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〃/La! la!/〃 she sang; in her shrill voice; 〃a drink for a Queen! When
fifty drops of that water of my brewing have passed those red lips of
hers; thou wilt indeed be avenged of Cleopatra; O Harmachis! Ah; that
I could be there to see thy Ruin ruined! /La! la!/ it would be sweet
to see!〃
〃Vengeance is an arrow that oft…times falls upon the archer's head;〃 I
answered; bethinking me of Charmion's saying。
On the morrow Cleopatra; having sought leave of C?sar; visited the
tomb of Antony; crying that the Gods of Egypt had deserted her。 And
when she had kissed the coffin and covered it with lotus…flowers she
came back; bathed; anointed herself; put on her most splendid robes;
and; together with Iras; Charmion; and myself; she supped。 Now as she
supped her spirit flared up wildly; even as the sky lights up at
sunset; and once more she laughed and sparkled as in bygone years;
telling us tales of feasts which she and Antony had eaten of。 Never;
indeed; did I see her look more beauteous than on that last fatal
night of vengeance。 And thus her mind drew on to that supper at Tarsus
when she drank the pearl。
〃Strange;〃 she said; 〃strange that at the last the mind of Antony
should have turned back to that night among all the nights and to the
saying of Harmachis。 Charmion; dost thou remember Harmachis the
〃Surely; O Queen;〃 she answered slowly。
〃And who; then; was Harmachis?〃 I asked; for I would learn if she
sorrowed o'er my memory。
〃I will tell thee。 It is a strange tale; and now that all is done it
may well be told。 This Harmachis was of the ancient race of the
Pharaohs; and; having; indeed; been crowned in secret at Abydus; was
sent hither to Alexandria to carry out a great plot that had been
formed against the rule of us royal Lagid?。 He came and gained entry
to the palace as my astrologer; for he was very learned in all magic
much as thou art; Olympusand a man beautiful to see。 Now this was
his plotthat he should slay me and be named Pharaoh。 In truth it was
a strong one; for he had many friends in Egypt; and I had few。 And on
that very night when he should carry out his purpose; yea; at the very
hour; came Charmion yonder; and told the plot to me; saying that she
had chanced upon its clue。 But; in after daysthough I have said
little thereon to thee; CharmionI misdoubted me much of that tale of
thine; for; by the Gods! to this hour I believe that thou didst love
Harmachis; and because he scorned thee thou didst betray him; and for
that cause also hast all thy days remained a maid; which is a thing
unnatural。 Come; Charmion; tell us; for naught matters now at the
Charmion shivered and made answer: 〃It is true; O Queen; I also was of
the plot; and because Harmachis scorned me I betrayed him; and because
of my great love for him I have remained unwed。〃 And she glanced up at
me and caught my eyes; then let the modest lashes veil her own。
〃So! I thought it。 Strange are the ways of women! But little cause;
methinks; had that Harmachis to thank thee for thy love。 What sayest
thou; Olympus? Ah; and so thou also wast a traitor; Charmion? How
dangerous are the paths which Monarchs tread! Well; I forgive thee;
for thou hast served me faithfully since that hour。
〃But to my tale。 Harmachis I dared not slay; lest his great party
should rise in fury and cast me from the throne。 And now mark the
issue。 Though he must murder me; in secret this Harmachis loved me;
and something thereof I guessed。 I had striven a little to draw him to
me; for the sake of his beauty and his wit; and for the love of man
Cleopatra never strove in vain。 Therefore when; with the dagger in his
robe; he came to slay me; I matched my charms against his will; and
need I tell you; being man and woman; how I won? Oh; never can I
forget the look in the eyes of that fallen prince; that forsworn
priest; that discrowned Pharaoh; when; lost in the poppied draught; I
saw him sink into a shameful sleep whence he might no more wake with
honour! And; thereaftertill; in the end; I wearied of him; and his
sad learned mind; for his guilty soul forbade him to be gaya little
I came to care for him; though not to love。 But hehe who loved me
clung to me as a drunkard to the cup which ruins him。 Deeming that I
should wed him; he betrayed to me the secret of the hidden wealth of
the pyramid of /Her/for at the time I much needed treasureand
together we dared the terrors of the tomb and drew it forth; even from
dead Pharaoh's breast。 See; this emerald was a part thereof!〃and she
pointed to the great scarab?us that she had drawn from the holy heart
of Menkau…ra。
〃And because of what was written in the tomb; and of that Thing which
we saw in the tombah; pest upon it! why does its memory haunt me
now?and also because of policy; for I would fain have won the love
of the Egyptians; I was minded to marry this Harmachis and declare his
place and lineage to the worlday; and by his aid hold Egypt from the
Roman。 For Dellius had then come to call me to Antony; and after much
thought I determined to send him back with sharp words。 But on that
very morning; as I tired me for the Court; came Charmion yonder; and I
told her this; for I would see how the matter fell upon her mind。 Now
mark; Olympus; the power of jealousy; that little wedge which yet has
strength to rend the tree of Empire; that secret sword which can carve
the fate of Kings! This she could in no wise beardeny it; Charmion;
if thou canst; for now it is clear to me!that the man she loved
should be given to me as husbandme; whom /he/ loved! And therefore;
with more skill and wit than I can tell; she reasoned with me; showing
that I should by no means do this thing; but journey to Antony; and
for that; Charmion; I thank thee; now that all is come and gone。 And
by a very little; her words weighed down my scale of judgment against
Harmachis; and I went to Antony。 Thus it is through the jealous spleen
of yonder fair Charmion and the passion of a man on which I played as
on a lyre; that all these things have come to pass。 For this cause
Octavian sits a King in Alexandria; for this cause Antony is
discrowned and dead; and for this cause I; too; must die to…night! Ah!
Charmion! Charmion! thou hast much to answer; for thou hast changed
the story of the world; and yet; even nowI would not have it
She paused awhile; covering her eyes with her hand; and; looking; I
saw great tears upon the cheek of Charmion。
〃And of this Harmachis;〃 I asked; 〃where is he now; O Queen?〃
〃Where is he? In Amenti; forsoothmaking his peace with Isis;
perchance。 At Tarsus I saw Antony; and loved him; and from that moment
I loathed the sight of the Egyptian; and swore to make an end of him;
for a lover done with should be a lover dead。 And; being jealous; he
spoke some words of evil omen; even at that Feast of the Pearl; and on
the same night I would have slain him; but before the deed was done;
he was gone。〃
〃And whither was he gone?〃
〃Nay; that know not I。 Brennushe who led my guard; and last year
sailed North to join his own peopleBrennus swore he saw him float to
the skies; but in this matter I misdoubted me of Brennus; for methinks
he loved the man。 Nay; he sank off Cyprus; and was drowned; perchance
Charmion can tell us how?〃
〃I can tell thee nothing; O Queen; Harmachis is lost。〃
〃And well lost; Charmion; for he was an evil man to play withay;
although I bettered him I say it! Well he served my purpose; but I
loved him not; and even now I fear him; for it seemed to me that I
heard his voice summoning me to fly; through the din of the fight at
Actium。 Thanks be to the Gods; as thou sayest; he is lost; and can no
more be found。〃
But I; listening; put forth my strength; and; by the arts I have; cast
the shadow of my Spirit upon the Spirit of Cleopatra so that she felt
the presence of the lost Harmachis。
〃Nay; what is it?〃 she said。 〃By Serapis! I grow afraid! It seems to
me that I feel Harmachis here! His memory overwhelms me like a flood
of waters; and he these ten years dead! Oh! at such a time it is
〃Nay; O Queen;〃 I answered; 〃if he be dead then he is everywhere; and
well at such a timethe time of thy own deathmay his Spirit draw
near to welcome thine at its going。〃
〃Speak not thus; Olympus。 I would see Harmachis no more; the count
between us is too heavy; and in another world than this more evenly;
perchance should we be matched。 Ah; the terror passes! I was but
unnerved。 Well the fool's story hath served to wile away the heaviest
of our hours; the hour which ends in death。 Sing to me; Charmion;
sing; for thy v