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the antiquities of the jews-1-第32章

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you; and an order of political government; and is now present in
the camp: I therefore charge you; for his sake and the sake of
his works; and what we have done by his means; that you do not
put a low value on what I am going to say; because the commands
have been given by me that now deliver them to you; nor because
it is the tongue of a man that delivers them to you; but if you
have a due regard to the great importance of the things
themselves; you will understand the greatness of Him whose
institutions they are; and who has not disdained to communicate
them to me for our common advantage; for it is not to be supposed
that the author of these institutions is barely Moses; the son of
Amram and Jochebed; but He who obliged the Nile to run bloody for
your sakes; and tamed the haughtiness of the Egyptians by various
sorts of judgments; he who provided a way through the sea for us;
he who contrived a method of sending us food from heaven; when we
were distressed for want of it; he who made the water to issue
out of a rock; when we had very little of it before; he by whose
means Adam was made to partake of the fruits both of the land and
of the sea; he by whose means Noah escaped the deluge; he by
whose means our forefather Abraham; of a wandering pilgrim; was
made the heir of the land of Canaan; he by whose means Isaac was
born of parents that were very old; he by whose means Jacob was
adorned with twelve virtuous sons; he by whose means Joseph
became a potent lord over the Egyptians; he it is who conveys
these instructions to you by me as his interpreter。 And let them
be to you venerable; and contended for more earnestly by you than
your own children and your own wives; for if you will follow
them; you will lead a happy life you will enjoy the land
fruitful; the sea calm; and the fruit of the womb born complete;
as nature requires; you will be also terrible to your enemies for
I have been admitted into the presence of God and been made a
hearer of his incorruptible voice so great is his concern for
your nation; and its duration。〃

4。 When he had said this; he brought the people; with their wives
and children; so near the mountain; that they might hear God
himself speaking to them about the precepts which they were to
practice; that the energy of what should be spoken might not be
hurt by its utterance by that tongue of a man; which could but
imperfectly deliver it to their understanding。 And they all heard
a voice that came to all of them from above; insomuch that no one
of these words escaped them; which Moses wrote on two tables;
which it is not lawful for us to set down directly; but their
import we will declare (10)

5。 The first commandment teaches us that there is but one God;
and that we ought to worship him only。 The second commands us not
to make the image of any living creature to worship it。 The
third; that we must not swear by God in a false matter。 The
fourth; that we must keep the seventh day; by resting from all
sorts of work。 The fifth; that we must honor our parents。 The
sixth that we must abstain from murder。 The seventh that we must
not commit adultery。 The eighth; that we must not be guilty of
theft。 The ninth; that we must not bear false witness。 The tenth;
that we must not admit of the desire of any thing that is

6。 Now when the multitude had heard God himself giving those
precepts which Moses had discoursed of; they rejoiced at what was
said; and the congregation was dissolved: but on the following
days they came to his tent; and desired him to bring them;
besides; other laws from God。 Accordingly he appointed such laws;
and afterwards informed them in what manner they should act in
all cases; which laws I shall make mention of in their proper
time; but I shall reserve most of those laws for another work;
(11) and make there a distinct explication of them。

7。 When matters were brought to this state; Moses went up again
to Mount Sinai; of which he had told them beforehand。 He made his
ascent in their sight; and while he staid there so long a time;
(for he was absent from them forty days;) fear seized upon the
Hebrews; lest Moses should have come to any harm; nor was there
any thing else so sad; and that so much troubled them; as this
supposal that Moses was perished。 Now there was a variety in
their sentiments about it; some saying that he was fallen among
wild beasts; and those that were of this opinion were chiefly
such as were ill…disposed to him; but others said that he was
departed; and gone to God; but the wiser sort were led by their
reason to embrace neither of those opinions with any
satisfaction; thinking; that as it was a thing that sometimes
happens to men to fall among wild beasts and perish that way; so
it was probable enough that he might depart and go to God; on
account of his virtue; they therefore were quiet; and expected
the event: yet were they exceeding sorry upon the supposal that
they were deprived of a governor and a protector; such a one
indeed as they could never recover again; nor would this
suspicion give them leave to expect any comfortable event about
this man; nor could they prevent their trouble and melancholy
upon this occasion。 However; the camp durst not remove all this
while; because Moses had bidden them afore to stay there。

8。 But when the forty days; and as many nights; were over; Moses
came down; having tasted nothing of food usually appointed for
the nourishment of men。 His appearance filled the army with
gladness; and he declared to them what care God had of them; and
by what manner of conduct of their lives they might live happily;
telling them; that during these days of his absence he had
suggested to him also that he would have a tabernacle built for
him; into which he would descend when he came to them; and how we
should carry it about with us when we remove from this place; and
that there would be no longer any occasion for going up to Mount
Sinai; but that he would himself come and pitch his tabernacle
amongst us; and be present at our prayers; as also; that the
tabernacle should be of such measures and construction as he had
shown him; and that you are to fall to the work; and prosecute it
diligently。 When he had said this; he showed them the two tables;
with the ten commandments engraven upon them; five upon each
table; and the writing was by the hand of God。


Concerning The Tabernacle Which Moses Built In The Wilderness For
The Honor Of God And Which Seemed To Be A Temple。

1。 Hereupon the Israelites rejoiced at what they had seen and
heard of their conductor; and were not wanting in diligence
according to their ability; for they brought silver; and gold;
and brass; and of the best sorts of wood; and such as would not
at all decay by putrefaction; camels' hair also; and sheep…skins;
some of them dyed of a blue color; and some of a scarlet; some
brought the flower for the purple color; and others for white;
with wool dyed by the flowers aforementioned; and fine linen and
precious stones; which those that use costly ornaments set in
ouches of gold; they brought also a great quantity of spices; for
of these materials did Moses build the tabernacle; which did not
at all differ from a movable and ambulatory temple。 Now when
these things were brought together with great diligence; (for
every one was ambitious to further the work even beyond their
ability;) he set architects over the works; and this by the
command of God; and indeed the very same which the people
themselves would have chosen; had the election been allowed to
them。 Now their names are set down in writing in the sacred
books; and they were these: Besaleel; the son of Uri; of the
tribe of Judah; the grandson of Miriam; the sister of their
conductor and Aholiab; file son of Ahisamach; of the tribe of
Dan。 Now the people went on with what they had undertaken with so
great alacrity; that Moses was obliged to restrain them; by
making proclamation; that what had been brought was sufficient;
as the artificers had informed him; so they fell to work upon the
building of the tabernacle。 Moses also informed them; according
to the direction of God; both what the measures were to be; and
its largeness; and how many vessels it ought to contain for the
use of the sacrifices。 The women also were ambitious to do their
parts; about the garments of the priests; and about other things
that would be wanted in this work; both for ornament and for the
divine service itself。

2。 Now when all things were prepared; the gold; and the silver;
and the brass; and what was woven; Moses; when he had appointed
beforehand that there should be a festival; and that sacrifices
should be offered according to every one's ability; reared up the
tabernacle (12) and when he had measured the open court; fifty
cubits broad and a hundred long; he set up brazen pillars; five
cubits high; twenty on each of the longer sides; and ten pillars
for the breadth behind; every one of the pillars also had a ring。
Their chapiters were of silver; but their bases were of brass:
they resembled the sharp ends of spears; and were of brass; fixed
into the ground。 Cords were also put through th
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