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maid marian-第11章

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 Robin Hood。〃  The arrow reached its destiny; the sheriff redoubled his speed; and; with the one arrow in his arm; did not stop to breathe till he was out of reach of another。

The foresters did not waste time in Nottingham; but were soon at a distance from its walls。  Sir Guy returned with Alice to Gamwell…Hall; but thinking he should not be safe there; from the share he had had in his son's rescue; they only remained long enough to supply themselves with clothes and money; and departed; under the escort of Little John; to another seat of the Gamwells in Yorkshire。  Young Gamwell; taking it for granted that his offence was past remission; determined on joining Robin Hood; and accompanied him to the forest; where it was deemed expedient that he should change his name; and he was rechristened without a priest; and with wine instead of water; by the immortal name of Scarlet。


     Who set my man i' the stocks?  I set him there; Sir but his own disorders  Deserved much less advancement。Lear。

The baron was inflexible in his resolution not to let Matilda leave the castle。  The letter; which announced to her the approaching fate of young Gamwell; filled her with grief; and increased the irksomeness of a privation which already preyed sufficiently on her spirits; and began to undermine her health。  She had no longer the consolation of the society of her old friend father Michael: the little fat friar of Rubygill was substituted as the castle confessor; not without some misgivings in his ghostly bosom; but he was more allured by the sweet savour of the good things of this world at Arlingford Castle; than deterred by his awe of the lady Matilda; which nevertheless was so excessive; from his recollection of the twang of the bow…string; that he never ventured to find her in the wrong; much less to enjoin any thing in the shape of penance; as was the occasional practice of holy confessors; with or without cause; for the sake of pious discipline; and what was in those days called social order; namely; the preservation of the privileges of the few who happened to have any; at the expense of the swinish multitude who happened to have none; except that of working and being shot at for the benefit of their betters; which is obviously not the meaning of social order in our more enlightened times: let us therefore be grateful to Providence; and sing Te Deum laudamus in chorus with the Holy Alliance。

The little friar; however; though he found the lady spotless; found the butler a great sinner:  at least so it was conjectured; from the length of time he always took to confess him in the buttery。

Matilda became every day more pale and dejected:  her spirit; which could have contended against any strenuous affliction; pined in the monotonous inaction to which she was condemned。 While she could freely range the forest with her lover in the morning; she had been content to return to her father's castle in the evening; thus preserving underanged the balance of her duties; habits; and affections; not without a hope that the repeal of her lover's outlawry might be eventually obtained; by a judicious distribution of some of his forest spoils among the holy fathers and saints that…were…to…be;pious proficients in the ecclesiastic art equestrian; who rode the conscience of King Henry with double…curb bridles; and kept it well in hand when it showed mettle and seemed inclined to rear and plunge。 But the affair at Gamwell feast threw many additional difficulties in the way of the accomplishment of this hope; and very shortly afterwards King Henry the Second went to make up in the next world his quarrel with Thomas…a…Becket; and Richard Coeur de Lion made all England resound with preparations for the crusade; to the great delight of many zealous adventurers; who eagerly flocked under his banner in the hope of enriching themselves with Saracen spoil; which they called fighting the battles of God。  Richard; who was not remarkably scrupulous in his financial operations; was not likely to overlook the lands and castle of Locksley; which he appropriated immediately to his own purposes; and sold to the highest bidder。  Now; as the repeal of the outlawry would involve the restitution of the estates to the rightful owner; it was obvious that it could never be expected from that most legitimate and most Christian king; Richard the First of England; the arch…crusader and anti…jacobin by excellence; the very type; flower; cream; pink; symbol; and mirror of all the Holy Alliances that have ever existed on earth; excepting that he seasoned his superstition and love of conquest with a certain condiment of romantic generosity and chivalrous self…devotion; with which his imitators in all other points have found it convenient to dispense。 To give freely to one man what he had taken forcibly from another; was generosity of which he was very capable; but to restore what he had taken to the man from whom he had taken it; was something that wore too much of the cool physiognomy of justice to be easily reconcileable to his kingly feelings。 He had; besides; not only sent all King Henry's saints about their business; or rather about their no…business their faineantisebut he had laid them under rigorous contribution for the purposes of his holy war; and having made them refund to the piety of the successor what they had extracted from the piety of the precursor; he compelled them; in addition; to give him their blessing for nothing。 Matilda; therefore; from all these circumstances; felt little hope that her lover would be any thing but an outlaw for life。

The departure of King Richard from England was succeeded by the episcopal regency of the bishops of Ely and Durham。  Longchamp; bishop of Ely; proceeded to show his sense of Christian fellowship by arresting his brother bishop; and despoiling him of his share in the government; and to set forth his humility and loving…kindness in a retinue of nobles and knights who consumed in one night's entertainment some five years' revenue of their entertainer; and in a guard of fifteen hundred foreign soldiers; whom he considered indispensable to the exercise of a vigour beyond the law in maintaining wholesome discipline over the refractory English。  The ignorant impatience of the swinish multitude with these fruits of good living; brought forth by one of the meek who had inherited the earth; displayed itself in a general ferment; of which Prince John took advantage to make the experiment of getting possession of his brother's crown in his absence。  He began by calling at Reading a council of barons; whose aspect induced the holy bishop to disguise himself (some say as an old woman; which; in the twelfth century; perhaps might have been a disguise for a bishop); and make his escape beyond sea。 Prince John followed up his advantage by obtaining possession of several strong posts; and among others of the castle of Nottingham。

While John was conducting his operations at Nottingham; he rode at times past the castle of Arlingford。  He stopped on one occasion to claim Lord Fitzwater's hospitality; and made most princely havoc among his venison and brawn。  Now it is a matter of record among divers great historians and learned clerks; that he was then and there grievously smitten by the charms of the lovely Matilda; and that a few days after he despatched his travelling minstrel; or laureate; Harpiton;'3' (whom he retained at moderate wages; to keep a journal of his proceedings; and prove them all just and legitimate); to the castle of Arlingford; to make proposals to the lady。 This Harpiton was a very useful person。  He was always ready; not only to maintain the cause of his master with his pen; and to sing his eulogies to his harp; but to undertake at a moment's notice

any kind of courtly employment; called dirty work by the profane; which the blessings of civil government; namely; his master's pleasure; and the interests of social order; namely; his own emolument; might require。  In short;

 Il eut l'emploi qui certes n'est pas mince;  Et qu'a la cour; ou tout se peint en beau;  On appelloit etre l'ami du prince;  Mais qu'a la ville; et surtout en province;  Les gens grossiers ont nomme maquereau。

'3' Harp…it…on: or; a corruption of 
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