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the crusade of the excelsior-第36章

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suggestions; childlike surprises and awakenings; a day delicious

for the very incompleteness of its vague happiness。  And this

remarkable day was simply marked in Mrs。 Markham's diary as

follows:〃Went with E。 to Indian village; met Padre and J。 H。

J。 H。 actually left shell and crawled on beach with E。  E。 chatty。〃

The day itself had been singularly quiet and gracious; even for

that rare climate of balmy days and recuperating nights。  At times

the slight breath of the sea which usually stirred the morning air

of Todos Santos was suspended; and a hush of expectation seemed to

arrest land and water。  When Miss Keene and Mrs。 Markham left the

Presidio; the tide was low; and their way lay along the beach past

the Mission walls。  A walk of two or three miles brought them to

the Indian villageproperly a suburban quarter of Todos Santosa

collection of adobe huts and rudely cultivated fields。  Padre

Esteban and Mr。 Hurlstone were awaiting them in the palm…thatched

veranda of a more pretentious cabin; that served as a school…room。

〃This is Don Diego's design;〃 said the Padre; beaming with a

certain paternal pride on Hurlstone; 〃built by himself and helped

by the heathen; but look you: my gentleman is not satisfied with

it; and wishes now to bring his flock to the Mission school; and

have them mingle with the pure…blooded races on an equality。  That

is the revolutionary idea of this sans culotte reformer;〃 continued

the good Father; shaking his yellow finger with gentle archness at

the young man。  〃Ah; we shall yet have a revolution in Todos Santos

unless you ladies take him in hand。  He has already brought the

half…breeds over to his side; and those heathens follow him like

dumb cattle anywhere。  There; take him away and scold him; Dona

Leonor; while I speak to the Senora Markham of the work that her

good heart and skillful fingers may do for my poor muchachos。〃

Eleanor Keene lifted her beautiful eyes to Hurlstone with an

artless tribute in their depths that brought the blood faintly into

his cheek。  She was not thinking of the priest's admonishing words;

she was thinking of the quiet; unselfish work that this gloomy

misanthrope had been doing while his companions had been engaged in

lower aims and listless pleasures; and while she herself had been

aimlessly fretting and diverting herself。  What were her few hours

of applauded instruction with the pretty Murillo…like children of

the Fort compared to his silent and unrecognized labor!  Yet even

at this moment an uneasy doubt crossed her mind。

〃I suppose Mrs。 Brimmer and Miss Chubb interest themselves greatly

in yourin the Padre's charities?〃

The first playful smile she had seen on Hurlstone's face lightened

in his eyes and lips; and was becoming。

〃I am afraid my barbarians are too low and too near home for Mrs。

Brimmer's missionary zeal。  She and Miss Chubb patronize the

Mexican school with cast…off dresses; old bonnets retrimmed;

flannel petticoats; some old novels and books of poetryof which

the Padre makes an auto…da…feand their own patronizing presence

on fete days。  Providence has given them the vague impression that

leprosy and contagious skin…disease are a peculiarity of the

southern aborigine; and they have left me severely alone。〃

〃I wish you would prevail upon the Padre to let ME help you;〃 said

Miss Keene; looking down。

〃But you already have the Commander's chickenswhich you are

bringing up as swans; by the way;〃 said Hurlstone mischievously。

〃You wouldn't surely abandon the nest again?〃

〃You are laughing at me;〃 said Miss Keene; putting on a slight pout

to hide the vague pleasure that Hurlstone's gayer manner was giving

her。  〃But; really; I've been thinking that the Presidio children

are altogether too pretty and picturesque for me; and that I enjoy

them too much to do them any good。  It's like playing with them;

you know!〃

Hurlstone laughed; but suddenly looking down upon her face he was

struck with its youthfulness。  She had always impressed him before

through her reserve and independenceas older; and more matured

in character。  He did not know how lately she was finding her lost

youth as he asked her; quite abruptly; if she ever had any little

brothers and sisters。

The answer to this question involved the simple story of Miss

Keene's life; which she gave with naive detail。  She told him of

her early childhood; and the brother who was only an indistinct

memory; of her school days; and her friendships up to the moment of

her first step into the great world that was so strangely arrested

at Todos Santos。  He was touched with the almost pathetic blankness

of this virgin page。  Encouraged by his attention; and perhaps

feeling a sympathy she had lately been longing for; she confessed

to him the thousand little things which she had reserved from even

Mrs。 Markham during her first apathetic weeks at Todos Santos。

〃I'm sure I should have been much happier if I had had any one to

talk to;〃 she added; looking up into his face with a naivete of

faint reproach; 〃it's very different for men; you know。  They can

always distract themselves with something。  Although;〃 she

continued hesitatingly; 〃I've sometimes thought YOU would have been

happier if you had had somebody to tell your troubles toI don't

mean the Padre; for; good as he is; he is a foreigner; you know;

and wouldn't look upon things as WE dobut some one in sympathy

with you。〃

She stopped; alarmed at the change of expression in his face。  A

quick flush had crossed his cheek; for an instant he had looked

suspiciously into her questioning eyes。  But the next moment the

idea of his quietly selecting this simple; unsophisticated girl as

the confidant of his miserable marriage; and the desperation that

had brought him there; struck him as being irresistibly ludicrous

and he smiled。  It was the first time that the habitual morbid

intensity of his thoughts on that one subject had ever been

disturbed by reaction; it was the first time that a clear ray of

reason had pierced the gloom in which he had enwrapped it。  Seeing

him smile; the young girl smiled too。  Then they smiled together

vaguely and sympathetically; as over some unspoken confidence。

But; unknown and unsuspected by himself; that smile had completed

his emancipation and triumph。  The next moment; when he sought with

a conscientious sigh to reenter his old mood; he was half shocked

to find it gone。  Whatever gradual influencethe outcome of these

few months of rest and reposemay have already been at work to

dissipate his clouded fancy; he was only vaguely conscious that the

laughing breath of the young girl had blown it away forever。

The perilous point passed; unconsciously to both of them; they fell

into freer conversation; tacitly avoiding the subject of Mr。

Hurlstone's past reserve only as being less interesting。  Hurlstone

did not return Miss Keene's confidencesnot because he wished to

deceive her; but that he preferred to entertain her; while she did

not care to know his secret now that it no longer affected their

sympathy in other things。  It was a pleasant; innocent selfishness;

that; however; led them along; step by step; to more uncertain and

difficult ground。

In their idle; happy walk they had strayed towards the beach; and

had come upon a large stone cross with its base half hidden in

sand; and covered with small tenacious; sweet…scented creepers;

bearing a pale lilac blossom that exhaled a mingled odor of sea and

shore。  Hurlstone pointed out the cross as one of the earliest

outposts of the Church on the edge of the unclaimed heathen

wilderness。  It was hung with strings of gaudy shells and feathers;

which Hurlstone explained were votive offerings in which their

pagan superstitions still mingled with their new faith。

〃I don't like to worry that good old Padre;〃 he continued; with a

light smile; 〃but I'm afraid that they prefer this cross to the

chapel for certain heathenish reasons of their own。  I am quite

sure that they still hold some obscure rites here under the good

Father's very nose; and that; in the guise of this emblem of our

universal faith; they worship some deity we have no knowledge of。〃

〃It's a shame;〃 said Miss Keene quickly。

To her surprise; Hurlstone did not appear so shocked as she; in her

belief of his religious sympathy with the Padre; had imagined。

〃They're a harmless race;〃 he said carelessly。  〃The place is much

frequented by the childrenespecially the young girls; a good many

of these offerings came from them。〃

The better to examine these quaint tributes; Miss Keene had thrown

herself; with an impulsive; girlish abandonment; on the mound by

the cross; and Hurlstone sat down beside her。  Their eyes met in an

innocent pleasure of each other's company。  She thought him very

handsome in the dark; half official Mexican dress that necessity

alone had obliged him to 
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