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the antiquities of the jews-1-第250章

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the Romans; in the temple of Apollo; (18) which he had built at a
vast charge; whither the ambassadors came; and a multitude of the
Jews that were there already came with them; as did also
Archelaus and his friends; but as for the several kinsmen which
Archelaus had; they would not join themselves with him; out of
their hatred to him; and yet they thought it too gross a thing
for them to assist the ambassadors 'against him'; as supposing it
would be a disgrace to them in Caesar's opinion to think of thus
acting in opposition to a man of their own kindred。 Philip (19)
also was come hither out of Syria; by the persuasion of Varus;
with this principal intention to assist his brother 'Archelaus';
for Varus was his great friend: but still so; that if there
should any change happen in the form of government; (which Varus
suspected there would;) and if any distribution should be made on
account of the number that desired the liberty of living by their
own laws; that he might not be disappointed; but might have his
share in it。

2。 Now upon the liberty that was given to the Jewish ambassadors
to speak; they who hoped to obtain a dissolution of kingly
government betook themselves to accuse Herod of his iniquities;
and they declared that he was indeed in name a king; but that he
had taken to himself that uncontrollable authority which tyrants
exercise over their subjects; and had made use of that authority
for the destruction of the Jews; and did not abstain from making
many innovations among them besides; according to his own
inclinations; and that whereas there were a great many who
perished by that destruction he brought upon them; so many indeed
as no other history relates; they that survived were far more
miserable than those that suffered under him; not only by the
anxiety they were in from his looks and disposition towards them;
but from the danger their estates were in of being taken away by
him。 That he did never leave off adorning these cities that lay
in their neighborhood; but were inhabited by foreigners; but so
that the cities belonging to his own government were ruined; and
utterly destroyed that whereas; when he took the kingdom; it was
in an extraordinary flourishing condition; he had filled the
nation with the utmost degree of poverty; and when; upon unjust
pretenses; he had slain any of the nobility; he took away their
estates; and when he permitted any of them to live; he condemned
them to the forfeiture of what they possessed。 And besides the
annual impositions which he laid upon every one of them; they
were to make liberal presents to himself; to his domestics and
friends; and to such of his slaves as were vouchsafed the favor
of being his tax…gatherers; because there was no way of obtaining
a freedom from unjust violence without giving either gold or
silver for it。 That they would say nothing of the corruption of
the chastity of their virgins; and the reproach laid on their
wives for incontinency; and those things acted after an insolent
and inhuman manner; because it was not a smaller pleasure to the
sufferers to have such things concealed; than it would have been
not to have suffered them。 That Herod had put such abuses upon
them as a wild beast would not have put on them; if he had power
given him to rule over us; and that although their nation had
passed through many subversions and alterations of government;
their history gave no account of any calamity they had ever been
under; that could be compared with this which Herod had brought
upon their nation; that it was for this reason that they thought
they might justly and gladly salute Archelaus as king; upon this
supposition; that whosoever should be set over their kingdom; he
would appear more mild to them than Herod had been; and that they
had joined with him in the mourning for his father; in order to
gratify him; and were ready to oblige him in other points also;
if they could meet with any degree of moderation from him; but
that he seemed to be afraid lest he should not be deemed Herod's
own son; and so; without any delay; he immediately let the nation
understand his meaning; and this before his dominion was well
established; since the power of disposing of it belonged to
Caesar; who could either give it to him or not; as he pleased。
That he had given a specimen of his future virtue to his
subjects; and with what kind of moderation and good
administration he would govern them; by that his first action;
which concerned them; his own citizens; and God himself also;
when he made the slaughter of three thousand of his own
countrymen at the temple。 How then could they avoid the just
hatred of him; who; to the rest of his barbarity; hath added this
as one of our crimes; that we have opposed and contradicted him
in the exercise of his authority? Now the main thing they desired
was this: That they might be delivered from kingly and the like
forms of government; (20) and might be added to Syria; and be put
under the authority of such presidents of theirs as should be
sent to them; for that it would thereby be made evident; whether
they be really a seditious people; and generally fond of
innovations; or whether they would live in an orderly manner; if
they might have governors of any sort of moderation set over

3。 Now when the Jews had said this; Nicolaus vindicated the kings
from those accusations; and said; that as for Herod; since he had
never been thus accused all the time of his life; it was not fit
for those that might have accused him of lesser crimes than those
now mentioned; and might have procured him to be punished during
his lifetime; to bring an accusation against him now he is dead。
He also attributed the actions of Archlaus to the Jews' injuries
to him; who; affecting to govern contrary to the laws; and going
about to kill those that would have hindered them from acting
unjustly; when they were by him punished for what they had done;
made their complaints against him; so he accused them of their
attempts for innovation; and of the pleasure they took in
sedition; by reason of their not having learned to submit to
justice and to the laws; but still desiring to be superior in all
things。 This was the substance of what Nicolaus said。

4。 When Caesar had heard these pleadings; he dissolved the
assembly; but a few days afterwards he appointed Archelaus; not
indeed to be king of the whole country; but ethnarch of the one
half of that which had been subject to Herod; and promised to
give him the royal dignity hereafter; if he governed his part
virtuously。 But as for the other half; he divided it into two
parts; and gave it to two other of Herod's sons; to Philip and to
Antipas; that Antipas who disputed with Archelaus for the whole
kingdom。 Now to him it was that Peres and Galilee paid their
tribute; which amounted annually to two hundred talents; (21)
while Batanea; with Trachonitis; as well as Auranitis; with a
certain part of what was called the House of Zenodorus; (22) paid
the tribute of one hundred talents to Philip; but Idumea; and
Judea; and the country of Samaria paid tribute to Archelaus; but
had now a fourth part of that tribute taken off by the order of
Caesar; who decreed them that mitigation; because they did not
join in this revolt with the rest of the multitude。 There were
also certain of the cities which paid tribute to Archelaus:
Strato's Tower and Sebaste; with Joppa and Jerusalem; for as to
Gaza; and Gadara; and Hippos; they were Grecian cities; which
Caesar separated from his government; and added them to the
province of Syria。 Now the tribute…money that came to Archelaus
every year from his own dominions amounted to six hundred

5。 And so much came to Herod's sons from their father's
inheritance。 But Salome; besides what her brother left her by his
testament; which were Jamnia; and Ashdod; and Phasaelis; and five
hundred thousand 'drachmae' of coined silver; Caesar made her a
present of a royal habitation at Askelo; in all; her revenues
amounted to sixty talents by the year; and her dwelling…house was
within Archelaus's government。 The rest also of the king's
relations received what his testament allotted them。 Moreover;
Caesar made a present to each of Herod's two virgin daughters;
besides what their father left them; of two hundred and fifty
thousand 'drachmae' of silver; and married them to Pheroras's
sons: he also granted all that was bequeathed to himself to the
king's sons; which was one thousand five hundred talents;
excepting a few of the vessels; which he reserved for himself;
and they were acceptable to him; not so much for the great value
they were of; as because they were memorials of the king to him。


Concerning A Spurious Alexander。

1。 When these affairs had been thus settled by Caesar; a certain
young man; by birth a Jew; but brought up by a Roman freed…man in
the city Sidon; ingrafted himself into the kindred of Herod; by
the resemblance of his countenance; which those that saw him
attested to be that of Alexander; the son of Herod; whom he had
slain; and this was an incitement to him to endeavor to obtain
the government; so he took to him as an assis
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