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one another to perish; by treading on one another in the press;
he suffered himself in that very way; and died in that very
manner; as Elisha had foretold such his death; when he alone of
them all disbelieved what he said concerning that plenty of
provisions which they should soon have。
6。 Hereupon; when Benhadad; the king of Syria; had escaped to
Damascus; and understood that it was God himself that cast all
his army into this fear and disorder; and that it did not arise
from the invasion of enemies; he was mightily cast down at his
having God so greatly for his enemy; and fell into a distemper。
Now it happened that Elisha the prophet; at that time; was gone
out of his own country to Damascus; of which Berthadad was
informed: he sent Hazael; the most faithful of all his servants;
to meet him; and to carry him presents; and bade him inquire of
him about his distemper; and whether he should escape the danger
that it threatened。 So Hazael came to Elisha with forty camels;
that carried the best and most precious fruits that the country
of Damascus afforded; as well as those which the king's palace
supplied。 He saluted him kindly; and said that he was sent to him
by king Berthadad; and brought presents with him; in order to
inquire concerning his distemper; whether he should recover from
it or not。 Whereupon the prophet bid him tell the king no
melancholy news; but still he said he would die。 So the king's
servant was troubled to hear it; and Elisha wept also; and his
tears ran down plenteously at his foresight of what miseries his
people would undergo after the death of Berthadad。 And when
Hazael asked him what was the occasion of this confusion he was
in; he said that he wept out of his commiseration for the
multitude of the Israelites; and what terrible miseries they will
suffer by thee; 〃for thou wilt slay the strongest of them; and
wilt burn their strongest cities; and wilt destroy their
children; and dash them against the stones; and wilt rip up their
women with child。〃 And when Hazael said; 〃How can it be that I
should have power enough to do such things ?〃 the prophet
replied; that God had informed him that he should be king of
Syria。 So when Hazael was come to Benhadad; he told him good news
concerning his distemper (12) but on the next day he spread a wet
cloth; in the nature of a net; over him; and strangled him; and
took his dominion。 He was an active man; and had the good…will of
the Syrians; and of the people of Damascus; to a great degree; by
whom both Benhadad himself; and Hazael; who ruled after him; are
honored to this day as gods; by reason of their benefactions; and
their building them temples by which they adorned the city of the
Damascenes。 They also every day do with great pomp pay their
worship to these kings; (13) and value themselves upon their
antiquity; nor do they know that these kings are much later than
they imagine; and that they are not yet eleven hundred years old。
Now when Joram; the king of Israel; heard that Berthadad was
dead; he recovered out of the terror and dread he had been in on
his account; and was very glad to live in peace。
Concerning The Wickedness Of Jehoram King O Jerusalem; His Defeat
And Death。
1。 Now Jehoram the king of Jerusalem; for we have said before
that he had the same name with the king of Israel; as soon as he
had taken the government upon him; betook himself to the
slaughter of his brethren; and his father's friends; who were
governors under him; and thence made a beginning and a
demonstration of his wickedness; nor was he at all better than
those kings of Israel who at first transgressed against the laws
of their country; and of the Hebrews; and against God's worship。
And it was Athaliah; the daughter of Ahab; whom he had married;
who taught him to be a bad man in other respects; and also to
worship foreign gods。 Now God would not quite root out this
family; because of the promise he had made to David。 However;
Jehoram did not leave off the introduction of new sorts of
customs to the propagation of impiety; and to the ruin of the
customs of his own country。 And when the Edomites about that time
had revolted from him; and slain their former king; who was in
subjection to his father; and had set up one of their own
choosing; Jehoram fell upon the land of Edom; with the horsemen
that were about him; and the chariots; by night; and destroyed
those that lay near to his own kingdom; but did not proceed
further。 However; this expedition did him no service; for they
all revolted from him; with those that dwelt in the country of
Libnah。 He was indeed so mad as to compel the people to go up to
the high places of the mountains; and worship foreign gods。
2。 As he was doing this; and had entirely cast his own country
laws out of his mind; there was brought him an epistle from
Elijah the prophet (14) which declared that God would execute
great judgments upon him; because he had not imitated his own
fathers; but had followed the wicked courses of the kings of
Israel; and had compelled the tribe of Judah; and the citizens of
Jerusalem; to leave the holy worship of their own God; and to
worship idols; as Ahab had compelled the Israelites to do; and
because he had slain his brethren; and the men that were good and
righteous。 And the prophet gave him notice in this epistle what
punishment he should undergo for these crimes; namely; the
destruction of his people; with the corruption of the king's own
wives and children; and that he should himself die of a distemper
in his bowels; with long torments; those his bowels falling out
by the violence of the inward rottenness of the parts; insomuch
that; though he see his own misery; he shall not be able at all
to help himself; but shall die in that manner。 This it was which
Elijah denounced to him in that epistle。
3。 It was not long after this that an army of those Arabians that
lived near to Ethiopia; and of the Philistines; fell upon the
kingdom of Jehoram; and spoiled the country and the king's house。
Moreover; they slew his sons and his wives: one only of his sons
was left him; who escaped the enemy; his name was Ahaziah; after
which calamity; he himself fell into that disease which was
foretold by the prophet; and lasted a great while; (for God
inflicted this punishment upon him in his belly; out of his wrath
against him;) and so he died miserably; and saw his own bowels
fall out。 The people also abused his dead body; I suppose it was
because they thought that such his death came upon him by the
wrath of God; and that therefore he was not worthy to partake of
such a funeral as became kings。 Accordingly; they neither buried
him in the sepulchers of his fathers; nor vouchsafed him any
honors; but buried him like a private man; and this when he had
lived forty years; and reigned eight。 And the people of Jerusalem
delivered the government to his son Ahaziah。
How Jehu Was Anointed King; And Slew Both Joram And Ahaziah; As
Also What He Did For The Punishment Of The Wicked。
1。 Now Joram; the king of Israel; after the death of Benhadad;
hoped that he might now take Ramoth; a city of Gilead; from the
Syrians。 Accordingly he made an expedition against it; with a
great army; but as he was besieging it; an arrow was shot at him
by one of the Syrians; but the wound was not mortal。 So he
returned to have his wound healed in Jezreel; but left his whole
army in Ramorb; and Jehu; the son of Nimshi; for their general;
for he had already taken the city by force; and he proposed;
after he was healed;: to make war with the Syrians; but Elisha
the prophet sent one of his disciples to Ramoth; and gave him
holy oil to anoint Jehu; and to tell him that God had chosen him
to be their king。 He also sent him to say other things to him;
and bid him to take his journey as if he fled; that when he came
away he might escape the knowledge of all men。 So when he was
come to the city; he found Jehu sitting in the midst of the
captains of the army; as Elisha had foretold he should find him。
So he came up to him; and said that he desired to speak with him
about certain matters; and when he was arisen; and had followed
him into an inward chamber; the young man took the oil; and
poured it on his head; and said that God ordained him to be king;
in order to his destroying the house of Ahab; and that he might
revenge the blood of the prophets that were unjustly slain by
Jezebel; that so their house might utterly perish; as those of
Jeroboam the son of Nebat; and of Baasha; had perished for their
wickedness; and no seed might remain of Ahab's family。 So when he
had said this; he went away hastily out of the chamber; and
endeavored not to be seen by any of the army。
2。 But Jehu came out; and went to the place where he before sat
with the captains; and when they asked him; and desired him to
tell them; wherefore it was that this young man came to him; and
added withal that he was mad; he replied; … 〃You guess right; for
the words he spake were the words of a madman;〃 and when they
were eager about the matter; and desired he would tell them; he
answered; that God had said he had chosen him to be king over the