place and power back。

〃Swear it; Cleopatra!〃 I said。

〃I swear; beloved! and thus I seal my oath!〃 and she kissed me on the

forehead。 And I; too; kissed her; and we talked of what we would do

when we were wed; and how we should overcome the Roman。

And thus I was again beguiled; though I believe that; had it not been

for the jealous anger of Charmionwhich; as shall be seen; was ever

urging her forward to fresh deeds of shameCleopatra would have

wedded me and broken with the Roman。 And; indeed; in the issue; it had

been better for her and Egypt。

We sat far into the night; and I revealed to her somewhat of that

ancient secret of the mighty treasure hid beneath the mass of /Her/。

Thither; it was agreed; we should go on the morrow; and the second

night from now attempt its search。 So; early on the next day; a boat

was secretly made ready; and Cleopatra entered it; veiled as an

Egyptian lady about to make a pilgrimage to the Temple of Horemkhu。

And I also entered; cloaked as a pilgrim; and with us ten of her most

trusted servants disguised as sailors。 But Charmion went not with us。

We sailed with a fair wind from the Canopic mouth of the Nile; and

that night; pushing on with the moon; we reached Sais at midnight; and

here rested for a while。 At dawn we once more loosed our craft; and

all that day sailed swiftly; till; at last; at the third hour from the

sunset; we came in sight of the lights of that fortress which is

called Babylon。 Here; on the opposite bank of the river; we moored our

ship safely in a bed of reeds。

Then; on foot and secretly; we set out for the pyramids; which were at

a distance of two leagues; Cleopatra; I and one trusted eunuch; for we

left the other servants with the boat。 Only I caught an ass for

Cleopatra to ride that was wandering in a tilled field; and threw a

cloak upon it。 She sat on it and I led the ass by paths I knew; the

eunuch following us on foot。 And; within little more than an hour;

having gained the great causeway; we saw the mighty pyramids towering

up through the moonlit air and aweing us to silence。 We passed on in

utter silence; through the haunted city of the dead; for all around us

stood the solemn tombs; till at length we climbed the rocky hill; and

stood in the deep shadow of Khufu Khut; the splendid Throne of Khufu。

〃Of a truth;〃 wh
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