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    O'er the streams of Hell。

  There beneath the shadows grey;

    With the sisters three;

  Shall he pipe for many a day。

    May the Frog his butler be!

    And his wine the water of that countrie

      Ptolemy the Piper!

After this the years passed on; nor did I; being very little; know

anything of the great things that came to pass in Egypt; nor is it my

purpose to set them out here。 For I; Harmachis; having little time

left to me; will only speak of those things with which I have been


And as the time went on; my father and the teachers instructed me in

the ancient learning of our people; and in such matters appertaining

to the Gods as it is meet that children should know。 So I grew strong

and comely; for my hair was black as the hair of the divine Nout; and

my eyes were blue as the blue lotus; and my skin was like the

alabaster within the sanctuaries。 For now that these glories have

passed from me I may speak of them without shame。 I was strong also。

There was no youth of my years in Abouthis who could stand against me

to wrestle with me; nor could any throw so far with the sling or

spear。 And I much yearned to hunt the lion; but he whom I called my

father forbade me; telling me that my life was of too great worth to

be so lightly hazarded。 But when I bowed before him and prayed he

would make his meaning clear to me; the old man frowned and answered

that the Gods made all things clear in their own season。 For my part;

however; I went away in wroth; for there was a youth in Abouthis who

with others had slain a lion which fell upon his father's herds; and;

being envious of my strength and beauty; he set it about that I was

cowardly at heart; in that when I went out to hunt I only slew jackals

and gazelles。 Now; this was when I had reached my seventeenth year and

was a man grown。

It chanced; therefore; that as I went sore at heart from the presence

of the High Priest; I met this youth; who called to me and mocked me;

bidding me know the country people had told him that a great lion was

down among the rushes by the banks of the canal which runs past the

Temple; lying at a distance of thirty stadia from Abouthis。 And; still

mocking me; he asked me if I would come and help him slay this lion;

or would I go and sit among the old women and bid them comb my side

lock? This bitter word so angered me that I was near to falling on

him; but in place therefore; forgetting my father's saying; I answered

that if he would come alone; I would go with him and seek this lion;

and he should learn if I were indeed a coward。 And at first he would

not; for; as men know; it is our custom to hunt the lion in companies;

so it was my hour to mock。 Then he went and fetched his bow and arrows

and a sharp knife。 And I brought forth my heavy spear; which had a

shaft of thorn…wood; and at its end a pomegranate in silver; to hold

the hand from slipping; and; in silence; we went; side by side; to

where the lion lay。 When we came to the place; it was near sundown;

and there; upon the mud of the canal…bank; we found the lion's slot;

which ran into a thick clump of reeds。

〃Now; thou boaster;〃 I said; 〃wilt thou lead the way into yonder

reeds; or shall I?〃 And I made as though I would lead the way。

〃Nay; nay;〃 he answered; 〃be not so mad! The brute will spring upon

thee and rend thee。 See! I will shoot among the reeds。 Perchance; if

he sleeps; it will arouse him。〃 And he drew his bow at a venture。

How it chanced I know not; but the arrow struck the sleeping lion;

and; like a flash of light from the belly of a cloud; he bounded from

the shelter of the reeds; and stood before us with bristling mane and

yellow eyes; the arrow quivering in his flank。 He roared aloud in

fury; and the earth shook。

〃Shoot with the bow;〃 I cried; 〃shoot swiftly ere he spring!〃

But courage had left the breast of the boaster; his jaw dropped down

and his fingers unloosed their hold so that the bow fell from them;

then; with a loud cry he turned and fled behind me; leaving the lion

in my path。 But while I stood waiting my doom; for though I was sore

afraid I would not fly; the lion crouched himself; and turning not

aside; with one great bound swept over me; touching me not。 He lit;

and again he bounded full upon the boaster's back; striking him such a

blow with his great paw that his head was crushed as an egg thrown

against a stone。 He fell down dead; and the lion stood and roared over

him。 Then I was mad with horror; and; scarce knowing what I did; I

grasped my spear and with a shout I charged。 As I charged the lion

lifted himself up above me。 He smote at me with his paw; but with all

my strength I drove the broad spear into his throat; and; shrinking

from the agony of the steel; his blow fell short and did no more than

rip my skin。 Back he fell; the great spear far in his throat; then

rising; he roared in pain and leapt twice the height of a man straight

into the air; smiting at the spear with his forepaws。 Twice he leapt

thus; horrible to see; and twice he fell upon his back。 Then his

strength spent itself with his rushing blood; and; groaning like a

bull; he died; while I; being but a lad; stood and trembled with fear

now that all cause of fear had passed。

But as I stood and gazed at the body of him who had taunted me; and at

the carcass of the lion; a woman came running towards me; even the

same old wife; Atoua; who; though I knew it not as yet; had offered up

her flesh and blood that I might be saved alive。 For she had been

gathering simples; in which she had great skill; by the water's edge;

not knowing that there was a lion near (and; indeed; the lions; for

the most part; are not found in the tilled land; but rather in the

desert and the Libyan mountains); and had seen from a distance that

which I have set down。 Now; when she was come; she knew me for

Harmachis; and; bending herself; she made obeisance to me; and saluted

me; calling me Royal; and worthy of all honour; and beloved; and

chosen of the Holy Three; ay; and by the name of the Pharaoh! the


But I; thinking that terror had made her sick of mind; asked her of

what she would speak。

〃Is it a great thing;〃 I asked; 〃that I should slay a lion? Is it a

matter worthy of such talk as thine? There live; and have lived; men

who have slain many lions。 Did not the Divine Amen…hetep the Osirian

slay with his own hand more than a hundred lions? Is it not written on

the scarab?us that hangs within my father's chamber; that he slew

lions aforetime? And have not others done likewise? Why then; speakest

thou thus; O foolish woman?〃

All of which I said; because; having now slain the lion; I was minded;

after the manner of youth; to hold it as a thing of no account。 But

she did not cease to make obeisance; and to call me by names that are

too high to be written。

〃O Royal One;〃 she cried; 〃wisely did thy mother prophecy。 Surely the

Holy Spirit; the Knepth; was in her; O thou conceived by a God! See

the omen。 The lion therehe growls within the Capitol at Romeand

the dead man; he is the Ptolemythe Macedonian spawn that; like a

foreign weed; hath overgrown the land of Nile; with the Macedonian

Lagid? thou shalt go to smite the lion of Rome。 But the Macedonian cur

shall fly; and the Roman lion shall strike him down; and thou shalt

strike down the lion; and the land of Khem shall once more be free!

free! Keep thyself but pure; according to the commandment of the Gods;

O son of the Royal House; O hope of Khemi! be but ware of Woman the

Destroyer; and as I have said; so shall it be。 I am poor and wretched;

yea; stricken with sorrow。 I have sinned in speaking of what should be

hid; and for my sin I have paid in the coin of that which was born of

my womb; willingly have I paid for thee。 But I have still of the

wisdom of our people; nor do the Gods; in whose eyes all are equal;

turn their countenance from the poor; the Divine Mother Isis hath

spoken to mebut last night she spakebidding me come hither to

gather herbs; and read to thee the signs that I should see。 And as I

have said; so it shall come to pass; if thou canst but endure the

weight of the great temptation。 Come hither; Royal One!〃 and she led

me to the edge of the canal; where the water was deep; and still and

blue。 〃Now gaze upon that face as the water throws it back。 Is not

that brow fitted to bear the double crown? Do not those gentle eyes

mirror the majesty of kings? Hath not the Ptah; the Creator; fashioned

that form to fit the Imperial garb; and awe the glance of multitudes

looking through thee to God?

〃Nay; nay!〃 she went on in another voicea shrill old wife's voice

〃I willbe not so foolish; boythe scratch of a lion is a venomous

thing; a terrible thing; yea; as bad as the bite of an aspit must be

treated; else it will fester; and all thy days thou shalt dream of

lions; ay; and snakes; and; also; it will br
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