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the antiquities of the jews-1-第295章

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present at his sacrifices when he pleased; and when he pleased to
be absent;〃 see the note on B。 II。 against Apion; sect。 16。

(22)These answers by the oracle of Urim and Thummim; which words
signify; light and perfection; or; as the Septuagint render them;
revelation and truth; and denote nothing further; that I see; but
the shining stones themselves; which were used; in this method of
illumination; in revealing the will of God; after a perfect and
true manner; to his people Israel: I say; these answers were not
made by the shining of the precious stones; after an awkward
manner; in the high priest's breastplate; as the modern Rabbins
vainly suppose; for certainly the shining of the stones might
precede or accompany the oracle; without itself delivering that
oracle; see Antiq。 B。 VI。 ch。 6。 sect。 4; but rather by an
audible voice from the mercy…seat between the cherubims。 See
Prideaux's Connect。 at the year 534。 This oracle had been silent;
as Josephus here informs us; two hundred years before he wrote
his Antiquities; or ever since the days of the last good high
priest of the family of the Maccabees; John Hyrcanus。 Now it is
here very well worth our observation; that the oracle before us
was that by which God appeared to he present with; and gave
directions to; his people Israel as their King; all the while
they submitted to him in that capacity; and did not set over them
such independent kings as governed according to their own wills
and political maxims; instead of Divine directions。 Accordingly
we meet with this oracle (besides angelic and prophetic
admonitions) all along from the days of Moses and Joshua to the
anointing of Saul; the first of the succession of the kings;
Numbers 27:21; Joshua 6:6; etc。; 19:50; Judges 1:1; 18:4…6; 30;
31; 20:18; 23; 26…28; 21:1; etc。; 1 Samuel 1:17; 18; 3。 per tot。;
4。 per tot。; nay; till Saul's rejection of the Divine commands in
the war with Amalek; when he took upon him to act as he thought
fit; 1 Samuel 14:3; 18; 19; 36; 37; then this oracle left Saul
entirely; (which indeed he had seldom consulted before; 1 Samuel
14:35; 1 Chronicles 10:14; 13:3; Antiq。 B。 7 ch。 4 sect 2。) and
accompanied David; who was anointed to succeed him; and who
consulted God by it frequently; and complied with its directions
constantly (1 Samuel 14:37; 41; 15:26; 22:13; 15; 23:9; 10; 30:7;
8; 18; 2 Samuel 2:1; 5:19; 23; 21:1; 23 :14; 1 Chronicles 14:10;
14; Antiq。 B IV ch。 12 sect。 5)。 Saul; indeed; long after his
rejection by God; and when God had given him up to destruction
for his disobedience; did once afterwards endeavor to consult God
when it was too late; but God would not then answer him; neither
by dreams; nor by Urim; nor by prophets; 1 Samuel 28:6。 Nor did
any of David's successors; the kings of Judah; that we know of;
consult God by this oracle; till the very Babylonish captivity
itself; when those kings were at an end; they taking upon them; I
suppose; too much of despotic power and royalty; and too little
owning the God of Israel for the supreme King of Israel; though a
few of them consulted the prophets sometimes; and were answered
by them。 At the return of the two tribes; without the return of
the kingly government; the restoration of this oracle was
expected; Nehemiah 7;63; 1 Esd。 5:40; 1 Macc。 4:46; 14:41。 And
indeed it may seem to have been restored for some time after the
Babylonish captivity; at least in the days of that excellent high
priest; John Hyrcanus; whom Josephus esteemed as a king; a
priest; and a prophet; and who; he says; foretold several things
that came to pass accordingly; but about the time of his death;
he here implies; that this oracle quite ceased; and not before。
The following high priests now putting diadems on their heads;
and ruling according to their own will; and by their own
authority; like the other kings of the pagan countries about
them; so that while the God of Israel was allowed to be the
supreme King of Israel; and his directions to be their authentic
guides; God gave them such directions as their supreme King and
Governor; and they were properly under a theocracy; by this
oracle of Urim; but no longer (see Dr。 Bernard's notes here);
though I confess I cannot but esteem the high priest Jaddus's
divine dream; Antiq。 B。 XI。 ch。 8。 sect。 4; and the high priest
Caiaphas's most remarkable prophecy; John 11:47…52; as two small
remains or specimens of this ancient oracle; which properly
belonged to the Jewish high priests: nor perhaps ought we
entirely to forget that eminent prophetic dream of our Josephus
himself; (one next to a high priest; as of the family of the
Asamoneans or Maccabees;) as to the succession of Vespasian and
Titus to the Roman empire; and that in the days of Nero; and
before either Galba; Otho; or Vitellius were thought of to
succeed him。 Of the War; B。 III。 ch。 8。 sect。 9。 This; I think;
may well be looked on as the very last instance of any thing like
the prophetic Urim among the Jewish nation; and just preceded
their fatal desolation: but how it could possibly come to pass
that such great men as Sir John Marsham and Dr。 Spenser; should
imagine that this oracle of Urim and Thummim with other practices
as old or older than the law of Moses; should have been ordained
in imitation of somewhat like them among the Egyptians; which we
never hear of till the days of Diodorus Siculus; Aelian; and
Maimonides; or little earlier than the Christian era at the
highest; is almost unaccountable; while the main business of the
law of Moses was evidently to preserve the Israelites from the
idolatrous and superstitious practices of the neighboring pagan
nations; and while it is so undeniable; that the evidence for the
great antiquity of Moses's law is incomparably beyond that for
the like or greater antiquity of such customs in Egypt or other
nations; which indeed is generally none at all; it is most absurd
to derive any of Moses's laws from the imitation of those heathen
practices; Such hypotheses demonstrate to us how far inclination
can prevail over evidence; in even some of the most learned part
of mankind。

(23) What Reland well observes here; out of Josephus; as compared
with the law of Moses; Leviticus 7:15; (that the eating of the
sacrifice the same day it was offered; seems to mean only before
the morning of the next; although the latter part; i。e。 the
night; be in strictness part of the next day; according to the
Jewish reckoning;) is greatly to be observed upon other occasions
also。 The Jewish maxim in such cases; it seems; is this: That the
day goes before the night; and this appears to me to be the
language both of the Old and New Testament。 See also the note on
Antiq。 B。 IV。 ch。 4。 sect。 4; and Reland's note on B。 IV。 ch。 8。
sect。 28。

(24) We may here note; that Josephus frequently calls the camp
the city; and the court of the Mosaic tabernacle a temple; and
the tabernacle itself a holy house; with allusion to the latter
city; temple; and holy house; which he knew so well long

(25) These words of Josephus are remarkable; that the lawgiver of
the Jews required of the priests a double degree of parity; in
comparison of that required of the people; of which he gives
several instances immediately。 It was for certain the case also
among the first Christians; of the clergy; in comparison of the
laity; as the Apostolical Constitutions and Canons every where
inform us;

(26) We must here note with Reland; that the precept given to the
priests of not drinking wine while they wore the sacred garments;
is equivalent; to their abstinence from it all the while they
ministered in the temple; because they then always; and then
only; wore those sacred garments; which were laid up there from
one time of ministration to another。

(27) See Antiq; B。 XX。 ch。 2。 sect; 6。 and Acts 11:28。


(1) Reland here takes notice; that although our Bibles say little
or nothing of these riches of Corah; yet that both the Jews and
Mahommedans; as well as Josephus; are full of it。

(2) It appears here; and from the Samaritan Pentateuch; and; in
effect; from the psalmist; as also from the Apostolical
Constitutions; from Clement's First Epistle to the Corinthians;
from Ignatius's Epistle to the Magnesians; and from Eusebius;
that Corah was not swallowed up with the Reubenites; but burned
with the Levites of his own tribe。 See Essay on the Old
Testament; p。 64; 65。

(3) Concerning these twelve rods of the twelve tribes of Israel;
see St。 Clement's account; much larger than that in our Bibles; 1
Epist。 sect。 45; as is Josephus's present account in measure
larger also。

(4) Grotius; on Numbers 6:18; takes notice that the Greeks also;
aswell as the Jews; sometimes consecrated the hair of their heads
to the gods。

(5) Josephus here uses this phrase; 〃when the fortieth year was
completed;〃 for when it was begun; as does St。 Luke when the day
of Pentecost was completed;〃 Acts 2:1。

(6) Whether Miriam died; as Josephus's。 Greek copies imply; on
the first day of the month; may be doubted; because the Latin
copies say it was on the tenth; and so say the Jewish calendars
also; as Dr。 Bernard assures us。 It is said 
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