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the antiquities of the jews-1-第128章

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as concluding that no one would willingly pay that money; but in
the twenty…third year of Jehoash's reign; when the king sent for
him and the Levites; and complained that they had not obeyed what
he enjoined them; and still commanded them to take care of the
rebuilding the temple; he used this stratagem for collecting the
money; with which the multitude was pleased。 He made a wooden
chest; and closed it up fast on all sides; but opened one hole in
it; he then set it in the temple beside the altar; and desired
every one to cast into it; through the hole; what he pleased; for
the repair of the temple。 This contrivance was acceptable to the
people; and they strove one with another; and brought in jointly
large quantities of silver and gold; and when the scribe and the
priest that were over the treasuries had emptied the chest; and
counted the money in the king's presence; they then set it in its
former place; and thus did they every day。 But when the multitude
appeared to have cast in as much as was wanted; the high priest
Jehoiada; and king Joash; sent to hire masons and carpenters; and
to buy large pieces of timber; and of the most curious sort; and
when they had repaired the temple; they made use of the remaining
gold and silver; which was not a little; for bowls; and basons;
and cups; and other vessels; and they went on to make the altar
every day fat with sacrifices of great value。 And these things
were taken suitable care of as long as Jehoiada lived。

3。 But as soon as he was dead (which was when he had lived one
hundred and thirty years; having been a righteous; and in every
respect a very good man; and was buried in the king's sepulchers
at Jerusalem; because he had recovered the kingdom to the family
of David) king Jehoash betrayed his 'want of' care about God。 The
principal men of the people were corrupted also together with
him; and offended against their duty; and what their constitution
determined to be most for their good。 Hereupon God was displeased
with the change that was made on the king; and on the rest of the
people; and sent prophets to testify to them what their actions
were; and to bring them to leave off their wickedness; but they
had gotten such a strong affection and so violent an inclination
to it; that neither could the examples of those that had offered
affronts to the laws; and had been so severely punished; they and
their entire families; nor could the fear of what the prophets
now foretold; bring them to repentance; and turn them back from
their course of transgression to their former duty。 But the king
commanded that Zechariah; the son of the high priest Jehoiada;
should be stoned to death in the temple; and forgot the
kindnesses he had received from his father; for when God had
appointed him to prophesy; he stood in the midst of the
multitude; and gave this counsel to them and to the king: That
they should act righteously; and foretold to them; that if they
would not hearken to his admonitions; they should suffer a heavy
punishment。 But as Zechariah was ready to die; he appealed to God
as a witness of what he suffered for the good counsel he had
given them; and how he perished after a most severe and violent
manner for the good deeds his father had done to Jehoash。

4。 However; it was not long before the king suffered punishment
for his transgression; for when Hazael; king of Syria; made an
irruption into his country; and when he had overthrown Gath; and
spoiled it; he made an expedition against Jerusalem; upon which
Jehoash was afraid; and emptied all the treasures of God and of
the kings 'before him'; and took down the gifts that had been
dedicated 'in the temple'; and sent them to the king of Syria;
and procured so much by them; that he was not besieged; nor his
kingdom quite endangered; but Hazael was induced by the greatness
of the sum of money not to bring his army against Jerusalem; yet
Jehoash fell into a severe distemper; and was set upon by his
friends; in order to revenge the death of Zechariah; the son of
Jehoiada。 These laid snares for the king; and slew him。 He was
indeed buried in Jerusalem; but not in the royal sepulchers of
his forefathers; because of his impiety。 He lived forty…seven
years; and Amaziah his son succeeded him in the kingdom。

5。 In the one and twentieth year of the reign of Jehoash;
Jehoahaz; the son of Jehu; took the government of the Israelites
in Samaria; and held it seventeen years。 He did not 'properly'
imitate his father; but was guilty of as wicked practices as hose
that first had God in contempt: but the king of Syria brought him
low; and by an expedition against him did so greatly reduce his
forces; that there remained no more of so great an army than ten
thousand armed men; and fifty horsemen。 He also took away from
him his great cities; and many of them also; and destroyed his
army。 And these were the things that the people of Israel
suffered; according to the prophecy of Elisha; when he foretold
that Hazael should kill his master; and reign over the Syrians
and Damcenes。 But when Jehoahaz was under such unavoidable
miseries; he had recourse to prayer and supplication to God; and
besought him to deliver him out of the hands of Hazael; and not
overlook him; and give him up into his hands。 Accordingly God
accepted of his repentance instead of virtue; and being desirous
rather to admonish those that might repent; and not to determine
that they should be utterly destroyed; he granted him deliverance
from war and dangers。 So the country having obtained peace;
returned again to its former condition; and flourished as before。

6。 Now after the death of Jehoahaz; his son Joash took the
kingdom; in the thirty…seventh year of Jehoash; the king of the
tribe of Judah。 This Joash then took the kingdom of Israel in
Samaria; for he had the same name with the king of Jerusalem; and
he retained the kingdom sixteen years。 He was a good man; (17)
and in his disposition was not at all like his father。 Now at
this time it was that when Elisha the prophet; who was already
very old; and was now fallen into a disease; the king of Israel
came to visit him; and when he found him very near death; he
began to weep in his sight; and lament; to call him his father;
and his weapons; because it was by his means that he never made
use of his weapons against his enemies; but that he overcame his
own adversaries by his prophecies; without fighting; and that he
was now departing this life; and leaving him to the Syrians; that
were already armed; and to other enemies of his that were under
their power; so he said it was not safe for him to live any
longer; but that it would be well for him to hasten to his end;
and depart out of this life with him。 As the king was thus
bemoaning himself; Elisha comforted him; and bid the king bend a
bow that was brought him; and when the king had fitted the bow
for shooting; Elisha took hold of his hands and bid him shoot;
and when he had shot three arrows; and then left off; Elisha
said; 〃If thou hadst shot more arrows; thou hadst cut the kingdom
of Syria up by the roots; but since thou hast been satisfied with
shooting three times only; thou shalt fight and beat the Syrians
no more times than three; that thou mayst recover that country
which they cut off from thy kingdom in the reign of thy father。〃
So when the king had heard that; he departed; and a little while
after the prophet died。 He was a man celebrated for
righteousness; and in eminent favor with God。 He also performed
wonderful and surprising works by prophecy; and such as were
gloriously preserved in memory by the Hebrews。 He also obtained a
magnificent funeral; such a one indeed as it was fit a person so
beloved of God should have。 It also happened; that at that time
certain robbers cast a man whom they had slain into Elisha's
grave; and upon his dead body coming close to Elisha's body; it
revived again。 And thus far have we enlarged about the actions of
Elisha the prophet; both such as he did while he was alive; and
how he had a Divine power after his death also。

7。 Now; upon the death of Hazael; the king of Syria; that kingdom
came to Adad his son; with whom Joash; king of Israel; made war;
and when he had beaten him in three battles; he took from him all
that country; and all those cities and villages; which his father
Hazael had taken from the kingdom of Israel; which came to pass;
however; according to the prophecy of Elisha。 But when Joash
happened to die; he was buried in Samaria; and the government
devolved on his son Jeroboam。


How Amaziah Made An Expedition Against The Edomites And
Amalekites And Conquered Them; But When He Afterwards Made War
Against Joash; He Was Beaten And Not Long After Was Slain; And
Uzziah Succeeded In The Government。

1。 Now; in the second year of the reign of Joash over Israel;
Amaziah reigned over the tribe of Judah in Jerusalem。 His
mother's name was Jehoaddan; who was born at Jerusalem。 He was
exceeding careful of doing what was right; and this when he was
very young; but when he came to the management of affairs; and to
the government; he resolved that he ought first of all to avenge
his father Je…hoas
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