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april hopes-第16章

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〃Indeed!〃 cried Mrs。 Pasmer; not wholly pleased; but gratified that she
was able to hide her displeasure。  〃You make me very curious。〃

〃Oh; I doubt if you'll see more than a mere likeness of temperament;〃
Mrs。 Brinkley interfered bluntly。  〃All the conditions are so different。
There couldn't be an American Lisa。  That's the charm of these Russian
tragedies。  You feel that they're so perfectly true there; and so
perfectly impossible here。  Lavretsky would simply have got himself
divorced from Varvara Pavlovna; and no clergyman could have objected to
marrying him to Lisa。〃

〃That's what I mean by his pessimism;〃 said Miss Cotton。  〃He leaves you
no hope。  And I think that despair should never be used in a novel except
for some good purpose; don't you; Mrs。 Brinkley?〃

〃Well;〃 said Mrs。 Brinkley; 〃I was trying to think what good purpose
despair could be put to; in a book or out of it。〃

〃I don't think;〃 said Mrs。 Pasmer; referring to the book in her lap;
〃that he leaves you altogether in despair here; unless you'd rather he'd
run off with Irene than married Tatiana。〃

〃Oh; I certainly didn't wish that;〃 said Miss Cotton; in self…defence; as
if the shot had been aimed at her。

〃The book ends with a marriage; there's no denying that;〃 said Mrs。
Brinkley; with a reserve in her tone which caused Mrs。 Pasmer to continue
for her

〃And marriage means happinessin a book。〃

〃I'm not sure that it does in this case。  The time would come; after
Litvinof had told Tatiana everything; when she would have to ask herself;
and not once only; what sort of man it really was who was willing to
break his engagement and run off with another man's wife; and whether he
could ever repent enough for it。  She could make excuses for him; and
would; but at the bottom of her heartNo; it seems to me that there;
almost for the only time; Tourguenief permitted himself an amiable
weakness。  All that part of the book has the air of begging the

〃But don't you see;〃 said Miss Cotton; leaning forward in the way she had
when very earnest; 〃that he means to show that her love is strong enough
for all that?〃

〃But he doesn't; because it isn't。  Love isn't strong enough to save
people from unhappiness through each other's faults。  Do you suppose that
so many married people are unhappy in each other because they don't love
each other?  No; it's because they do love each other that their faults
are such a mutual torment。  If they were indifferent; they wouldn't mind
each other's faults。  Perhaps that's the reason why there are so many
American divorces; if they didn't care; like Europeans; who don't marry
for love; they could stand it。〃

〃Then the moral is;〃 said Mrs。 Pasmer; at her lightest through the
surrounding gravity; 〃that as all Americans marry for love; only
Americans who have been very good ought to get married。〃

〃I'm not sure that the have…been goodness is enough either;〃 said Mrs。
Brinkley; willing to push it to the absurd。  〃You marry a man's future as
well as his past。〃

〃Dear me!  You are terribly exigeante; Mrs。 Brinkley;〃 said Mrs。 Pasmer。

〃One can afford to be soin the abstract;〃 answered Mrs。 Brinkley。

They all stopped talking and looked at John Munt; who was coming toward
them; and each felt a longing to lay the matter before him。

There was probably not a woman among them but had felt more; read more;
and thought more than John Munt; but he was a man; and the mind of a man
is the court of final appeal for the wisest women。  Till some man has
pronounced upon their wisdom; they do not know whether it is wisdom or

Munt drew up his chair; and addressed himself to the whole group through
Mrs。 Pasmer: 〃We are thinking of getting up a little picnic to…morrow。


The day of the picnic struggled till ten o'clock to peer through the fog
that wrapt it with that remote damp and coolness and that nearer drouth
and warmth which some fogs have。  The low pine groves hung full of it;
and it gave a silvery definition to the gossamer threads running from one
grass spear to another in spacious networks over the open levels of the
old fields that stretch back from the bluff to the woods。  At last it
grew thinner; somewhere over the bay; then you could see the smooth water
through it; then it drifted off in ragged fringes before a light breeze:
when you looked landward again it was all gone there; and seaward it had
gathered itself in a low; dun bank along the horizon。  It was the kind of
fog that people interested in Campobello admitted as apt to be common
there; but claimed as a kind of local virtue when it began to break away。
They said that it was a very dry fog; not like Newport; and asked you to
notice that it did not wet you at all。

Four or five carriages; driven by the gentlemen of the party; held the
picnic; which was destined for that beautiful cove on the Bay of Fundy
where the red granite ledges; smooth…washed by ages of storm and sun;
lend themselves to such festivities as if they had been artificially
fashioned into shelves and tables。  The whole place is yet so new to men
that this haunt has not acquired that air of repulsive custom which the
egg shells and broken bottles and sardine boxes of many seasons give。  Or
perhaps the winter tempests heap the tides of the bay over the ledge; and
wash it clean of these vulgar traces of human resort; and enable it to
offer as fresh a welcome to the picnics of each successive summer as if
there had never been a picnic in that place before。

This was the sense that Mavering professed to have received from it; when
he jumped out of the beach wagon in which he had preceded the other
carriages through the weird forest lying between the fringe of farm
fields and fishing…villages on the western shore of the island and these
lonely coasts of the bay。  As far as the signs of settled human
habitation last; tho road is the good hard country road of New England;
climbing steep little hills; and presently leading through long tracts of
woodland。  But at a certain point beyond the furthest cottage you leave
it; and plunge deep into the heart of the forest; vaguely traversed by
the wheel…path carried through since the island was opened to summer
sojourn。  Road you can hardly call it; remembering its curious pauses and
hesitations when confronted with stretches of marshy ground; and its
staggering progress over the thick stubble of saplings through which it
is cut。  The progress of teams over it is slow; but there is such joy of
wildness in the solitudes it penetrates that; if the horses had any gait
slower than a walk; one might still wish to stay them。  It is a Northern
forest; with the air of having sprang quickly up in the fierce heat and
haste of the Northern summers。  The small firs are set almost as dense as
rye in a field; and in their struggle to the light they have choked one
another so that there is a strange blight of death and defeat on all that
vigour of life。  Few of the trees have won any lofty growth; they seem to
have died and fallen when they were about to outstrip the others in size;
and from their decay a new sylvan generation riots rankly upward。  The
surface of the ground is thinly clothed with a deciduous undergrowth;
above which are the bare; spare stems of the evergreens; and then their
limbs thrusting into one another in a sombre tangle; with locks of long
yellowish…white moss; like the grey pendants of the Southern pines;
dripping from them and draining their brief life。

In such a place you must surrender yourself to its influences; profoundly
yet vaguely melancholy; or you must resist them with whatever gaiety is
in you; or may be conjured out of others。  It was conceded that Mavering
was the life of the party; as the phrase goes。  His light…heartedness; as
kindly and sympathetic as it was inexhaustible; served to carry them over
the worst places in the road of itself。  He jumped down and ran back;
when he had passed a bad bit; to see if the others were getting through
safely; the least interesting of the party had some proof of his
impartial friendliness; he promised an early and triumphant emergence
from all difficulties; he started singing; and sacrificed himself in
several tunes; for he could not sing well; his laugh seemed to be always
coming back to Alice; where she rode late in the little procession;
several times; with the deference which he delicately qualified for her;
he came himself to see if he could not do something for her。

〃Miss Pasmer;〃 croaked her friend Miss Anderson; who always began in that
ceremonious way with her; and got to calling her Alice further along in
the conversation; 〃if you don't drop something for that poor fellow to
run back two or three miles and get; pretty soon; I'll do it myself。
It's peyfectly disheaytening to see his disappointment when you tell him
theye's nothing to be done。〃

〃He seems to get over it;〃 said Alice evasively。  She smiled with
pleasure in Miss Anderson's impeachment; however。

〃Oh; he keeps coming; if that's what you mean。  But do drop an umbrella;
or a rubber; or something; next time; just to show a proper

But Mavering did not come any more。  Jus
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