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wall; which pierced it; and were hidden on the farther side by carved
work in stone。 I looked through the hole that was in front of me; and
I saw this: six cubits below was the level of the floor of another
chamber; lit with fragrant lamps; and most richly furnished。 It was
the sleeping…place of Cleopatra; and there; within ten cubits of where
we stood; sat Cleopatra on a gilded couch; and by her side sat Antony。
〃Tell me;〃 Cleopatra murmuredfor this place was so built that every
word spoken in the room below came to the ears of the listener above
〃tell me; noble Antony; wast pleased with my poor festival?〃
〃Ay;〃 he answered in his deep soldier's voice; 〃ay; Egypt; I have made
feasts; and been bidden to feasts; but never saw I aught like thine;
and I tell thee this; though I am rough of tongue and unskilled in
pretty sayings such as women love; thou wast the richest sight of all
that splendid board。 The red wine was not so red as thy beauteous
cheek; the roses smelt not so sweet as the odour of thy hair; and no
sapphire there with its changing light was so lovely as thy eyes of
ocean blue。〃
〃What! Praise from Antony! Sweet words from the lips of him whose
writings are so harsh! Why; it is praise indeed!〃
〃Ay;〃 he went on; 〃it was a royal feast; though I grieve that thou
didst waste that great pearl; and what meant that hour…calling
astrologer of thine; with his ill…omened talk of the curse of
A shadow fled across her glowing face。 〃I know not; he was lately
wounded in a brawl; and methinks the blow has crazed him。〃
〃He seemed not crazed; and there was that about his voice which rings
in my ears like some oracle of fate。 So wildly; too; he looked upon
thee; Egypt; with those piercing eyes of his; like one who loved and
yet hated through the love。〃
〃He is a strange man; I tell thee; noble Antony; and a learned。
Myself; at times; I almost fear him; for he is deeply versed in the
ancient arts of Egypt。 Knowest thou that the man is of royal blood;
and once he plotted to slay me? But I won him over; and slew him not;
for he had the key to secrets that I fain would learn; and; indeed; I
loved his wisdom; and to listen to his deep talk of all hidden
〃By Bacchus; I grow jealous of the knave! And now; Egypt?〃
〃And now I have sucked his knowledge dry; and have no more cause to
fear him。 Didst thou not see that I have made him stand these three
nights a slave amid my slaves; and call aloud the hours as they fled
in festival。 No captive King marching in thy Roman triumphs can have
suffered pangs so keen as that proud Egyptian Prince when he stood
shamed behind my couch。〃
Here Charmion laid her hand on mine and pressed it; as though in
〃Well; he shall trouble us no more with his words of evil omen;〃
Cleopatra went on slowly; 〃to…morrow morn he diesdies swiftly and in
secret; leaving no trace of what his fate has been。 On this is my mind
fixed; of a truth; noble Antony; it is fixed。 Even as I speak the fear
of this man grows and gathers in my breast。 Half am I minded to give
the word even now; for I breathe not freely till he be dead;〃 and she
made as though to rise。
〃Let it be till morning;〃 he said; catching her by the hand; 〃the
soldiers drink; and the deed will be ill done。 'Tis pity too。 I love
not to think of men slaughtered in their sleep。〃
〃In the morning; perchance; the hawk may have flown;〃 she answered;
pondering。 〃He hath keen ears; this Harmachis; and can summon things
to aid him that are not of the earth。 Perchance; even now he hears me
in the spirit; for; of a truth; I seem to feel his presence breathing
round me。 I could tell theebut no; let him be! Noble Antony; be my
tiring…woman and loose me this crown of gold; it chafes my brow。 Be
gentle; hurt me notso。〃
He lifted the ur?us crown from her brows; and she shook loose her
heavy weight of hair that fell about her like a garment。
〃Take back thy crown; royal Egypt;〃 he said; speaking low; 〃take it
from my hand; I will not rob thee of it; but rather set it more firmly
on that beauteous brow。〃
〃What means my Lord?〃 she asked; smiling and looking into his eyes。
〃What mean I? Why then; this: thou camest hither at my bidding to make
answer of the charges laid against thee as to matters politic。 And
knowest thou; Egypt; that hadst thou been other than thou art thou
hadst not gone back to queen it on the Nile; for of this I am sure;
the charges against thee are true in fact。 But; being what thou art
and look thou! never did Nature serve a woman better!I forgive thee
all。 For the sake of thy grace and beauty I forgive thee that which
had not been forgiven to virtue; or to patriotism; or to the dignity
of age! See now how good a thing is woman's wit and loveliness; that
can make kings forget their duty and cozen even blindfolded Justice to
peep ere she lifts her sword! Take back thy crown; O Egypt! It is now
my care that; though it be heavy; it shall not chafe thee。〃
〃These are royal words; most notable Antony;〃 she made answer;
〃gracious and generous words; such as befit the Conqueror of the
world! And touching my misdeeds in the pastif misdeeds there have
beenI say this; and this alonethen I knew not Antony。 For; knowing
Antony; who could sin against him? What woman could lift a sword
against one who must be to all women as a Godone who; seen and
known; draws after him the whole allegiance of the heart; as the sun
draws flowers? And what more can I say and not cross the bounds of
woman's modesty? Why; only thisset that crown upon my brow; great
Antony; and I will take it as a gift from thee; by the giving made
doubly dear; and to thy uses I will guard it。
〃There; now I am thy vassal Queen; and through me all old Egypt that I
rule does homage to Antony the Triumvir; who shall be Antony the
Emperor of Rome and Khem's Imperial Lord!〃
And; having set the crown upon her locks; he stood gazing on her;
grown passionate in the warm breath of her living beauty; till at
length he caught her by both hands and drawing her to him kissed her
thrice; saying:
〃Cleopatra; I love thee; SweetI love thee as I never loved before。〃
She drew back from his embrace; smiling softly; and as she did so the
golden circlet of the sacred snakes fell; being but loosely set upon
her brow; and rolled away into the darkness beyond the ring of light。
I saw the omen; and even in the bitter anguish of my heart knew its
evil import。 But these twain took no note。
〃Thou lovest me?〃 she said; most sweetly; 〃how know I that thou lovest
me? Perchance it is Fulvia whom thou lovestFulvia; thy wedded wife?〃
〃Nay; it is not Fulvia; 'tis thou; Cleopatra; and thou alone。 Many
women have looked favourably upon me from my boyhood up; but to never
a one have I known such desire as to thee; O thou Wonder of the World;
like unto whom no woman ever was! Canst thou love me; Cleopatra; and
to me be true; not for my place or power; not for that which I can
give or can withhold; not for the stern music of my legion's tramp; or
for the light that flows from my bright Star of Fortune; but for
myself; for the sake of Antony; the rough captain; grown old in camps?
Ay; for the sake of Antony the reveller; the frail; the unfixed of
purpose; but who yet never did desert a friend; or rob a poor man; or
take an enemy unawares? Say; canst thou love me; Egypt? Oh! if thou
wilt; why; I am more happy than though I sat to…night in the Capitol
at Rome crowned absolute Monarch of the World!〃
And; ever as he spoke; she gazed on him with wonderful eyes; and in
them shone a light of truth and honesty such as was strange to me。
〃Thou speakest plainly;〃 she said; 〃and thy words are sweet to mine
earsthey would be sweet; even were things otherwise than they are;
for what woman would not love to see the world's master at her feet?
But things being as they are; why; Antony; what can be so sweet as thy
sweet words? The harbour of his rest to the storm…tossed mariner
surely that is sweet! The dream of Heaven's bliss which cheers the
poor ascetic priest on his path of sacrificesurely that is sweet!
The sight of Dawn; the rosy…fingered; coming in his promise to glad
the watching Earthsurely that is sweet! But; ah! not one of these;
nor all dear delightful things that are; can match the honey…sweetness
of thy words to me; O Antony! For thou knowest notnever canst thou
knowhow drear my life hath been; and empty; since thus it is
ordained that in love only can woman lose her solitude! And I have
/never/ lovednever might I lovetill this happy night! Ay; take me
in thy arms; and let us swear a great vow of lovean oath that may
not be broken while life is in us! Behold! Antony! now and for ever I
do vow most strict fidelity unto thee! Now and for ever I am thine;
and thine alone!〃
Then Charmion took me by the hand and drew me then