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the antiquities of the jews-1-第139章

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and of the rulers to be cut off there; but he himself led all the
captives and Zedekiah to Babylon。 He also led Josedek the high
priest away bound。 He was the son of Seraiah the high priest;
whom the king of Babylon had slain in Riblah; a city of Syria; as
we just now related。

6。 And now; because we have enumerated the succession of the
kings; and who they were; and how long they reigned; I think it
necessary to set down the names of the high priests; and who they
were that succeeded one another in the high priesthood under the
Kings。 The first high priest then at the temple which Solomon
built was Zadok; after him his son Achimas received that dignity;
after Achimas was Azarias; his son was Joram; and Joram's son was
Isus; after him was Axioramus; his son was Phidens; and Phideas's
son was Sudeas; and Sudeas's son was Juelus; and Juelus's son was
Jotham; and Jotham's son was Urias; and Urias's son was Nerias;
and Nerias's son was Odeas; and his son was Sallumus; and
Sallumus's son was Elcias; and his son 'was Azarias; and his son'
was Sareas; (14) and his son was Josedec; who was carried captive
to Babylon。 All these received the high priesthood by succession;
the sons from their father。

7。 When the king was come to Babylon; he kept Zedekiah in prison
until he died; and buried him magnificently; and dedicated the
vessels he had pillaged out of the temple of Jerusalem to his own
gods; and planted the people in the country of Babylon; but freed
the high priest from his bonds。


How Nebuzaradan Set Gedaliah Over The Jews That Were Left In
Judea Which Gedaliah Was A Little Afterward Slain By Ishmael; And
How Johanan After Ishmael Was Driven Away Went Down Into Egypt
With The People Which People Nebuchadnezzar When He Made An
Expedition Against The Egyptians Took Captive And Brought Them
Away To Babylon。

1。 Now the general of the army; Nebuzaradan; when he had carried
the people of the Jews into captivity; left the poor; and those
that had deserted; in the country; and made one; whose name was
Gedaliah; the son of Ahikam; a person of a noble family; their
governor; which Gedaliah was of a gentle and righteous
disposition。 He also commanded them that they should cultivate
the ground; and pay an appointed tribute to the king。 He also
took Jeremiah the prophet out of prison; and would have persuaded
him to go along with him to Babylon; for that he had been
enjoined by the king to supply him with whatsoever he wanted; and
if he did not like to do so; he desired him to inform him where
he resolved to dwell; that he might signify the same to the king。
But the prophet had no mind to follow him; nor to dwell any where
else; but would gladly live in the ruins of his country; and in
the miserable remains of it。 When the general understood what his
purpose was; he enjoined Gedaliah; whom he left behind; to take
all possible care of him; and to supply him with whatsoever he
wanted。 So when he had given him rich presents; he dismissed him。
Accordingly; Jeremiah abode in a city of that country; which was
called Mispah; and desired of Nebuzaradan that he would set at
liberty his disciple Baruch; the son of Neriah; one of a very
eminent family; and exceeding skillful in the language of his

2。 When Nebuzaradan had done thus; he made haste to Babylon。 But
as to those that fled away during the siege of Jerusalem; and had
been scattered over the country; when they heard that the
Babylonians were gone away; and had left a remnant in the land of
Jerusalem; and those such as were to cultivate the same; they
came together from all parts to Gedaliah to Mispah。 Now the
rulers that were over them were Johanan; the son of Kareah; and
Jezaniah; and Seraiah; and others beside them。 Now there was of
the royal family one Ishmael; a wicked man; and very crafty; who;
during the siege of Jerusalem; fled to Baalis; the king of the
Ammonites; and abode with him during that time; and Gedaliah
persuaded them; now they were there; to stay with him; and to
have no fear of the Babylonians; for that if they would cultivate
the country; they should suffer no harm。 This he assured them of
by oath; and said that they should have him for their patron; and
that if any disturbance should arise; they should find him ready
to defend them。 He also advised them to dwell in any city; as
every one of them pleased; and that they would send men along
with his own servants; and rebuild their houses upon the old
foundations; and dwell there; and he admonished them beforehand;
that they should make preparation; while the season lasted; of
corn; and wine; and oil; that they might have whereon to feed
during the winter。 When he had thus discoursed to them; he
dismissed them; that every one might dwell in what place of the
country he pleased。

3。 Now when this report was spread abroad as far as the nations
that bordered on Judea; that Gedaliah kindly entertained those
that came to him; after they had fled away; upon this 'only'
condition; that they should pay tribute to the king of Babylon;
they also came readily to Gedaliah; and inhabited the country。
And when Johanan; and the rulers that were with him; observed the
country; and the humanity of Gedaliah; they were exceedingly in
love with him; and told him that Baalis; the king of the
Ammonites; had sent Ishmael to kill him by treachery; and
secretly; that he might have the dominion over the Israelites; as
being of the royal family; and they said that he might deliver
himself from this treacherous design; if he would give them leave
to slay Ishmael; and nobody should know it; for they told him
they were afraid that; when he was killed by the other; the
entire ruin of the remaining strength of the Israelites would
ensue。 But he professed that he did not believe what they said;
when they told him of such a treacherous design; in a man that
had been well treated by him; because it was not probable that
one who; under such a want of all things; had failed of nothing
that was necessary for him; should be found so wicked and
ungrateful towards his benefactor; that when it would be an
instance of wickedness in him not to save him; had he been
treacherously assaulted by others; to endeavor; and that
earnestly; to kill him with his own hands: that; however; if he
ought to suppose this information to be true; it was better for
himself to be slain by the other; than to destroy a man who fled
to him for refuge; and intrusted his own safety to him; and
committed himself to his disposal。

4。 So Johanan; and the rulers that were with him; not being able
to persuade Gedaliah; went away。 But after the interval of thirty
days was over; Ishmael came again to Gedaliah; to the city
Mispah; and ten men with him; and when he had feasted Ishmael;
and those that were with him; in a splendid manner at his table;
and had given them presents; he became disordered in drink; while
he endeavored to be very merry with them; and when Ishmael saw
him in that case; and that he was drowned in his cups to the
degree of insensibility; and fallen asleep; he rose up on a
sudden; with his ten friends; and slew Gedaliah; and those that
were with him at the feast; and when he had slain them; he went
out by night; and slew all the Jews that were in the city; and
those soldiers also which were left therein by the Babylonians。
But the next day fourscore men came out of the country with
presents to Gedaliah; none of them knowing what had befallen him;
when Ishmael saw them; he invited them in to Gedaliah; and when
they were come in; he shut up the court; and slew them; and cast
their dead bodies down into a certain deep pit; that they might
not be seen; but of these fourscore men Ishmael spared those that
entreated him not to kill them; till they had delivered up to him
what riches they had concealed in the fields; consisting of their
furniture; and garments; and corn: but he took captive the people
that were in Mispah; with their wives and children; among whom
were the daughters of king Zedekiah; whom Nebuzaradan; the
general of the army of Babylon; had left with Gedaliah。 And when
he had done this; he came to the king of the Ammonites。

5。 But when Johanan and the rulers with him heard of what was
done at Mispah by Ishmael; and of the death of Gedaliah; they had
indignation at it; and every one of them took his own armed men;
and came suddenly to fight with Ishmael; and overtook him at the
fountain in Hebron。 And when those that were carried away
captives by Ishmael saw Johanan and the rulers; they were very
glad; and looked upon them as coming to their assistance; so they
left him that had carried them captives; and came over to
Johanan: then Ishmael; with eight men; fled to the king of the
Ammonites; but Johanan took those whom he had rescued out of the
hands of Ishmael; and the eunuchs; and their wives and children;
and came to a certain place called Mandra; and there they abode
that day; for they had determined to remove from thence and go
into Egypt; out of fear; lest the Babylonians should slay them;
in case they continued in the country; and that out of anger at
the slaughter of Gedaliah; who had been by them se
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