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april hopes-第42章

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somebody else's a while。〃

〃I guess you're pretty solid;〃 said Dan; after thinking it over for a
moment。  〃I don't believe you're going to make it hard for me; and I know
you can make it just what you please。  But I want you to be frank with
mother。  Of course I wish you felt about the whole affair just as I do;
but if you're right on the main question; I don't care for the rest。  I'd
rather mother would know just how you feel about it;〃 said Dan; with a
sigh for the honesty which he felt to be not immediately attainable in his
own case。

〃Well; I'll see what can be done;〃 Eunice finally assented。

Whatever her feelings were in regard to the matter; she must have
satisfied herself that the situation was not to be changed by her
disliking it; and she began to talk so sympathetically with Dan that she
soon had the whole story of his love out of him。  They laughed a good deal
together at it; but it convinced her that he had not been hoodwinked into
the engagement。  It is always the belief of a young man's family;
especially his mother and sisters; that unfair means have been used to win
him; if the family of his betrothed are unknown to them; and it was a
relief; if not exactly a comfort; for Eunice Mavering to find that Alice
was as great a simpleton as Dan; and perhaps a sincerer simpleton。


A week later; in fulfilment of the arrangement made by Mrs。 Pasmer and
Eunice Mavering; Alice and her mother returned the formal visit of Dan's

While Alice stood before the mirror in one of the sumptuously furnished
rooms assigned them; arranging a ribbon for the effect upon Dan's mother
after dinner; and regarding its relation to her serious beauty; Mrs。
Pasmer came out of her chamber adjoining; and began to inspect the formal
splendour of the place。

〃What a perfect man's house!〃 she said; peering about。  〃You can see that
everything has been done to order。  They have their own taste; they're
artistic enough for thator the father isand they've given orders to
have things done so and so; and the New York upholsterer has come up and
taken the measure of the rooms and done it。  But it isn't like New York;
and it isn't individual。  The whole house is just like those girls'
tailor…made costumes in character。  They were made in New York; but they
don't wear them with the New York style; there's no more atmosphere about
them than if they were young men dressed up。  There isn't a thing lacking
in the house here; there's an awful completeness; but even the ornaments
seem laid on; like the hot and cold water。  I never saw a handsomer; more
uninviting room than that drawing room。  I suppose the etching will come
some time after supper。  What do you think of it all; Alice?〃

〃Oh; I don't know。  They must be very rich;〃 said the girl indifferently。

〃You can't tell。  Country people of a certain kind are apt to put
everything on their backs and their walls and floors。  Of course such a
house here doesn't mean what it would in town。〃  She examined the texture
of the carpet more critically; and the curtains; she had no shame about a
curiosity that made her daughter shrink。

〃Don't; mamma!〃 pleaded the girl。  〃What if they should come?〃

〃They won't come;〃 said Mrs。 Pasmer; and her notice being called to Alice;
she made her take off the ribbon。  〃You're better without it。〃

〃I'm so nervous I don't know what I'm doing;〃 said Alice; removing it;
with a whimper。

〃Well; I can't have you breaking down!〃 cried her mother warningly: she
really wished to shake her; as a culmination of her own conflicting
emotions。  〃Alice; stop this instant!  Stop it; I say!〃

〃But if I don't like her?〃 whimpered Alice。

You're not going to marry her。  Now stop!  Here; bathe your eyes; they're
all red。  Though I don't know that it matters。  Yes; they'll expect you to
have been crying;〃 said Mrs。 Pasmer; seeing the situation more and more
clearly。  〃It's perfectly natural。〃  But she took some cologne on a
handkerchief; and recomposed Alice's countenance for her。  〃There; the
colour becomes you; and I never saw your eyes look so bright。〃

There was a pathos in their brilliancy which of course betrayed her to the
Mavering girls。  It softened Eunice; and encouraged Minnie; who had been a
little afraid of the Pasmers。  They both kissed Alice with sisterly
affection。  Their father merely saw how handsome she looked; and Dan's
heart seemed to melt in his breast with tenderness。

In recognition of the different habits of their guests; they had dinner
instead of tea。  The Portuguese cook had outdone himself; and course
followed course in triumphal succession。  Mrs。 Pasmer praised it all with
a sincerity that took away a little of the zest she felt in making
flattering speeches。

Everything about the table was perfect; but in a man's fashion; like the
rest of the house。  It lacked the atmospheric charm; the otherwise
indefinable grace; which a woman's taste gives。  It was in fact Elbridge
Mavering's taste which had characterised the whole; the daughters simply
accepted and approved。

〃Yes;〃 said Eunice; 〃we haven't much else to do; so we eat。  And Joe does
his best to spoil us。〃


〃Joe's the cook。  All Portuguese cooks are Joe。〃

〃How very amusing!〃 said Mrs。 Pasmer。  〃You must let me speak of your
grapes。  I never saw anything sowell!except your roses。〃

〃There you touched father in two tender spots。  He cultivates both。〃

〃Really?  Alice; did you ever see anything like these roses?〃

Alice looked away from Dan a moment; and blushed to find that she had been
looking so long at him。

〃Ah; I have;〃 said Mavering gallantly。

〃Does he often do it?〃 asked Mrs。 Pasmer; in an obvious aside to Eunice。

Dan answered for him。  〃He never had such a chance before。〃

Between coffee; which they drank at table; and tea; which they were to
take in Mrs。 Mavering's room; they acted upon a suggestion from Eunice
that her father should show Mrs。 Pasmer his rose…house。  At one end of the
dining…room was a little apse of glass full of flowering plants growing
out of the ground; and with a delicate fountain tinkling in their midst。
Dan ran before the rest; and opened two glass doors in the further side of
this half…bubble; and at the same time with a touch flashed up a
succession of brilliant lights in some space beyond; from which there
gushed in a wave of hothouse fragrance; warm; heavy; humid。  It was a
pretty little effect for guests new to the house; and was part of Elbridge
Mavering's pleasure in this feature of his place。  Mrs。 Pasmer responded
with generous sympathy; for if she really liked anything with her whole
heart; it was an effect; and she traversed the half…bubble by its pebbled
path; showering praises right and left with a fulness and accuracy that
missed no detail; while Alice followed silently; her hand in Minnie
Mavering's; and cold with suppressed excitement。  The rose…house was
divided by a wall; pierced with frequent doorways; over which the trees
were trained and the roses hung; and on either side were ranks of rare and
costly kinds; weighed down with bud and bloom。  The air was thick with
their breath and the pungent odours of the rich soil from which they grew;
and the glass roof was misted with the mingled exhalations。

Mr。 Mavering walked beside Alice; modestly explaining the difficulties of
rose culture; and his method of dealing with the red spider。  He had a
stout knife in his hand; and he cropped long; heavy…laden stems of roses
from the walls and the beds; casually giving her their different names;
and laying them along his arm in a massive sheaf。

Mrs。 Pasmer and Eunice had gone forward with Dan; and were waiting for
them at the thither end of the rose…house。

〃Alice! just imagine: the grapery is beyond this;〃 cried the girl's

〃It's a cold grapery;〃 said Mr。 Mavering。  〃I hope you'll see it to…

〃Oh; why not to…night?〃 shouted Dan。

〃Because it's a cold grapery;〃 said Eunice; 〃and after this rose…house;
it's an Arctic grapery。  You're crazy; Dan。〃

〃Well; I want Alice to see it anyway;〃 he persisted wilfully。  〃There's
nothing like a cold grapery by starlight。  I'll get some wraps。〃  They all
knew that he wished to be alone with her a moment; and the three women;
consenting with their hearts; protested with their tongues; following him
in his flight with their chorus; and greeting his return。  He muffled her
to the chin in a fur…lined overcoat; which he had laid hands on the first
thing; and her mother; still protesting; helped to tie a scarf over her
hair so as not to disarrange it。  〃Here;〃 he pointed; 〃we can run through
it; and it's worth seeing。  Better come;〃 he said to the others as he
opened the door; and hurried Alice down the path under the keen sparkle of
the crystal roof; blotched with the leaves and bunches of the vines。
Coming out of the dense; sensuous; vaporous air of the rose…house into
this clear; thin atmosphere; delicately penetrated with the fragrance;
pure and cold; of the fruit; it was as if they had entered another world。
His arm crept round her in the odorous obscurity。

〃Look up!  See the stars through the vines!  But when she lifted her fac
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