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the antiquities of the jews-1-第226章

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they were observed to shed tears often; on account of the injury
that was offered them; and had their mother in their mouths; and
among their friends they ventured to reproach their father; as
not acting justly by them; all which things were with an evil
intention reserved in memory by Antipater against a proper
opportunity; and when they were told to Herod; with aggravations;
increased the disorder so much; that it brought a great tumult
into the family; for while the king was very angry at imputations
that were laid upon the sons of Mariamne; and was desirous to
humble them; he still increased the honor that he had bestowed on
Antipater; and was at last so overcome by his persuasions; that
he brought his mother to court also。 He also wrote frequently to
Caesar in favor of him; and more earnestly recommended him to his
care particularly。 And when Agrippa was returning to Rome; after
he had finished his ten years' government in Asia。 (2) Herod
sailed from Judea; and when he met with him; he had none with him
but Antipater; whom he delivered to Agrippa; that he might take
him along with him; together with many presents; that so he might
become Caesar's friend; insomuch that things already looked as if
he had all his father's favor; and that the young men were
already entirely rejected from any hopes of the kingdom。


How During Antipater's Abode At Rome; Herod Brought Alexander And
Aristobulus Before Caesar And Accused Them。 Alexander's Defense
Of Himself Before Caesar And Reconciliation To His Father。

1。 And now what happened during Antipater's absence augmented the
honor to which he had been promoted; and his apparent eminence
above his brethren; for he had made a great figure in Rome;
because Herod had sent recommendations of him to all his friends
there; only he was grieved that he was not at home; nor had
proper opportunities of perpetually calumniating his brethren;
and his chief fear was; lest his father should alter his mind;
and entertain a more favorable opinion of the sons of Mariamne;
and as he had this in his mind; he did not desist from his
purpose; but continually sent from Rome any such stories as he
hoped might grieve and irritate his father against his brethren;
under pretense indeed of a deep concern for his preservation; but
in truth such as his malicious mind dictated; in order to
purchase a greater hope of the succession; which yet was already
great in itself: and thus he did till he had excited such a
degree of anger in Herod; that he was already become very
ill…disposed towards the young men; but still while he delayed to
exercise so violent a disgust against them; and that he might not
either be too remiss or too rash; and so offend; he thought it
best to sail to Rome; and there accuse his sons before Caesar;
and not indulge himself in any such crime as might be heinous
enough to be suspected of impiety。 But as he was going up to
Rome; it happened that he made such haste as to meet with Caesar
at the city Aquilei (3) so when he came to the speech of Caesar;
he asked for a time for hearing this great cause; wherein he
thought himself very miserable; and presented his sons there; and
accused them of their mad actions; and of their attempts against
him: That they were enemies to him; and by all the means they
were able; did their endeavors to show their hatred to their own
father; and would take away his life; and so obtain his kingdom;
after the most barbarous manner: that he had power from Caesar to
dispose of it; not by necessity; but by choice; to him who shall
exercise the greatest piety towards him; while these my sons are
not so desirous of ruling; as they are; upon a disappointment
thereof; to expose their own life; if so be they may but deprive
their father of his life; so wild and polluted is their mind by
time become; out of their hatred to him: that whereas he had a
long time borne this his misfortune; he was now compelled to lay
it before Caesar; and to pollute his ears with such language;
while he himself wants to know what severity they have ever
suffered from him; or what hardships he hath ever laid upon them
to make them complain of him; and how they can think it just that
he should not be lord of that kingdom which he in a long time;
and with great danger; had gained; and not allow him to keep it
and dispose of it to him who should deserve best; and this; with
other advantages; he proposes as a reward for the piety of such a
one as will hereafter imitate the care he hath taken of it; and
that such a one may gain so great a requital as that is: and that
it is an impious thing for them to pretend to meddle with it
beforehand; for he who hath ever the kingdom in his view; at the
same time reckons upon procuring the death of his father; because
otherwise he cannot come at the government: that as for himself;
he had hitherto given them all that he was able; and what was
agreeable to such as are subject to the royal authority; and the
sons of a king; what ornaments they wanted; with servants and
delicate fare; and had married them into the most illustrious
families; the one 'Aristobulus' to his sister's daughter; but
Alexander to the daughter of king Archelaus; and; what was the
greatest favor of all; when their crimes were so very bad; and he
had authority to punish them; yet had he not made use of it
against them; but had brought them before Caesar; their common
benefactor; and had not used the severity which; either as a
father who had been impiously abused; or as a king who had been
assaulted treacherously; he might have done; but made them stand
upon a level with him in judgment: that; however; it was
necessary that all this should not be passed over without
punishment; nor himself live in the greatest fears; nay; that it
was not for their own advantage to see the light of the sun after
what they have done; although they should escape at this time;
since they had done the vilest things; and would certainly suffer
the greatest punishments that ever were known among mankind。

2。 These were the accusations which Herod laid with great
vehemency against his sons before Caesar。 Now the young men; both
while he was speaking; and chiefly at his concluding; wept; and
were in confusion。 Now as to themselves; they knew in their own
conscience they were innocent; but because they were accused by
their father; they were sensible; as the truth was; that it was
hard for them to make their apology; since though they were at
liberty to speak their minds freely as the occasion required; and
might with force and earnestness refute the accusation; yet was
it not now decent so to do。 There was therefore a difficulty how
they should be able to speak; and tears; and at length a deep
groan; followed; while they were afraid; that if they said
nothing; they should seem to be in this difficulty from a
consciousness of guilt; … nor had they any defense ready; by
reason of their youth; and the disorder they were under; yet was
not Caesar unapprized; when he looked upon them in the confusion
they were in; that their delay to make their defense did not
arise from any consciousness of great enormities; but from their
unskilfulness and modesty。 They were also commiserated by those
that were there in particular; and they moved their father's
affections in earnest till he had much ado to conceal them。

3。 But when they saw there was a kind disposition arisen both in
him and in Caesar; and that every one of the rest did either shed
tears; or at least did all grieve with them; the one of them;
whose name was Alexander; called to his father; and attempted to
answer his accusation; and said; 〃O father; the benevolence thou
hast showed to us is evident; even in this very judicial
procedure; for hadst thou had any pernicious intentions about us;
thou hadst not produced us here before the common savior of all;
for it was in thy power; both as a king and as a father; to
punish the guilty; but by thus bringing us to Rome; and making
Caesar himself a witness to what is done; thou intimatest that
thou intendest to save us; for no one that hath a design to slay
a man will bring him to the temples; and to the altars; yet are
our circumstances still worse; for we cannot endure to live
ourselves any longer; if it be believed that we have injured such
a father; nay; perhaps it would be worse for us to live with this
suspicion upon us; that we have injured him; than to die without
such guilt。 And if our open defense may be taken to be true; we
shall be happy; both in pacifying thee; and in escaping the
danger we are in; but if this calumny so prevails; it is more
than enough for us that we have seen the sun this day; which why
should we see; if this suspicion be fixed upon us? Now it is easy
to say of young men; that they desire to reign; and to say
further; that this evil proceeds from the case of our unhappy
mother。 This is abundantly sufficient to produce our present
misfortune out of the former; but consider well; whether such an
accusation does not suit all such young men; and may not be said
of them all promiscuously; for nothing can hinder him that
reigns; if he have children; and their
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