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the antiquities of the jews-1-第210章

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pleasures; and perhaps she had in some measure a passion of love
to him; or rather; what is most probable; she laid a treacherous
snare for him; by aiming to obtain such adulterous conversation
from him: however; upon the whole; she seemed overcome with love
to him。 Now Herod had a great while borne no good…will to
Cleopatra; as knowing that she was a woman irksome to all; and at
that time he thought her particularly worthy of his hatred; if
this attempt proceeded out of lust; he had also thought of
preventing her intrigues; by putting her to death; if such were
her endeavors。 However; he refused to comply with her proposals;
and called a counsel of his friends to consult with them whether
he should not kill her; now he had her in his power; for that he
should thereby deliver all those from a multitude of evils to
whom she was already become irksome; and was expected to be still
so for the time to come; and that this very thing would be much
for the advantage of Antony himself; since she would certainly
not be faithful to him; in case any such season or necessity
should come upon him as that he should stand in need of her
fidelity。 But when he thought to follow this advice; his friends
would not let him; and told him that; in the first place; it was
not right to attempt so great a thing; and run himself thereby
into the utmost danger; and they laid hard at him; and begged of
him to undertake nothing rashly; for that Antony would never bear
it; no; not though any one should evidently lay before his eyes
that it was for his own advantage; and that the appearance of
depriving him of her conversation; by this violent and
treacherous method; would probably set his affections more on a
flame than before。 Nor did it appear that he could offer any
thing of tolerable weight in his defense; this attempt being
against such a woman as was of the highest dignity of any of her
sex at that time in the world; and as to any advantage to be
expected from such an undertaking; if any such could be supposed
in this case; it would appear to deserve condemnation; on account
of the insolence he must take upon him in doing it: which
considerations made it very plain that in so doing he would find
his government filled with mischief; both great and lasting; both
to himself and his posterity; whereas it was still in his power
to reject that wickedness she would persuade him to; and to come
off honorably at the same time。 So by thus affrighting Herod; and
representing to him the hazard he must; in all probability; run
by this undertaking; they restrained him from it。 So he treated
Cleopatra kindly; and made her presents; and conducted her on her
way to Egypt。

3。 But Antony subdued Armenia; and sent Artabazes; the son of
Tigranes; in bonds; with his children and procurators; to Egypt;
and made a present of them; and of all the royal ornaments which
he had taken out of that kingdom; to Cleopatra。 And Artaxias; the
eldest of his sons; who had escaped at that time; took the
kingdom of Armenia; who yet was ejected by Archclaus and Nero
Caesar; when they restored Tigranes; his younger brother; to that
kingdom; but this happened a good while afterward。

4。 But then; as to the tributes which Herod was to pay Cleopatra
for that country which Antony had given her; he acted fairly with
her; as deeming it not safe for him to afford any cause for
Cleopatra to hate him。 As for the king of Arabia; whose tribute
Herod had undertaken to pay her; for some time indeed he paid him
as much as came to two hundred talents; but he afterwards became
very niggardly and slow in his payments; and could hardly be
brought to pay some parts of it; and was not willing to pay even
them without some deductions。


How Herod Made War With The King Of Arabia; And After They Had
Fought Many Battles; At Length Conquered Him; And Was Chosen By
The Arabs To Be Governor Of That Nation; As Also Concerning A
Great Earthquake。

1。 Hereupon Herod held himself ready to go against the king of
Arabia; because of his ingratitude to him; and because; after
all; he would do nothing that was just to him; although Herod
made the Roman war an occasion of delaying his own; for the
battle at Actium was now expected; which fell into the hundred
eighty and seventh olympiad; where Caesar and Antony were to
fight for the supreme power of the world; but Herod having
enjoyed a country that was very fruitful; and that now for a long
time; and having received great taxes; and raised great armies
therewith; got together a body of men; and carefully furnished
them with all necessaries; and designed them as auxiliaries for
Antony。 But Antony said he had no want of his assistance; but he
commanded him to punish the king of Arabia; for he had heard both
from him; and from Cleopatra; how perfidious he was; for this was
what Cleopatra desired; who thought it for her own advantage that
these two kings should do one another as great mischief as
possible。 Upon this message from Antony; Herod returned back; but
kept his army with him; in order to invade Arabia immediately。 So
when his army of horsemen and footmen was ready; he marched to
Diospolis; whither the Arabians came also to meet them; for they
were not unapprized of this war that was coming upon them; and
after a great battle had been fought; the Jews had the victory。
But afterward there were gotten together another numerous army of
the Arabians; at Cana; which is a place of Celesyria。 Herod was
informed of this beforehand; so he came marching against them
with the greatest part of the forces he had; and when he was come
near to Cana; he resolved to encamp himself; and he cast up a
bulwark; that he might take a proper season for attacking the
enemy; but as he was giving those orders; the multitude of the
Jews cried out that he should make no delay; but lead them
against the Arabians。 They went with great spirit; as believing
they were in very good order; and those especially were so that
had been in the former battle; and had been conquerors; and had
not permitted their enemies so much as to come to a close fight
with them。 And when they were so tumultuous; and showed such
great alacrity; the king resolved to make use of that zeal the
multitude then exhibited; and when he had assured them he would
not be behindhand with them in courage; he led them on; and stood
before them all in his armor; all the regiments following him in
their several ranks: whereupon a consternation fell upon the
Arabians; for when they perceived that the Jews were not to be
conquered; and were full of spirit; the greater part of them ran
away; and avoided fighting; and they had been quite destroyed;
had not Anthony fallen upon the Jews; and distressed them; for
this man was Cleopatra's general over the soldiers she had there;
and was at enmity with Herod; and very wistfully looked on to see
what the event of the battle would be。 He had also resolved; that
in case the Arabians did any thing that was brave and successful;
he would lie still; but in case they were beaten; as it really
happened; he would attack the Jews with those forces he had of
his own; and with those that the country had gotten together for
him。 So he fell upon the Jews unexpectedly; when they were
fatigued; and thought they had already vanquished the enemy; and
made a great slaughter of them; for as the Jews had spent their
courage upon their known enemies; and were about to enjoy
themselves in quietness after their victory; they were easily
beaten by these that attacked them afresh; and in particular
received a great loss in places where the horses could not be of
service; and which were very stony; and where those that attacked
them were better acquainted with the places than themselves。 And
when the Jews had suffered this loss; the Arabians raised their
spirits after their defeat; and returning back again; slew those
that were already put to flight; and indeed all sorts of
slaughter were now frequent; and of those that escaped; a few
only returned into the camp。 So king Herod; when he despaired of
the battle; rode up to them to bring them assistance; yet did he
not come time enough to do them any service; though he labored
hard to do it; but the Jewish camp was taken; so that the
Arabians had unexpectedly a most glorious success; having gained
that victory which of themselves they were no way likely to have
gained; and slaying a great part of the enemy's army: whence
afterward Herod could only act like a private robber; and make
excursions upon many parts of Arabia; and distress them by sudden
incursions; while he encamped among the mountains; and avoided by
any means to come to a pitched battle; yet did he greatly harass
the enemy by his assiduity; and the hard labor he took in this
matter。 He also took great care of his own forces; and used all
the means he could to restore his affairs to their old state。

2。 At this time it was that the fight happened at Actium; between
Octavius Caesar and Antony; in the seventh year of the reign of
Herod (8) and then it was also that there was an earthquake in
Judea; such a one as had not happened at any other time; and
which earthquake br
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