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the crusade of the excelsior-第14章

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incomparable performances of our friend Crosby as Brother Bones;

our recitations; to which the genius of Mrs。 M'Corkle; of Peoria;

Illinois; has lent her charm and her manuscript〃 (a burlesque start

of terror from Crosby); 〃I am forcibly impelled to quote the

impassioned words from that gifted woman;

     'When idly Life's barque on the billows of Time;

        Drifts hither and yon by eternity's sea;

      On the swift feet of verse and the pinions of rhyme

        My thoughts; Ulricardo; fly ever to thee!'〃

〃Who's Ulricardo?〃 interrupted Crosby; with assumed eagerness;

followed by a 〃hush!〃 from the ladies。

〃Perhaps I should have anticipated our friend's humorous question;〃

said Senor Perkins; with unassailable good…humor。  〃Ulricardo;

though not my own name; is a poetical substitute for it; and a mere

figure of apostrophe。  The poem is personal to myself;〃 he

continued; with a slight increase of color in his smooth cheek

which did not escape the attention of the ladies;〃purely as an

exigency of verse; and that the inspired authoress might more

easily express herself to a friend。  My acquaintance with Mrs。

M'Corkle has been only epistolary。  Pardon this digression; my

friends; but an allusion to the muse of poetry did not seem to me

to be inconsistent with our gathering here。  Let me briefly

conclude by saying that the occasion is a happy and memorable one;

I think I echo the sentiment of all present when I add that it is

one which will not be easily forgotten by either the grateful

guests; whose feelings I have tried to express; or the chivalrous

hosts; whose kindness I have already so feebly translated。〃

In the applause that followed; and the clicking of glasses; Senor

Perkins slipped away。  He mingled a moment with some of the other

guests who had already withdrawn to the corridor; lit a cigar; and

then passed through a narrow doorway on to the ramparts。  Here he

strolled to some distance; as if in deep thought; until he reached

a spot where the crumbling wall and its fallen debris afforded an

easy descent into the ditch。  Following the ditch; he turned an

angle; and came upon the beach; and the low sound of oars in the

invisible offing。  A whistle brought the boat to his feet; and

without a word he stepped into the stern sheets。  A few strokes of

the oars showed him that the fog had lifted slightly from the

water; and a green light hanging from the side of the Excelsior

could be plainly seen。  Ten minutes' more steady pulling placed him

on her deck; where the second officer stood with a number of the

sailors listlessly grouped around him。

〃The landing has been completed?〃 said Senor Perkins interrogatively。

〃All except one boat…load more; which waits to take your final

instructions;〃 said the mate。  〃The men have growled a little about

it;〃 he added; in a lower tone。  〃They don't want to lose anything;

it seems;〃 he continued; with a half sarcastic laugh。

Senor Perkins smiled peculiarly。

〃I am sorry to disappoint them。  Who's that in the boat?〃 he asked


The mate followed the Senor's glance。

〃It is Yoto。  He says he is going ashore; and you will not forbid


Senor Perkins approached the ship's side。

〃Come here;〃 he said to the man。

The Peruvian sailor rose; but did not make the slightest movement

to obey the command。

〃You say you are going ashore?〃 said Perkins blandly。

〃Yes; Patrono。〃

〃What for?〃

〃To follow himthe thief; the assassinwho struck me here;〃 he

pointed to his head。  〃He has escaped again with his booty。〃

〃You are very foolish; my Yoto; he is no thief; and has no booty。

They will put YOU in prison; not him。〃

〃YOU say so;〃 said the man surlily。  〃Perhaps they will hear me

for other things;〃 he added significantly。

〃And for this you would abandon the cause?〃

The man shrugged his shoulders。

〃Why not?〃 he glanced meaningly at two of his companions; who had

approached the side; 〃perhaps others would。  Who is sending the

booty ashore; eh?〃

〃Come out of that boat;〃 said the Senor; leaning over the bulwarks

with folded arms; and his eyes firmly fixed on the man。

The man did not move。  But the Senor's hand suddenly flew to the

back of his neck; smote violently downwards; and sent eighteen

inches of glittering steel hurtling through the air。  The bowie…

knife entered the upturned throat of the man and buried itself

halfway to the hilt。  Without a gasp or groan he staggered forward;

caught wildly at the side of the ship; and disappeared between the

boat and the vessel。

〃My lads;〃 said Senor Perkins; turning with a gentle smile towards

the faces that in the light of the swinging lantern formed a

ghastly circle around him; 〃when I boarded this ship that had

brought aid and succor to our oppressors at Callao; I determined to

take possession of it peacefully; without imperiling the peace and

property of the innocent passengers who were intrusted to its care;

and without endangering your own lives or freedom。  But I made no

allowance for TRAITORS。  The blood that has been shed to…night has

not been spilt in obedience to my orders; nor to the cause that we

serve; it was from DEFIANCE of it; and the real and only culprit

has just atoned for it。〃

He stopped; and then stepped back from the gangway; as if to leave

it open to the men。

〃What I have done;〃 he continued calmly; 〃I do not ask you to

consider either as an example or a warning。  You are free to do

what HE would have done;〃 he repeated; with a wave of his hand

towards the open gangway and the empty boat。  〃You are free to

break your contract and leave the ship; and I give you my word that

I will not lift a hand to prevent it。  But if you stay with me;〃 he

said; suddenly turning upon them a face as livid as their own; 〃I

swear by the living God; that; if between this and the

accomplishment of my design; you as much as shirk or question any

order given by me; you shall die the death of that dog who went

before you。  Choose as you pleasebut quickly。〃

The mate was the first to move。  Without a word; he crossed over to

the Senor's side。  The men hesitated a moment longer; until one;

with a strange foreign cry; threw himself on his knees before the

Senor; ejaculating; 〃Pardon! pardon!〃  The others followed; some

impulsively catching at the hand that had just slain their comrade;

and covering it with kisses!

〃Pardon; Patronowe are yours。〃

〃You are the State's;〃 said Senor Perkins coldly; with every

vestige of his former urbanity gone from his colorless face。

〃Enough!  Go back to your duty。〃  He watched them slink away; and

then turned to the mate。  〃Get the last boat…load ready; and report

to me。〃

From that moment another power seemed to dominate the ship。  The

men no longer moved listlessly; or slunk along the deck with

perfunctory limbs; a feverish haste and eagerness possessed them;

the boat was quickly loaded; and the mysterious debarkation

completed in rapidity and silence。  This done; the fog once more

appeared to rise from the water and softly encompass the ship;

until she seemed to be obliterated from its face。  In this vague

obscurity; from time to time; the faint rattling of chains was

heard; the soft creaking of blocks; and later on; the regular rise

and fall of oars。  And then the darkness fell heavier; the sounds

became more and more indistinct and were utterly lost。

Ashore; however; the lanterns still glittered brightly in the

courtyard of the Presidio; the noise of laughter and revel still

came from the supper…room; and; later; the tinkling of guitars and

rhythmical clapping hands showed that the festivities were being

wound up by a characteristic fandango。  Captain Bunker succumbed

early to his potations of fiery aguardiente; and was put to bed in

the room of the Commander; to whom he had sworn eternal friendship

and alliance。  It was long past midnight before the other guests

were disposed of in the various quarters of the Presidio; but to

the ladies were reserved the more ostentatious hospitalities of the

Alcalde himself; the walls of whose ambitious hacienda raised

themselves across the plaza and overlooked the gardens of the


It was from one of the deep; quaintly barred windows of the

hacienda that Miss Keene gazed thoughtfully on the night; unable to

compose herself to sleep。  An antique guest…chamber had been

assigned to her in deference to her wish to be alone; for which she

had declined the couch and vivacious prattle of her new friend;

Dona Isabel。  The events of the day had impressed her more deeply

than they had her companions; partly from her peculiar inexperience

of the world; and partly from her singular sensitiveness to

external causes。  The whole quaint story of the forgotten and

isolated settlement; which had seemed to the other passengers as a

trivial and
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