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the antiquities of the jews-1-第274章

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Romans; and that habitable world which was subject to them。 So
that at length it was determined that she must die; nor could
those of the contrary opinion at all prevail to have her saved;
and Lupus was sent accordingly。 Nor was there any delay made in
executing what he went about; but he was subservient to those
that sent him on the first opportunity; as desirous to be no way
blameable in what might be done for the advantage of the people。
So when he was come into the palace; he found Cesonia; who was
Caius's wife; lying by her husband's dead body; which also lay
down on the ground; and destitute of all such things as the law
allows to the dead; and all over herself besmeared with the blood
of her husband's wounds; and bewailing the great affliction she
was under; her daughter lying by her also; and nothing else was
heard in these her circumstances but her complaint of Caius; as
if he had not regarded what she had often told him of beforehand;
which words of hers were taken in a different sense even at that
time; and are now esteemed equally ambiguous by those that hear
of them; and are still interpreted according to the different
inclinations of people。 Now some said that the words denoted that
she had advised him to leave off his mad behavior and his
barbarous cruelty to the citizens; and to govern the public with
moderation and virtue; lest he should perish by the same way;
upon their using him as he had used them。 But some said; that as
certain words had passed concerning the conspirators; she desired
Caius to make no delay; but immediately to put them all to death;
and this whether they were guilty or not; and that thereby he
would be out of the fear of any danger; and that this was what
she reproached him for; when she advised him so to do; but he was
too slow and tender in the matter。 And this was what Cesonia
said; and what the opinions of men were about it。 But when she
saw Lupus approach; she showed him Caius's dead body; and
persuaded him to come nearer; with lamentation and tears; and as
she perceived that Lupus was in disorder; and approached her in
order to execute some design disagreeable to himself; she was
well aware for what purpose he came; and stretched out her naked
throat; and that very cheerfully to him; bewailing her case; like
one that utterly despaired of her life; and bidding him not to
boggle at finishing the tragedy they had resolved upon relating
to her。 So she boldly received her death's wound at the hand of
Lupus; as did the daughter after her。 So Lupus made haste to
inform Cherea of what he had done。

5。 This was the end of Caius; after he had reigned four years;
within four months。 He was; even before he came to be emperor;
ill…natured; and one that had arrived at the utmost pitch of
wickedness; a slave to his pleasures; and a lover of calumny;
greatly affected by every terrible accident; and on that account
of a very murderous disposition where he durst show it。 He
enjoyed his exorbitant power to this only purpose; to injure
those who least deserved it; with unreasonable insolene and got
his wealth by murder and injustice。 He labored to appear above
regarding either what was divine or agreeable to the laws; but
was a slave to the commendations of the populace; and whatsoever
the laws determined to be shameful; and punished; that he
esteemed more honorable than what was virtuous。 He was unmindful
of his friends; how intimate soever; and though they were persons
of the highest character; and if he was once angry at any of
them; he would inflict punishment upon them on the smallest
occasions; and esteemed every man that endeavored to lead a
virtuous life his enemy。 And whatsoever he commanded; he would
not admit of any contradiction to his inclinations; whence it was
that he had criminal conversation with his own sister; (10) from
which occasion chiefly it was also that a bitter hatred first
sprang up against him among the citizens; that sort of incest not
having been known of a long time; and so this provoked men to
distrust him; and to hate him that was guilty of it。 And for any
great or royal work that he ever did; which might be for the
present and for future ages; nobody can name any such; but only
the haven that he made about Rhegium and Sicily; for the
reception of the ships that brought corn from Egypt; which was
indeed a work without dispute very great in itself; and of very
great advantage to the navigation。 Yet was not this work brought
to perfection by him; but was the one half of it left imperfect;
by reason of his want of application to it; the cause of which
was this; that he employed his studies about useless matters; and
that by spending his money upon such pleasures as concerned no
one's benefit but his own; he could not exert his liberality in
things that were undeniably of great consequence。 Otherwise he
was an excellent orator; and thoroughly acquainted with the Greek
tongue; as well as with his own country or Roman language。 He was
also able; off…hand and readily; to give answers to compositions
made by others; of considerable length and accuracy。 He was also
more skillful in persuading others to very great things than any
one else; and this from a natural affability of temper; which had
been improved by much exercise and pains…taking; for as he was
the grandson (11) of the brother of Tiberius; whose successor he
was; this was a strong inducement to his acquiring of learning;
because Tiberius aspired after the highest pitch of that sort of
reputation; and Caius aspired after the like glory for eloquence;
being induced thereto by the letters of his kinsman and his
emperor。 He was also among the first rank of his own citizens。
But the advantages he received from his learning did not
countervail the mischief he brought upon himself in the exercise
of his authority; so difficult it is for those to obtain the
virtue that is necessary for a wise man; who have the absolute
power to do what they please without control。 At the first he got
himself such friends as were in all respects the most worthy; and
was greatly beloved by them; while he imitated their zealous
application to the learning and to the glorious actions of the
best men; but when he became insolent towards them; they laid
aside the kindness they had for him; and began to hate him; from
which hatred came that plot which they raised against him; and
wherein he perished。


How Claudius Was Seized Upon And Brought Out Of His House And
Brought To The Camp; And How The Senate Sent An Embassage To Him。

1。 Now Claudius; as I said before; went out of that way along
which Caius was gone; and as the family was in a mighty disorder
upon the sad accident of the murder of Caius; he was in great
distress how to save himself; and was found to have hidden
himself in a certain narrow place; (12) though he had no other
occasion for suspicion of any dangers; besides the dignity of his
birth; for while he was a private man; he behaved himself with
moderation; and was contented with his present fortune; applying
himself to learning; and especially to that of the Greeks; and
keeping himself entirely clear from every thing that might bring
on any disturbance。 But as at this time the multitude were under
a consternation; and the whole palace was full of the soldiers'
madness; and the very emperor's guards seemed under the like fear
and disorder with private persons; the band called pretorian;
which was the purest part of the army; was in consultation what
was to be done at this juncture。 Now all those that were at this
consultation had little regard to the punishment Caius had
suffered; because he justly deserved such his fortune; but they
were rather considering their own circumstances; how they might
take the best care of themselves; especially while the Germans
were busy in punishing the murderers of Caius; which yet was
rather done to gratify their own savage temper; than for the good
of the public; all which things disturbed Claudius; who was
afraid of his own safety; and this particularly because he saw
the heads of Asprenas and his partners carried about。 His station
had been on a certain elevated place; whither a few steps led
him; and whither he had retired in the dark by himself。 But when
Gratus; who was one of the soldiers that belonged to the palace;
saw him; but did not well know by his countenance who he was;
because it was dark; though he could well judge that it was a man
who was privately there on some design; he came nearer to him;
and when Claudius desired that he would retire; be discovered who
he was; and owned him to be Claudius。 So he said to his
followers; 〃This is a Germanicus; (12) come on; let us choose him
for our emperor。〃 But when Claudius saw they were making
preparations for taking him away by force; and was afraid they
would kill him; as they had killed Caius; he besought them to
spare him; putting them in mind how quietly he had demeaned
himself; and that he was unacquainted with what had been done。
Hereupon Gratus smiled upon him; and took him by the right hand;
and said; 〃Leave off; sir; these low thoughts of saving yourself;
while you ought to have greater t
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