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april hopes-第25章

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thatI'm very tired; and I'm going back to the hotel。  I must ask you to
let me go back alone。〃

〃Alice; I love you。〃

〃I'm sorry you said itsorry; sorry。〃

〃Why?〃 he asked; with hopeless futility。

〃Because there can be no love between usnot friendship evennot

〃I shouldn't have asked for your acquaintance; your friendship; if〃
His words conveyed a delicate reproach; and they stung her; because they
put her in the wrong。

〃No matter;〃 she began wildly。  〃I didn't mean to wound you。  But we must
part; and we must never see each other again:〃

He stood confused; as if he could not make it out or believe it。  〃But

〃It's to…day now。〃

〃Ah; no!  It's last night。  And I can explain。〃

〃No!〃 she cried。  〃You shall not make me out so mean and vindictive。  I
don't care for last night; nor for anything that happened。〃  This was not
true; but it seemed so to her at the moment; she thought that she really
no longer resented his association with Miss Anderson and his separation
from herself in all that had taken place。

〃Then what is it?〃

〃I can't tell you。  But everything is over between usthat's all。〃

〃But yesterdayand all these days pastyou seemed〃

〃It's unfair of you to insistit's ungenerous; ungentlemanly。〃

That word; which from a woman's tongue always strikes a man like a blow
in the face; silenced Mavering。  He set his lips and bowed; and they
parted。  She turned upon her way; and he kept the path which she had been

It was not the hour when the piazzas were very full; and she slipped into
the dim hotel corridor undetected; or at least undetained。  She flung
into her room; and confronted her mother。

Mrs。 Pasmer was there looking into a trunk that had overflowed from her
own chamber。  〃What is the matter?〃 she said to her daughter's excited

〃Mr。 Mavering〃


〃And I refused him。〃

Mrs。 Pasmer was one of those ladies who in any finality have a keen
retrovision of all the advantages of a different conclusion。  She had
been thinking; since she told Dan Mavering which way Alice had gone to
walk; that if he were to speak to her now; and she were to accept him; it
would involve a great many embarrassing consequences; but she had
consoled herself with the probability that he would not speak so soon
after the effects of last night; but would only try at the furthest to
make his peace with Alice。  Since he had spoken; though; and she had
refused him; Mrs。 Pasmer instantly saw all the pleasant things that would
have followed in another event。  〃Refused him?〃 she repeated
provisionally; while she gathered herself for a full exploration of all
the facts。

〃Yes; mamma; and I can't talk about it。  I wish never to hear his name
again; or to see him; or to speak to him。〃

〃Why; of course not;〃 said Mrs。 Pasmer; with a fine smile; from the
vantage…ground of her superior years; 〃if you've refused him。〃  She left
the trunk which she had been standing over; and sat down; while Alice
swept to and fro before her excitedly。  〃But why did you refuse him; my

〃Why?  Because he's detestableperfectly ignoble。〃

Her mother probably knew how to translate these exalted expressions into
the more accurate language of maturer life。  〃Do you mean last night?〃

〃Last night?〃 cried Alice tragically。  〃No。  Why should I care for last

〃Then I don't understand what you mean;〃 retorted Mrs。 Pasmer。  〃What did
he say?〃 she demanded; with authority。

〃Mamma; I can't talk about itI won't。〃

〃But you must; Alice。  It's your duty。  Of course I must know about it。
What did he say?〃

Alice walked up and down the room with her lips firmly closedlike
Mavering's lips; it occurred to her; and then she opened them; but
without speaking。

〃What did he say?〃 persisted her mother; and her persistence had its

〃Say?〃 exclaimed the girl indignantly。  〃He tried to make me say。〃

〃I see;〃 said Mrs。 Pasmer。  〃Well?〃

〃But I forced him to speak; and thenI rejected him。  That's all。〃

〃Poor fellow!〃 said Mrs。 Pasmer。  〃He was afraid of you。〃

〃And that's what made it the more odious。  Do you think I wished him to
be afraid of me?  Would that be any pleasure?  I should hate myself if I
had to quell anybody into being unlike themselves。〃  She sat down for a
moment; and then jumped up again; and went to the window; for no reason;
and came back。

〃Yes;〃 said her mother impartially; 〃he's light; and he's roundabout。  He
couldn't come straight at anything。〃

〃And would you have me accept such abeing?〃

Mrs。 Pasmer smiled a little at the literary word; and continued: 〃But
he's very sweet; and he's as good as the day's long; and he's very fond
of you; andI thought you liked him。〃

The girl threw up her arms across her eyes。  〃Oh; how can you say such a
thing; mamma?〃

She dropped into a chair at the bedside; and let her face fall into her
hands; and cried。

Her mother waited for the gust of tears to pass before she said; 〃But if
you feel so about it〃

〃Mamma!〃  Alice sprang to her feet。

〃It needn't come from you。  I could make some excuse to see himwrite
him a little note〃

〃Never!〃 exclaimed Alice grandly。  〃What I've done I've done from my
reason; and my feelings have nothing to do with it。〃

〃Oh; very well;〃 said her mother; going out of the room; not wholly
disappointed with what she viewed as a respite; and amused by her
daughter's tragics。  〃But if you think that the feelings have nothing to
do with such a matter; you're very much mistaken。〃  If she believed that
her daughter did not know her real motives in rejecting Dan Mavering; or
had not been able to give them; she did not say so。

The little group of Aliceolaters on the piazza; who began to canvass the
causes of Mavering's going before the top of his hat disappeared below
the bank on the path leading to the ferry…boat; were of two minds。  One
faction held that he was going because Alice had refused him; and that
his gaiety up to the last moment was only a mask to hide his despair。
The other side contended that; if he and Alice were not actually engaged;
they understood each other; and he was going away because he wanted to
tell his family; or something of that kind。  Between the two opinions
Miss Cotton wavered with a sentimental attraction to either。  〃What do
you really think?〃 she asked Mrs。 Brinkley; arriving from lunch at the
corner of the piazza where the group was seated。

〃Oh; what does it matter; at their age?〃 she demanded。

〃But they're just of the age when it does happen to matter;〃 suggested
Mrs。 Stamwell。

〃Yes;〃 said Mrs。 Brinkley; 〃and that's what makes the whole thing so
perfectly ridiculous。  Just think of two children; one of twenty and the
other of twenty…three; proposing to decide their lifelong destiny in such
a vital matter!  Should we trust their judgment in regard to the smallest
business affair?  Of course not。  They're babes in arms; morally and
mentally speaking。  People haven't the data for being wisely in love till
they've reached the age when they haven't the least wish to be so。  Oh; I
suppose I thought that I was a grown woman too when I was twenty; I can
look back and see that I did; and; what's more preposterous still; I
thought Mr。 Brinkley was a man at twenty…four。  But we were no more fit
to accept or reject each other at that infantile period〃

〃Do you really think so?〃 asked Miss Cotton; only partially credulous of
Mrs。 Brinkley's irony。

〃Yes; it does seem out of all reason;〃 admitted Mrs。 Stamwell。

〃Of course it is;〃 said Mrs。 Brinkley。  〃If she has rejected him; she's
done a very safe thing。  Nobody should be allowed to marry before fifty。
Then; if people married; it would be because they knew that they loved
each other。〃

Miss Cotton reflected a moment。  〃It is strange that such an important
question should have to be decided at an age when the judgment is so far
from mature。  I never happened to look at it in that light before。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Mrs。 Brinkleyand she made herself comfortable in an arm
chair commanding a stretch of the bay over which the ferry…boat must
pass〃but it's only part and parcel of the whole affair。  I'm sure that
no grown person can see the ridiculous young thingsinexperienced;
ignorant; featherbrainedthat nature intrusts with children; their
immortal little souls and their extremely perishable little bodies;
without rebelling at the whole system。  When you see what most young
mothers are; how perfectly unfit and incapable; you wonder that the whole
race doesn't teeth and die。  Yes; there's one thing I feel pretty sure
ofthat; as matters are arranged now; there oughtn't to be mothers at
all; there ought to be only grandmothers。〃

The group all laughed; even Miss Cotton; but she was the first to become
grave。  At the bottom of her heart there was a doubt whether so light a
way of treating serious things was not a little wicked。

〃Perhaps;〃 she said; 〃we shall have to go back to the idea that
engagements and marriages are not intended to be regulated by the
judgment; but by the affections。〃

〃I don't know what's intended;〃 said Mrs。 Brinkley; 〃but I know what is。
In ninety…nine cases out of a hundred t
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