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grew and grew till it was heavy as death。 I felt my spirit lifted up

within me; and my hair rose upon my head。 Then of a sudden the mighty

pylon seemed to rock beneath my feet; a great wind beat about my brows

and a voice spoke within my heart:

〃Behold a sign! Possess thyself in patience; O Harmachis!〃

And as the voice spoke; a cold hand touched my hand; and left somewhat

within it。 Then the cloud rolled from the face of the moon; the wind

passed; the pylon ceased to tremble; and the night was as the night

had been。

As the light came back; I gazed upon that which had been left within

my hand。 It was a bud of the holy lotus new breaking into bloom; and

from it came a most sweet scent。

And while I gazed behold! the lotus passed from my grasp and was gone;

leaving me astonished。





At the dawning of the next day I was awakened by a priest of the

temple; who brought word to me to make ready for the journey of which

my father had spoken; inasmuch as there was an occasion for me to pass

down the river to Annu el Ra。 Now this is the Heliopolis of the

Greeks; whither I should go in the company of some priests of Ptah at

Memphis who had come hither to Abouthis to lay the body of one of

their great men in the tomb that had been prepared near the resting

place of the blessed Osiris。

So I made ready; and the same evening; having received letters and

embraced my father and those about the temple who were dear to me; I

passed down the banks of Sihor; and we sailed with the south wind。 As

the pilot stood upon the prow and with a rod in his hand bade the

sailor…men loosen the stakes by which the vessel was moored to the

banks; the old wife; Atoua; hobbled up; her basket of simples in her

hand; and; calling out farewell; threw a sandal after me for good

chance; which sandal I kept for many years。

So we sailed; and for six days passed down the wonderful river; making

fast each night at some convenient spot。 But when I lost sight of the

familiar things that I had seen day by day since I had eyes to see;

and found myself alone among strange faces; I felt very sore at heart;

and would have wept had I not been ashamed。 And of all the wonderful

things I saw I will not write here; for; though they were new to me;

have they not been known to men since such time as the Gods ruled in

Egypt? But the priests who were with me showed me no little honour and

expounded to me what were the things I saw。

On the morning of the seventh day we came to Memphis; the city of the

White Hall。 Here; for three days I rested from my journey and was

entertained of the priests of the wonderful Temple of Ptah the

Creator; and shown the beauties of the great and marvellous city。 Also

I was led in secret by the High Priest and two others into the holy

presence of the God Apis; the Ptah who deigns to dwell among men in

the form of a bull。 The God was black; and on his forehead there was a

white square; on his back was a white mark shaped like an eagle;

beneath his tongue was the likeness of a scarab?us; in his tail were

double hairs; and a plate of pure gold hung between his horns。 I

entered the place of the God and worshipped; while the High Priest and

those with him stood aside; watching earnestly。 And when I had

worshipped; saying the words which had been told me; the God knelt;

and lay down before me。 Then the High Priest and those with him; who;

as I heard in after time; were great men of Upper Egypt; approached

wondering; and; saying no word; made obeisance to me because of the

omen。 And many other things I saw in Memphis that are too long to

write of here。

On the fourth day some priests of Annu came to lead me to Sepa; my

uncle; the High Priest of Annu。 So; having bidden farewell to those of

Memphis; we crossed the river and rode on asses two parts of a day's

journey through many villages; which we found in great poverty because

of the oppression of the tax…gatherers。 Also; as we went; I saw for

the first time the great pyramids that are beyond the image of the God

Horemkhu; that Sphinx whom the Greeks name Harmachis; and the Temples

of the Divine Mother Isis; Queen of the Memnonia; and the God Osiris;

Lord of Rosatou; of which temples; together with the Temple of the

worship of the Divine Menkau…ra; I; Harmachis; am by right Divine the

Hereditary High Priest。 I saw them and marvelled at their greatness

and the white carven limestone; and red granite of Syene; that flashed

the sun's rays back to heaven。 But at this time I knew nothing of the

treasure that was hid in /Her/; which is the third among the pyramids

would I had never known of it!

And so at last we came within sight of Annu; which after Memphis has

been seen is no large town; but stands on raised ground; before which

are lakes fed by a canal。 Behind the town is the inclosed field of the

Temple of the God Ra。

We dismounted at the pylon; and were met beneath the portico by a man

not great of stature; but of noble aspect; having his head shaven; and

with dark eyes that twinkled like the further stars。

〃Hold!〃 he cried; in a great voice which fitted his weak body but ill。

〃Hold! I am Sepa; who opens the mouth of the Gods!〃

〃And I;〃 I said; 〃am Harmachis; son of Amenemhat; Hereditary High

Priest and Ruler of the Holy City Abouthis; and I bear letters to

thee; O Sepa!〃

〃Enter;〃 he said。 〃Enter!〃 scanning me all the while with his

twinkling eyes。 〃Enter; my son!〃 And he took me and led me to a

chamber in the inner hall; closed to the door; and then; having

glanced at the letters that I brought; of a sudden he fell upon my

neck and embraced me。

〃Welcome;〃 he cried; 〃welcome; son of my own sister; and hope of Khem!

Not in vain have I prayed the Gods that I might live to look upon thy

face and impart to thee the wisdom which perchance I alone have

mastered of those who are left alive in Egypt。 There are few whom it

is lawful that I should teach。 But thine is the great destiny; and

thine shall be the ears to hear the lessons of the Gods。〃

And he embraced me once more and bade me go bathe and eat; saying that

on the morrow he would speak with me further。

This of a truth he did; and at such length that I will forbear to set

down all he said both then and afterwards; for if I did so there would

be no papyrus left in Egypt when the task was ended。 Therefore; having

much to tell and but little time to tell it; I will pass over the

events of the years that followed。

For this was the manner of my life。 I rose early; I attended the

worship of the Temple; and I gave my days to study。 I learnt of the

rites of religion and their meaning; and of the beginning of the Gods

and the beginning of the Upper World。 I learnt of the mystery of the

movements of the stars; and of how the earth rolls on among them。 I

was instructed in that ancient knowledge which is called magic; and in

the way of interpretation of dreams; and of the drawing nigh to God。 I

was taught the language of symbols and their outer and inner secrets。

I became acquainted with the eternal laws of Good and Evil; and with

the mystery of that trust which is held of man; also I learnt the

secrets of the pyramidswhich I would that I had never known。

Further; I read the records of the past; and of the acts and words of

the ancient kings who were before me since the rule of Horus upon

earth; and I was made to know all craft of state; the lore of earth;

and with it the history of Greece and Rome。 Also I learnt the Grecian

and Roman tongues; of which indeed I already had some knowledgeand

all this while; for five long years; I kept my hands clean and my

heart pure; and did no evil in the sight of God or man; but laboured

heavily to acquire all things; and to prepare myself for the destiny

that awaited me。

Twice every year greetings and letters came from my father Amenemhat;

and twice every year I sent back my answers asking if the time had

come to cease from labour。 And so the days of my probation sped away

till I grew faint and weary at heart; for being now a man; ay and

learned; I longed to make a beginning of the life of men。 And often I

wondered if this talk and prophecy of the things that were to be was

but a dream born of the brains of men whose wish ran before their

thought。 I was; indeed; of the Royal blood; that I knew: for my uncle;

Sepa the Priest; showed me a secret record of the descent; traced

without break from father to son; and graven in mystic symbols on a

tablet of the stone of Syene。 But of what avail was it to be Royal by

right when Egypt; my heritage; was a slavea slave to do the pleasure

and minister to the luxury of the Macedonian Lagid?ay; and when she

had been so long a serf that; perchance; she had forgotten how t
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