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tarzan the terrible-第30章

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ng in the light of the western sun。

〃There is Tarzan…jad…guru;〃 he said; and Jar…don understood。


The Masquerader

AS TARZAN dropped to the ground beyond the temple wall there was in his mind no intention to escape from the City of A…lur until he had satisfied himself that his mate was not a prisoner there; but how; in this strange city in which every man's hand must be now against him; he was to live and prosecute his search was far from clear to him。

There was only one place of which he knew that he might find even temporary sanctuary and that was the Forbidden Garden of the king。 There was thick shrubbery in which a man might hide; and water and fruits。 A cunning jungle creature; if he could reach the spot unsuspected; might remain concealed there for a considerable time; but how he was to traverse the distance between the temple grounds and the garden unseen was a question the seriousness of which he fully appreciated。

〃Mighty is Tarzan;〃 he soliloquized; 〃in his native jungle; but in the cities of man he is little better than they。〃

Depending upon his keen observation and sense of location he felt safe in assuming that he could reach the palace grounds by means of the subterranean corridors and chambers of the temple through which he had been conducted the day before; nor any slightest detail of which had escaped his keen eyes。 That would be better; he reasoned; than crossing the open grounds above where his pursuers would naturally immediately follow him from the temple and quickly discover him。

And so a dozen paces from the temple wall he disappeared from sight of any chance observer above; down one of the stone stairways that led to the apartments beneath。 The way that he had been conducted the previous day had followed the windings and turnings of numerous corridors and apartments; but Tarzan; sure of himself in such matters; retraced the route accurately without hesitation。

He had little fear of immediate apprehension here since he believed that all the priests of the temple had assembled in the court above to witness his trial and his humiliation and his death; and with this idea firmly implanted in his mind he rounded the turn of the corridor and came face to face with an under priest; his grotesque headdress concealing whatever emotion the sight of Tarzan may have aroused。

However; Tarzan had one advantage over the masked votary of Jad…ben…Otho in that the moment he saw the priest he knew his intention concerning him; and therefore was not compelled to delay action。 And so it was that before the priest could determine on any suitable line of conduct in the premises a long; keen knife had been slipped into his heart。

As the body lunged toward the floor Tarzan caught it and snatched the headdress from its shoulders; for the first sight of the creature had suggested to his ever…alert mind a bold scheme for deceiving his enemies。

The headdress saved from such possible damage as it must have sustained had it fallen to the floor with the body of its owner; Tarzan relinquished his hold upon the corpse; set the headdress carefully upon the floor and stooping down severed the tail of the Ho…don close to its root。 Near by at his right was a small chamber from which the priest had evidently just emerged and into this Tarzan dragged the corpse; the headdress; and the tail。

Quickly cutting a thin strip of hide from the loin cloth of the priest; Tarzan tied it securely about the upper end of the severed member and then tucking the tail under his loin cloth behind him; secured it in place as best he could。 Then he fitted the headdress over his shoulders and stepped from the apartment; to all appearances a priest of the temple of Jad…ben…Otho unless one examined too closely his thumbs and his great toes。

He had noticed that among both the Ho…don and the Waz…don it was not at all unusual that the end of the tail be carried in one hand; and so he caught his own tail up thus lest the lifeless appearance of it dragging along behind him should arouse suspicion。

Passing along the corridor and through the various chambers he emerged at last into the palace grounds beyond the temple。 The pursuit had not yet reached this point though he was conscious of a commotion not far behind him。 He met now both warriors and slaves but none gave him more than a passing glance; a priest being too common a sight about the palace。

And so; passing the guards unchallenged; he came at last to the inner entrance to the Forbidden Garden and there he paused and scanned quickly that portion of the beautiful spot that lay before his eyes。 To his relief it seemed unoccupied and congratulating himself upon the ease with which he had so far outwitted the high powers of A…lur he moved rapidly to the opposite end of the enclosure。 Here he found a patch of flowering shrubbery that might safely have concealed a dozen men。

Crawling well within he removed the uncomfortable headdress and sat down to await whatever eventualities fate might have in store for him the while he formulated plans for the future。 The one night that he had spent in A…lur had kept him up to a late hour; apprising him of the fact that while there were few abroad in the temple grounds at night; there were yet enough to make it possible for him to fare forth under cover of his disguise without attracting the unpleasant attention of the guards; and; too; he had noticed that the priesthood constituted a privileged class that seemed to come and go at will and unchallenged throughout the palace as well as the temple。 Altogether then; he decided; night furnished the most propitious hours for his investigationby day he could lie up in the shrubbery of the Forbidden Garden; reasonably free from detection。 From beyond the garden he heard the voices of men calling to one another both far and near; and he guessed that diligent was the search that was being prosecuted for him。

The idle moments afforded him an opportunity to evolve a more satisfactory scheme for attaching his stolen caudal appendage。 He arranged it in such a way that it might be quickly assumed or discarded; and this done he fell to examining the weird mask that had so effectively hidden his features。

The thing had been very cunningly wrought from a single block of wood; very probably a section of a tree; upon which the features had been carved and afterward the interior hollowed out until only a comparatively thin shell remained。 Two…semicircular notches had been rounded out from opposite sides of the lower edge。 These fitted snugly over his shoulders; aprons of wood extending downward a few inches upon his chest and back。 From these aprons hung long tassels or switches of hair tapering from the outer edges toward the center which reached below the bottom of his torso。 It required but the most cursory examination to indicate to the ape…man that these ornaments consisted of human scalps; taken; doubtless; from the heads of the sacrifices upon the eastern altars。 The headdress itself had been carved to depict in formal design a hideous face that suggested both man and gryf。 There were the three white horns; the yellow face with the blue bands encircling the eyes and the red hood which took the form of the posterior and anterior aprons。

As Tarzan sat within the concealing foliage of the shrubbery meditating upon the hideous priest…mask which he held in his hands he became aware that he was not alone in the garden。 He sensed another presence and presently his trained ears detected the slow approach of naked feet across the sward。 At first he suspected that it might be one stealthily searching the Forbidden Garden for him but a little later the figure came within the limited area of his vision which was circumscribed by stems and foliage and flowers。 He saw then that it was the princess O…lo…a and that she was alone and walking with bowed head as though in meditationsorrowful meditation for there were traces of tears upon her lids。

Shortly after his ears warned him that others had entered the gardenmen they were and their footsteps proclaimed that they walked neither slowly nor meditatively。 They came directly toward the princess and when Tarzan could see them he discovered that both were priests。

〃O…lo…a; Princess of Pal…ul…don;〃 said one; addressing her; 〃the stranger who told us that he was the son of Jad…ben…Otho has but just fled from the wrath of Lu…don; the high priest; who exposed him and all his wicked blasphemy。 The temple; and the palace; and the city are being searched and we have been sent to search the Forbidden Garden; since Ko…tan; the king; said that only this morning he found him here; though how he passed the guards he could not guess。〃

〃He is not here;〃 said O…lo…a。 〃I have been in the garden for some time and have seen nor heard no other than myself。 However; search it if you will。〃

〃No;〃 said the priest who had before spoken; 〃it is not necessary since he could not have entered without your knowledge and the connivance of the guards; and even had he; the priest who preceded us must have seen him。〃

〃What priest?〃 asked O…lo…a。

〃One passed the guards shortly before us;〃 explained the man。

〃I did not see him;〃 said O…lo…a。

〃Doubtless he left by another ex
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